Birds steady at the feeders these far chickadees, nuthatches, goldfinches and small woodpeckers and briefly, one cardinal. Blue jays occasionally join the group. This little woodpecker whisked away a seed to eat in peace and quiet (or stash) in the birch tree. Downy or Hairy???
SIL gave me the rack below for Christmas and I've already enjoyed displaying a couple of quilted projects I had forgotten about. Here is the Scandinavian Redwork project I completed last year. This was so enjoyable to stitch.
Murphy photobombing.
Last week I got to spend time with both grandsons, time I enjoy so much. Older grandson and I went to Best Buy for him to use his gift cards, then to dinner. He's 15 now, definitely doesn't need me to kidsit and we talk about movies, cars, books. My sister had given him a copy of Dune for Christmas which he was very happy with. He's still holding onto his kind nature and is a big animal lover too.
Teen years were never easy but is it just me or do they seem to be treacherous nowadays in this new world of ours. I know I sound like an old fogey when I mention all this online stuff as just one of the things that worry me for their sakes.
Murphy is always joyful on the trails, no matter how cold and snowy.
BTW, some of you express concern about our well being outdoors in snowy conditions. You needn't worry; we are well dressed for the weather and as long as we keep moving, we don't get chilled. We both believe winter fresh air is invigorating and try to adhere to a two walks a day regime in said air.
While that is true, the coming inside to a warm house with the kettle boiled ready for tea making- small comforts, are never more appreciated than in this season.

Hope you are enjoying small comforts today and every day!
So happy to link this post with Not Afraid of Color, Brian's Home Blog, Paying Ready Attention, My Quilt Infatuation, It's a Small Town Life, Confessions of a Fabric Addict, From Bolt to Beauty Wendy's Quilts and More, Viewing Nature With Eileen and I'd Rather B Birdin'.
I think it is so nice that you take those winter walks enjoying the cold brisk season - I can see that you are well dressed for the walks and actually envy you this - it is hard pressed to get my husband to take walks outside if it is under 50 degrees!! When people are used to the cold temperatures and dressed right it makes perfect sense to do this.
I have had birds at my feeders too and we do have plenty of cardinals here - the only one I haven't seen that you mention are the finches and I have a mesh bag hanging that they like - I'm sure they will show up eventually as usually the bag is covered in birds!
I adore my outdoor walks, when I'm healthy! I'd like to snowshoe, but the snow is so soft, now. Besides, I have my client this afternoon.
Doggy needs a hug!
Lovely Scandanavian redwork have a lot of snow there--we've just had a few dustings...but it is cold...hugs, Julierose P.S. Love that teapot...;)))
Ho Jocelyn! How wonderful that you get to spend time with your grandsons. And one is 15 already! Wow, that time just speeds by, doesn't it. I can see that same kind nature in Dominic - I hope we can all foster it and embrace it. The teen years are tough - so many choices and pathways to take or avoid. He sounds like he has a good head on his shoulders and plenty of support to assist if needed. I was always taught that the fresh air is good for you, and it certainly does make the coming back inside all the sweeter. I love home! ~smile~ Roseanne
That's some big bunch of snow and quite the snow blower too. It looks like the Grands were having fun and how cool Murphy was lending you a helping paw. Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!
Thank you for nice comments on my blog.
We really have a lot alike.
And there is more I see on your blog, two grandsons, the basket quilt (I finished the top last year), dog(s) and nature.
I am going to follow your blog.
We are enjoying those same birds at our feeders, Jocelyn, minus the cardinals, and, of course, they are the ones we would love to see! Your Scandinavian redwork is so beautiful! I love how your Christmas coins is turning out - so glad you are happy with it, too. I, too, enjoy getting out for a walk every day no matter the temperature. And your sweet quote is perfect to describe so many of us!
I do agree that cold air can be invigorating , but it also tends to make me more tired.Those Colorado lows seem to bring lots of snow with them.
Life these days has huge challenges, for all of us, but for teenagers it is right here every moment. Facebook, Instagram, school, exams, clothes, bullies, keeping up with the others, decisions about their life long career having to be made a lot earlier as they decide on subjects, and the safety we had is not there now. Enjoy time together, and I was once told by a doctor that in winter the cold kills the bugs , so not so many infections can happen. at least that was his theory, some 50 years ago!!! Before each new virus came on the scene. Down here, already the mornings are darker, cats like the comfort of lying on our bed at night, and in the cooler place during the day. Love that snow blower, ride on instead of walk behind is so much easier. not a luxury at all.
