It is time for our regular SAL report hosted by Avis at Sewing Beside the Sea.
Here are the other participants sharing their updates on a wide array of stitching projects.
Claire, Gun, Carole, Sue, Constanze, Christina, Kathy, Margaret, Cindy, Linda, Heidi, Jackie, Sunny, Hayley, Megan, Deborah, MaryMargaret, Renee, Jenny, Carmela, Jocelyn, Sharon, Daisy, Anne, Connie
I am pleased with my own cross stitching efforts this month and have Section 1 of Swirling Flowers finished.
Definitely no flowers swirling around me outside but look at those trees. The landscape has a decided autumn look. This was taken from younger daughter's front door November 1.
Most of the maple leaves are down now on our property. My fabric maples have their appliqued stems at last.
Must show you this section that was in my lost post.
I'm resharing because I think it is important.
This is kind of a "don't do" task....leave the garden as is for the winter. Don't rake, or prune or clear out brush. I practiced this ugly gardening last winter and was rewarded with seeing juncos and other small birds in abundance enjoying whatever the remnants of plants were to be found in the snow.
The Nature Conservancy of Canada put out this article with video, Don't Rake Your Leaves, telling why it is so beneficial to nature to leave as much of the garden material as possible. I know this is difficult in suburban areas where lawns are kept pristine.
And this bit too from that lost post that while not important poses an interesting question.
We've had a good run on desserts lately, in fact Hubby is calling for his semi regular halt to sweets. But not before finishing off the latest cake, chocolate with bing cherries which he heartily enjoyed.
We swing back and forth on this...he wants to stay super thin but yet at 80 + what difference will a piece of cake make. I've mentioned he is very careful about his portions and dessert which is sometimes a piece of dark chocolate is his only treat. (He never eats bars or candy or pop.) So...what do you think? When is the time of life to just say indulge and enjoy.
All quiet here at the wooden house. I'm off for the dogs and I to walk each other and check on my mouse trap. Hope your Sunday is swell!
Happy to link this post with Kathy's Quilts, Sum of Their Stories and Small Quilts and Doll Quilts,
I think the picture of the fall foliage through the bare trees is fabulous. I leave the leaves on the ground in the pond area. But we have to clear them from the grass here. If not, our land is too spongy in the spring and it looks like they choke out the grass. We don't cut back plants like the Asters, Echinacea, Decorative Grasses, and any other plant that has seeds. We like to watch the birds feast on them. I would like to think that you can reach a certain age and can just stop doing and eating healthy things. That is hitting close to home here where my husband is pigging out on Halloween candy. Certain health conditions do not allow some to just abandon healthy practices.
Our dogs did not care what the clock said today, their personal clocks told me when they were ready for breakfast, lol.
xx, Carol
What a beautiful fall photo. So peaceful looking. I certainly am not super thin and in fact should lose 20 pounds, but I only need to be concerned with food allergies. So, I sort-of eat healthy. I'm 71 and I'm more relaxed about what I "should" be eating or doing. I sounds like a good idea to leave things as mother nature intended unless it harms the ground underneath. My goodness-that cake looks sinful and wonderful.
Your stitching is gorgeous but the cake stole the show! I could just reach in and grab a slice right now :-) I think it's a good idea to stay lean and fit but a little bit of what you fancy does you good now and again.
I'm enjoying what I eat, I don't drink soda, but I do enjoy dessert. I just turned 69. That cake looks delicious. I love that Halloween stitchery!
Your stitchings are so pretty! Hey, that cake would be a big hit here!
The vintage Halloween images are so fun! I just joined the French Needle mailing list thanks to you!
Good progress! I love your maple patchwork leaves.That beautiful autumn colors in your photo.Hugs!
Jocelyn, I love your posts, they are so full of lovely and interesting things. I am going to check out the frenchneedle site. :) Chocolate cake....mmmm. Your cross stich and quilting pieces are looking great. As for the non clean up of the garden, I'm sort of with you on that. We actually collect leaves and mulch the entire garden with about a foot of them followed by alfalf hay. The strawberries were also mulched with alfalfa, so while we "clean" up, I think we have made a cozy place for all the birds, hope so anyway!
Darn it, Jocelyn, now I have subscribed to the French Needle's email list. And here I was about to have a hiatus from buying more crafting supplies for a year! :)
The colors in your swirling flowers cross stitch are beautiful, as are your patchwork maple leaves.
We rake the leaves in the front of the house -- not from any need for a tidier front garden, but to keep p them from blowing into the street and blocking the storm drains. But I usually let the back garden stay as is until spring. Now I can say it's better for the birds, not because I'm being lazy!
Love your stitching--I've never done counted cross stitcheries, just stamped designs...in my new quest for "seasonal" decorations for my house, I am looking for a cute little one for Fall...all I have so far is my Turkey-Lurkey runner and a small prcelain pumpkin..but it's a start... hugs, Julierose
Wow that cake makes me want to lick the screen LOL!
