I read about it first in this post at What About Rheema? and have since researched it a little more.
I couldn't believe words like acorn or wren would be dropped from a dictionary. In fact at first, I was appalled. But after thought, I realized it is a reminder that the world keeps on changing and language in everyday use is never stagnant.
When I see beautiful tea cups, china, embroidered items and crocheted blankets at the thrift store, I'm reminded of how our love of things keeps evolving. What is revered by one generation, gets sidelined by another. They have things of their own choosing to use, enjoy and love, I guess.
And that goes for the words they use as well.
Time to revisit the plans I'd made for the October OMG and posted at Elm Street Quilts as goals for the month. It's been a productive month, what with a family Thanksgiving, a Halloween Birthday party, time spent with friends and grandsons, medical appointments seen to, firewood chopped and stacked, some winter shopping done, fitness goals worked on and of course, lots of stitching time too. Make no wonder our days just whiz by!
And in the sewing room...
I easily made the goal of 10 more of the flag blocks. Dipped into green scraps for these. This simple block can't be beat for how it eats up little bits of fabric.
Have not finished my granny square scarf though have been valiantly working on it. Here is my little pile of yarny goodness now today and I guess I need to decide how wide and long the scarf needs to be to know when to stop.
And as you know, the autumn stitching is well underway. In fact that is going to be my slow stitching this weekend.
I have four maple leaf blocks made plus that brown background one that was a test block and now will applique the stems. Thank you for the ideas of how to do this and in particular, to those suggesting insetting it properly when stitching the block. That would have saved stitching time that's for sure. I wondered why I hadn't thought of it and then discovered why. Duh!
Here is the pattern I was following...
from this book by Ruby McKim and the instructions are scant but do state to applique the stem onto the finished block.
I'd also already cut the blocks so I figure I will proceed with the hand stitching. They won't take long.
Sunny and pretty outside but look at all the leaves down.
Our trio of white tailed deer (the third is off to the side) are enjoying taking turns getting a snack of sunflower seeds at the bird feeders in this photo taken from my kitchen window.
They are not pushy with each other at all. Certainly appear to be gentle creatures.
Hope your weekend is wonderful!
In addition to linking with Patty, also joining Viewing Nature With Eileen, So Scrappy, Small Quilts and Doll Quilts, Pretty Piney, Em's Scrapbag and Kathy's Quilts.
Deer really are gentle creatures! They are so much fun to see. They are curious and so quiet. Love your yarny goodness! What an accomplishment to have so many done! Love the quilt design too! Enjoy your weekend!
those area lot of little pieces for a scarf- I guess you sew them all together in rows color order to be determined as you go? I have seen signs of deer in the area away from the house but have not seen any - it has been a chilly rainy last couple of days here - ready for some sun
Hello, I love your deer, they are cute critters and visitors. You maple leaf quilt blocks are pretty. The Lost Words sounds interesting, I can not imagine why words would be left out of a dictionary. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Enjoy your day, wishing you happy weekend. PS, thanks for leaving me a comment
Our leaves are furiously coming down with all the wind we've had this last week. There was a buck chasing a doe around my backyard earlier today. They may be pretty, but they are quite destructive. I've had to put cages around many shrubs and trees to keep them from rubbing their antlers on the younger trees trunks. It takes off the bark and kills the tree. You certainly have some pretty projects under way.
Pretty maple leaf blocks. Great nature photos also.
That pretty yarn is wonderful as are the deer. Dang, I didn't know that once a word was a word it could be deworded, yikes!
How strange that words like that can be dropped from a dictionary - they are the words of things, not fashion words. Odd. I love your pile of squares for the scarf, gorgeous colours. I too have that book - from many years ago! It is falling apart. xx
Whoa!! I had no idea deer ate from bird feeders. Maybe that's how my seed disappears over night. Well, if so, that's OK. At least they don't do any damage. I can see words being added to the dictionary, but not deleted. Thinking does evolve as time goes on about creating new words. It used to drive me crazy when I would hear people say "conversate" and low and behold it has been added to the dictionary. WHY does THAT make it OK with me to use the word. Am I becoming an "old fogey?" your stitching projects are lovely.
xx, Carol
I was interested in that book that Colette shared, too! You have a great philosophy about the changing use of words, Jocelyn. Love seeing your projects! The maple leaf blocks are such pretty colors. Enjoy your day today!
Lovely colors for your granny square scarf. Great maple leaf blocks!
Interesting post. Funny how we push back against change...but it happens anyway. I have Ruby McKims book too xo
Those deer seem very polite waiting for there turn to feed! I have that book too but never used it, your blocks are lovely I might go and dig it off the shelf for another look!
Very pretty projects. Fun to watch the deer at the feeder. Relaxing!
You have so many pretty projects in the works. I love all those little Granny Squares. They are so tiny! Thanks for the deer picture.
While living in a more populated area I was in charge of our quilt guild's block lotto. I had them cut the background of the stem part of the block in half, insert a 1" strip of fabric on that bias side, then pinch center of each next adjoining parts to line them up and stitch back together to get the stem. This was for a 12" finished block. Some did Tea Leaf: without the stem. I won the pile of blocks and re-did that part inserting the stem as described above. No hand work. Made a beautiful quilt for my sister's bed! They love it!
What beautiful colors of yarn you have! So cheerful.
Interesting to know about the missing words from the dictionary. Certainly doesn't make any sense does it. Love that photo of the deer - they are so beautiful.
Love all that yarn and fabric goodness! I wonder who makes the decision to no longer include words in a dictionary. I am guessing I reveal my age when I say embroidered pretties and pretty teacups will always feature highly in my little home. Some thrift shop will be filled to the rafters when my unfortunate demise happens. =)
Think of all the space they saved by dropping forty words! And the ones they excised seem to still be in valid every day usage.
I just read the blog talking about the lost words. Yes, dropping words seems bad but honestly, in 15 years in elementary school I don't remember the word "adder" being used. (Ok, how would I remember 1 of millions of words heard!) But it does make some sense to provide words that the children are hearing and possibly using. I do see the need to allow kids to go out into nature to see the beauty of it. Love your little pile of crochet flowerettes.
Putting together little pieces to make something pretty is an awesome job!
My Corner of the World
Without acorn can they include an oak? - Margy
Aah ! I have that Ruby McKim Patchwork book somewhere on my bookcase ! Now I am going to have to pull it out and have a look at it again :) The weather is wild here again and I am sitting beside the fire doing my embroidery , but now thinking about doing some patchwork again :) x
Jocelyn - I accept that some words pass from common usage, but ACORN, and WREN? That's a little scary! Amazing all the activity in your sewing room. I am getting some things done while I am on vacation, but "work" will start in earnest when we return home in a week ...
Great blocks. Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and congrats on your finish!
I love your flag blocks, pretty use of green scraps!
Love the flag blocks - I really want to play with some of them after I catch up! Your leaves are very pretty an it may take some more time, but they are going to be pretty!
I also have a copy of Ruby's book. It's a classic.
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