Hubby got his annual Advent calendar from daughter...chocolate of course.
He is a tiny bit Grinchish when it comes to Christmas and he has a wife whose family are quite the opposite. He goes along. I have littler grandson spending his PA day with us tomorrow to help me with our Christmas decorating. This is year 3 he has done that with me and a really fun day for us both.
Last year, in charge of the tree.
No matter the season but especially now, my baking is still comfort food...more muffins. I made another batch of Pear, Blueberry and Bran and froze them. They thaw well and this prevents drying out which I find muffins do rather quickly. This is an old original recipe from Kellogg's, easy to follow and allows for substitutions (in this case pumpkin seeds and fruit) and who doesn't need bran. I find them satisfying and filling with a pieced of aged cheddar or Havarti and not as guilty as eating cake or pie even though I know they might match up calorie wise (but I don't count calories).
I'm trying to add more ginger to our diets. Fresh ginger in sauces and stir fries. I keep Ginger Chews in the house and crystallized ginger for baking. Like all these things I don't know how much of it you would have to ingest for it to really matter. But I think I'll buy some ginger tea. I have green tea but you know what, I'm not that fond of it. Only wish I were.
In the sewing room, I'm cutting more Dresden blades, sewing more tiny blocks for the Baskets border and prepping the Quiltmania Advent blocks for hand stitching.
Here is Block One, the Star, almost done. These are tiny so stitch up quickly. The gray is showing up more brownish in this photo and the red is definitely redder in real life; it is beautiful fabric to work with. I am getting more cavalier about cutting into "good" fabric, here one of the French Generals for Christmas.
Another amazing designer...
Temecula Quilt Company is hosting a Tiny Tree Sew Along starting December 4th. It looks really cute and a great way to dive into that green stash. I'll be keeping an eye on it.

I was so pleased to see this article in our Nature Conservacy magazine. Doctors prescribing nature! An amazing concept! Who ever thought this day would come or need to come for that matter. I, like so many of you, grew up with the idea- a given really, that fresh air is good for us. Finally scientists agree.
I love a good shop and that goes for armchair shopping too. I don't mind being a window shopper. I read this article and thought it had neat things certainly worth checking out. Especially good stocking stuffers.
36 Amazing Things Under $20 On Amazon That Keep Selling Out
Being Amazon Prime, we get next day delivery which totally boggles my little mind. How can they do that! Of course I will be checking out Black Friday deals too.
And Etsy has Cyber week deals of 60% off so I will be taking a peek there too.
Rainfall took away a lot of our snow but the ice has remained solid in the pond. We were intrigued by the stunning designs that appeared like magic. Google says they are ice octopi or ice spiders, a common phenomena when a freezing then thawing pattern occurs.
Brave Murphy is the only one still walking on it. She enjoys feeling special and we laugh because she looks back at us like are you watching me.
And it was the glint of it that caught my eye... thaw with rain then freezing made this spikey spray on the tired worn out milkweed pod catch the sun. I had to marvel at the beauty of hundreds of tiny beads of ice.
I know there is a general negative aura these days about the environment but we mustn't forget it is still very much an amazing bird-singing, flower-growing world. It is still in our hands and within our sights to savour and enjoy and yes, especially to protect and keep it that way.
Permit me a little flag waving this morning too about Canada. Acknowledgement of what a wonderful country we have and a reminder we are priviledged to live here enjoying the freedoms and rights and peacefulness, even if the winters are darn long!
Canada ranked number 1 in global quality of life for its citizens.
Happy Thursday All!
Linking as always with Not Afraid of Color, Brian's Home Blog, Floral Friday Foto, Powered By Quilting, Alycia Quilts and It's A Small Town Life.