Taken from one of the bedroom windows- I can't get over how deep into winter this looks so soon, too soon! Is this going to be another very long winter, sigh.
We received this little gizmo/ personal assistant as a free gift with the new TV.
You just have to say Okay Google, play violin music and a polite voice replies and voila, music begins. Hubby has been testing it's ability to keep up with the weather. It's been fun using it though we do wonder about the stories of it listening in and recording conversations. Here at the wooden house, that would be quite a snooze. Typical for us:
Hubby: What's for lunch? Me: How about a sandwich? Hubby: Okay, wait, have we got any white bread left? Me: Yes Hubby: And tomatoes? Me: Yes Hubby: Sure then. ZZZZ
Do any of you do jigsaws? I always complete the New Yorker Cover jigsaw online. You don't have to be a subscriber to access the page. I try Level 3 to make it a little more challenging. They all feature various artists work for the covers which I find interesting.
Here is the link to the jigsaw page.
This cover from November, 1988 featured a soon to be very famous artist, William Steig. Did you know he is the original creator of Shrek? I see a lot of turkeys here.
I use honey a lot and lately this kind, Manuka, keeps cropping up. It's supposed to have high medicinal value and is expensive.
I'm using a wildflower honey now and when it's finished I'm going to give this a try. Costco is selling it I know.
This article at Healthline states there is now scientific information to back up its health benefits claims. But who knows; they've said that about so many things!
We watched this documentary on Netflix and found it enthralling and heartbreaking. How long do you think someone could live in an abandoned house with just apples from a nearby tree to eat?
I've been staring at the wall in the sewing room. This must be configuration #4 of the various blocks and the one I'm most happy with so far. This one has the four Dresdens on the corners and brings the six embroidered blocks to the center. I have other blocks made to fill the vacancies but think I'll still have orphans at the end.
I've sewed a pile of little triangles to make an outside border of flying geese. Kind of boring but good practice on the machine. First I thought of piano keys or something fun like that but then realized such a piece as this with so many different blocks could use a more cohesive border. And using the more neutral gray fabrics would also help in that regard. Here I tried a few against the embroidered blocks and liked it.
Managed to capture this little sparrow foraging. I find sparrows quick moving and not easy subjects for photos. I guess you could say that about a lot of birds. Aren't his browns pretty though.
I think it is an American Tree Sparrow. There are so many kinds of sparrows and with the juveniles wearing different colours at different stages, it can confuse identification.
It's snowing out...a light but steady fall. Hubby is off to coffee with, as he affectionately calls them, the old gits. But there are still three of us here holding down the fort.
Linking this post with Not Afraid of Color, Quilt Fabrication, For the Love of Geese, The Jesh Studio, Floral Passions and Paying Ready Attention.
This article at Healthline states there is now scientific information to back up its health benefits claims. But who knows; they've said that about so many things!
We watched this documentary on Netflix and found it enthralling and heartbreaking. How long do you think someone could live in an abandoned house with just apples from a nearby tree to eat?

I've been staring at the wall in the sewing room. This must be configuration #4 of the various blocks and the one I'm most happy with so far. This one has the four Dresdens on the corners and brings the six embroidered blocks to the center. I have other blocks made to fill the vacancies but think I'll still have orphans at the end.
I've sewed a pile of little triangles to make an outside border of flying geese. Kind of boring but good practice on the machine. First I thought of piano keys or something fun like that but then realized such a piece as this with so many different blocks could use a more cohesive border. And using the more neutral gray fabrics would also help in that regard. Here I tried a few against the embroidered blocks and liked it.
Managed to capture this little sparrow foraging. I find sparrows quick moving and not easy subjects for photos. I guess you could say that about a lot of birds. Aren't his browns pretty though.
I think it is an American Tree Sparrow. There are so many kinds of sparrows and with the juveniles wearing different colours at different stages, it can confuse identification.