Your Scandinavian Redwork is magnificent! Wow! Looks like a little downy woodpecker ... or maybe a hairy woodpecker. I have a hard time telling them a part if I can't see their size! :)
Love your beautiful red-work quilt ! :)
Your Christmas Coins looks great, good on you getting to this stage. You know what you have done, don't you? Now I've decided to use up some of my small Christmas scraps so will be starting one of my own. Will start sewing the bits and pieces together as leader and ender sewing. Keep warm in all that snow!
You don´t know how much I envy you for the snow. I know it can be a pain in the butt, but here close to the coast it hardly snows.
Oh I love that you walk outside no matter what the weather! We don't really have clothes for cold weather any more but we only have a couple of cold days a year! lol We walked today and it was 70 degrees. It really does keep you healthy and happy. Love seeing your quilts and stitching! Hugs!
I don't mind walking outside, as long as the wind isn't howling. We get lots of windy days. I so love your Scandinavian Redwork, and the Christmas coins turned out great. I have grandson almost as old as yours, he is almost 13. How fast time flies. Great likes for the week.
It made me feel lovely and cool looking at your snowy photos. Your Scandinavian red work quilt is beautiful. How special to spend time with your Grandson. I'm afraid that I feel the same about so much technology.
Having lived in the Midwest all my life, there is nothing more enticing and invigorating that a walk in the crispness of a winter day. It looks like you have a lovely area to take those treks. A warm cup of coffee or tea or hot chocolate is the perfect end to a snowy walk!
Your redwork is gorgeous. Murphy looks happy! Oh, two walks a day. I am envious. It looks like a lovely place to walk. And yes, coming home to a hot cup of tea - perfect.
Absolutely adore the red work, but I am a sucker for all things red and white. The Christmas coins turned out quite nicely. Good for you, using up those scraps! Can’t even imagine so much snow. Stay warm.
Loved your post and enjoyed all the views of nature and beautiful handiwork. I am definitely going to start a coins quilt - I love yours. Murphy looks like a sweetie!
Hello Jocelyn,
Did you make that wonderful quilt in the header? Love it, it is so beautiful!
I hope you stay warm in this weather. Tea and a good chair help indeed ;)
Love your red work quilt also. Thanks for sharing!
This is very nice handwork.I don´t like a red colour,but this work is very nice.I have 15 years old grandson too.He is also very sweet and friendly.
Best wishes Eva from Czech Republic
we walk in any conditions. We are the 'mail carriers' of walkers! When I lived in Edmonton we'd walk in 30 below temps! Sorry bout that Colorado low sneaking up there, lol.
the last quote is touching. Murphy is so inky pretty, I can almost feel her silky coat from here
I enjoyed this post-so many heart felt lovelies. That is an unusual quilt holder or maybe it’s the angle? Times with your grandson are so cool. Isn’t it wonderful t9 get their take on the world? Those walks do sound like fun. Enjoy!
Hello, I am guessing your woodie is the Downy Woodpecker. It's beak is thin and not too long. I have my limits on the temperature and outdoor walks. Murphy is a cutie, having a dog may be an incentive to go out on more walks. Your grandson are handsome, happy times are spent with family. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend. PS, thank you for today's visit and comment.
That redwork is amazing, and your snow looks just beautiful, especially with a hot cup of tea waiting when you walk in the door!
I think being a teen-ager when we were growing up was just as "treacherous," but we just didn't hear about it all the time like we do now. If we had had news 24/7 when we were growing up and hearing only bad things all the time, we would have thought the world was a pretty bad place, too. Plus we weren't on social media all the time comparing our lives to others'. Love Murphy's photo bomb picture. He's so cute.
I think it's wonderful that you and your grandson go on dates together - not all 15 year olds want to be seen with their grandmothers (or their mothers either!). Love the handsome photo-bomber!
Hello. Lovely serie of photos. You have a lot of snow. The woodpecker and dog are so cute.
Love your Scandinavian Redwork!
Your Redwork quilt is gorgeous. What a fun and bright quilt to have out when it's cold outside. It's hard to beat hot tea on a cold winter's day. Happy stitching this week.
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