Such sweet Halloween embroidery blocks... I love them all especially the owl!
Enjoy your stitching!
Beautiful front door view,Love those deep red leaves. And new stitcheries, that site looks enticing.And a cake, Hugh is over 80, and I,too, think that at that age, why deny some enjoyment in restricting food, when he has lost so much that he now cannot do, no tramping, hunting, camping or fishing.So the odd chocolate or potato chip, a small glass of wine, and enjoy every day.Lovely cake, I would not be able to resist a slice or TWO!!!
Most of us love a nice slice of cake, don't we. Guess the trick is not too have too much, too often. Your Halloween stitcheries look good,now to put them together, I guess. Still, you have quite some time till next Halloween to get it finished.
Though we try to eat healthy for the most part, my motto has always been "you have to die from something, it might as well be from eating well". And yes, I did indulge in a small slice of chocolate cake with raspberry-chocolate ganache filling and Italian buttercream frosting at our monthly church potluck today!
You have been busy! Your cross stitch is looking beautiful, I love the colours and so neat. Your maple leaves and halloween projects are looking great too. This is my favourite time of year and the view you shared is so pretty, these autumn colours are so beautiful while they last. Jenny xx
Well, that cake would be my downfall for sure. It looks amazing. I know I ought to be more concerned with my weight, but I will also not stress about every bite I put in my mouth.
Hmmm.... I so want a piece of that cake! I'd say he doesn't need to go on that semi annual hiatus of desserts. Everything in moderation is just fine, after all, why live if you don't enjoy what you are eating? (Yes, I could stand to loose 20 pounds and try to eat healthy most of the time but everything in moderation works too! I'm 46 for another day by the way.)
Pretty photo of fall and your stitcheries are just darling.
I'm 56 and enjoying what I eat way too much. I admire his discipline. I love those maple leaves!
I'm so happy that the word is being spread not to clean out gardens in the fall and to leave them for the wildlife to help them survive over the winter. Everyone needs to do their bit to help the environment and it's a small thing anyone can do.
A lovely post and your stitching is beautiful. Wow that cake looks very delicious! I think it is very important to consider nature whenever we can.....so we'll done to you xx
I like the vintage Halloween blocks and that cake looks yummy. Cakes and pies become a problem when there are only two people to eat them. And I think your nubby should enjoy his desserts in moderation. As far as garden clean-up, there are some plants that need to be cut down, like peony and iris, to prevent disease and our leaves (maples, oaks) mat down and kill the grass and let the moles and voles tunnel under them. So I leave the seeds, but clean up (and compost) the leaves.
I love your stitching. All those great simple images and so timeless! That cake looks delicious!
Your cross-stitch design is lovely, Jocelyn! That is an accomplishment I'd be very proud of. I love the mix of colors in your maple leaf blocks, too. Loving the birds and other animals as we do in our suburban yard, we also try to leave some leafy piles for them to rustle around in over the winter.
I really enjoyed reading your post Jocelyn. Your swirling flowers are so pretty and you are lucky to still have that much color. Here in NY we are about done. Your husband should indulge once in a while :) And I agree with waiting for clean up till Spring though it would drive my hubby nuts lol.
your Quaker piece is looking lovely!
Oh my! The French Needle has so many wonderful projects!!! Thank you!
Love the pic from your daughter's front door...soooooo serene...
Both the cross stitch and those maple leaves are stitching along nicely...great projects to be working on during these cooler days and nights!
With so many delicious treats available....especially during the holidays...I find that if I stay careful through six days of the week...I can enjoy one day with a treat....and still keep "healthy"...am I as thin as your hubby? Nope! But, that's a whole nuther story...lol!
Your Vintage Halloween patterns are so cute!
that cake looks wonderful! I have been eating way too many sweets this weekend after being with family for a reunion and I think I need to not eat any for a little while! the Halloween patterns are so cute
Ah, your Buttermilk Basins patterns are so cute all stitched up! I love her patterns -- and that they work for wool, applique, or embroidery! Your cross stitched piece is really beautiful. And your autumnal view -- nice! I named my daughter Jocelyn -- you don't see it too frequently! It was lovely visiting you! :)
Oh I HEAR you on the 'ugly gardening' philosophy! We've always left our stuff until the spring to clean. Not only does it provide something to look at, especially the ornamental grasses (yet a former neighbour would cut them all down to 3" before the end of September - I was IRATE) but also provides cover for wildlife, food, as you say, and then shelter for new growth in the spring when temps can suddenly take a dip. Yum, on the chocolate cake and stunning maples, same here too, they awe me every year.
You do such wonderful work.
Wow, great progress on your Swirling Flowers! The Halloween embroideries are fun too. :-)
Congratulations on finishing section 1 of Swirling Flowers! Wow. That view from your daughter's home is stunning. Thanks so much for sharing! The Halloween embroideries are too cute! And that chocolate cake looks amazing.
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