It's snowing out...a light but steady fall. Hubby is off to coffee with, as he affectionately calls them, the old gits. But there are still three of us here holding down the fort.
Linking this post with Not Afraid of Color, Quilt Fabrication, For the Love of Geese, The Jesh Studio, Floral Passions and Paying Ready Attention.
It really IS winter where you are. Makes me realize that even with freezing temps here in Texas, it's nothing to compare to Canadian weather! Now I'm going to go research that honey . . .
Loving that quilt and the gray triangle border is just perfect....
Yikers--lotsa snow up there...so far just a little dusting here...now that i don't have to shove or drive in it I think it is beautiful--ROTFLOL typical, right? Nice likes this week. Hugs Julierose
BRRRRRR … Indeed, winter is at your door ! We're feeling the cold is coming, yet we're still around 0°C, for the moment …
Keep warm and enjoy your sewing (and your Gizmo :)
Down here Comvita is the main honey brand, and the prices range from reasonable to extreme depending on " The Factor" Trader Joe isn't one I knew about,maybe a bit like Maple Syrup we get imported, the real deal syrup is expensive, to make it like liquid gold. The Comvita Brand, a 250 gm bottle of factor 15+ Honey is $130.35. The factor is called Unique Manuka Factor and I cannot find out how this is worked out. love the bird colours, they would be beautiful in a quilt.
yes to socks on cold nights even if I take them off halfway through the night - so much snow already - we had cold and a few flurries that lasted a day on the ground and the temps are warming back to the 40-50's again thank God! I have tried a tablespoon of honey a day to see if I notice any benefits and I can't say as I do but it sure taste good I have not seen the one you show.
love your quilt
Hi Jocelyn! Yes, this snow is WAY too soon. I do wear little footies to bed now and then! They are fuzzy with pink and white stripes. I hate having them on my feet and always awake with bare feet, but I sure appreciate them when I go to bed with cold feet. I didn't know that William Steig was the original creator of Shrek. I love those old magazine covers - they usually tell a tale of the times. That sparrow looks so pretty and a little bulked up for the winter. I love what you've got on your design wall! All the fabrics and colors coordinate so well with each other. And the wireless Google assistant - I've heard people say they can be hacked so they turn up thermostats and create havoc. That's a scary thought! ~smile~ Roseanne
Manuka honey from New Zealand, you can't get better than that!
pretty enough to paint... we wonder about the fact that we've had 8 snows since October and what does that mean for winter.It's so hard to make design decisions on borders but your blocks seem balanced. I would not like any devise listening in on us as we rant around here... oy vey. we both wear socks to bed as we read it helps you sleep better. Really thin ones in summer, warmer in winter. LeeAnna
I remember bed"shoes" from when I was a child. They were crocheted, I even remember a bed jacket.
How great that you have snow already.
Oh my, that's just way too cold for us but it has been pretty cold here, fortunately no snow though. That sparrow really is a pretty one.
Our snow has disappeared, for now. I'm sure there will be more coming. I'm going to ask my birder daughter about that sparrow. I'll let you know if I find out anything.
I have not read your whole post...saw that you had watched God Knows Where I Am...you are the only person besides me that I have ever heard mention it...makes me want to watch it again....and not all at the same time.
OK...so went back and looked at the rest of the post...I love what you are doing with your quilt blocks.
So much to comment on. I have not heard of that jigsaw site and will check it out right away. I think the gray flying geese border is a perfect accent to your sweet little quilt. I love the snow and wish we had some here in Utah. We are such a dry state that every bit of snow is welcome. Perhaps this week - I hope. Your post was really fun to read.
Great photo of that sparrow. It's finally gotten chilly here. Just a few flurries, but winter is coming.... I've gotten some crazy dark local honey - maybe no healing properties, but interesting flavor. mmm - love good old fashioned jigsaws. Ooh - you had lots of good stuff today!
That is one very cute sparrow. The colours in your blocks are really lovely and the flying geese background does 'give the eye a place to rest' - a description I find interesting and helpful with busy quilts. Look forward to seeing it grow.
It is feeling here like a little snowier fall than we would like, too. Love your replay of the typical conversation between you and hubby that might be recorded! It would sound much the same here. My mom used to tell me that, "What's for lunch?" was her least favorite question after my dad retired! Your fall blocks are fitting together in such a lovely way, Jocelyn. The flying geese for the border are a great idea, too!
You mention wearing bed socks. Well, I don't do that, but each evening I take my 'rice bag' that I have made, warm it in the microwave and have it at my feet in bed.It's so toasty.
Oh I agree too cold, too soon. Love your quilt and the flying geese will be fabulous. Great pic of the bird.
Another lively post. Thanks for the link to the New Yorker jigsaw puzzles. I do a puzzle from jigsawplanet.com almost every day. They are addictive. I've heard that honey is good for allergies, but you have to use honey made from local flowers to be effective. It does have other healthful properties though. Yes, I wear socks to bed every night. My feet (and hands) are always cold. I've seen cardinals and blue jays in the last week and we always have what I call the little brown birds. I don't no whether they are sparrows or wrens. Your autumn quilt with the stitchery is looking good.
You are correct, it is an American Sparrow. Good eye!
Oh my goodness that's chilly.....we are sweating it out here down under with terrible bushfires devastating a lot of our countryside. It's difficult to imagine folks being cold somewhere else. I am a big fan of honey too. I love that sweet little sparrow and his colours and markings are beautiful. You are making great progress on your quilt.
Stay cosy over there xx
Hi Jocelyn, just a quick thank you for the visit and comment at my site. I love how you always post on multi and interesting subjects. Also, I've taken advantage of many of your recommendations over the years. (Just had a go at the New Yorker covers jigsaw.) I love those little Tree Sparrows, now wintering here after their Arctic breeding season. They are such cute and feisty little characters at the feeders. Your quilt has certainly turned out lovely! Each block invites perusal. Socks in bed? I just pile on the quilt my sister made. Hurray for quilters!
I read the story someplace but didn't know Netflix had a movie. Liking the layout you have and I love the idea of a flying geese border. Thank you for linking to Put your foot down.
I have bed socks and can't sleep without them in the winter! I really love your quilts. I like your setting. It adds a lot of interest. You got an awful lot of snow already. We've only had flurries. That's fine by me!!
I sometimes use woollen bed socks, too :) So much snow! We got our first snow, but it soon melted away... I do admire your quiltings, yellow is a sunny colour! So glad you linked at my FB! Happy weekend.
I hate that we got snow so early. It's really ugly at my house because the wind blew down more leaves on top of it. We still have so many leaves on the trees! I'm just over worrying about the whole leaf issue. We have a week of warmer weather coming. It's all about keeping busy, isn't it. It appears that you have done a good job of that! Stitching, a little cleaning and a lot of doggy time has filled MY days.
xx, Carol
No bed socks for me - that's what my DH's back is for (hee hee). I didn't know you could do the New York puzzles - or that they can be done online. Sounds like fun! Your quilt is looking great - so much fun playing with layouts I'm sure. And that sparrow - lucky you to capture that one!
Your bird photos are so cool. OOh- A Personal Assistant- it would be so quiet at my house-haha. I use local honey for my allergies but your's looks interesting. Those gray triangles are a perfect border choice. Enjoy-and stay warm.
The embroidered blocks look lovely together!
Have you thought about doing a sashing between each block to keep the blocks apart from each other so they do not just run together? I like the fabric that you used for the outside border (the light or dark fabric). Just an unsolicited suggestion! LOL Keep warm
Just love your article. I do always look over your website for new articles. I am recently working on an app apple nutrition factthat's going awesome and special thanks to you :)
Honey also extracts water from the cells of invading bacteria
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