Thursday 20 February 2020

Heart Shaped Cake and Pizza, After Quilts, Mourning Dove

It is now past midwinter and our snow is piling on snow. 
A rabbit has been using the little ornamental fir bush at the front as a home this winter; have never seen him just the tracks.
But February days are flying by just like July's.
For Valentine's night we got to babysit littler grandson so his parents could go out to dinner. It was a nine course dinner where each course wouldn't fill your tooth, as my grandparents would say about scanty food on a plate. (They came home quite filled, however. :))
  But Daughter had made a dinner for us... with hearts being the theme.  Pizza
and a strawberries and cream cake.
Delicious! I ate quite a lot because this is a simple combination I love...real cream, strawberries and a vanilla cake. 
We had a great time with the grandson and also with Abby, their Black Lab, who loves everyone.
Her preferred position- in your lap. I know it doesn't look like it, but Hubby was delighted to be paid such attention by a dog. Our Murphy is so reserved for the most part.
 Abby is also learning manners which is good as she has an overabundance of energy and exuberance.
New to me:  Have you heard of an After Quilt?  Here is an excellent video from Karen Brown explaining what it is and I really should try this when I actually finish real quilts some day.
Some of you have asked about the header; it is one of the Kathy Schmitz designs for her project called Snow Bound.  I stitch one of these from time to time and have most of them done. I love the name of the embroidery thread, Presidential Blue.  (Sorry for the dull photo taken on the fly.)
I love seeing projects that combine embroidery with patchwork. Here is a link to Kathy's site where she has many that do just that.
                                Snow Bound
After an ice storm back at the farm, I caught a little mourning dove resting in the sun. It was motionless so long, I feared it had frozen. But no, it was fine. Amazing how birds can survive such.
Happy Thursday All!
Also happy to link with Not Afraid of ColorIt's a Small Town LifePaying Ready AttentionAn Artful MomKathy's Quilts and Brian's Home Blog.


Brian's Home Blog said...

Love the heart shaped pizza and cake, such a sweet thing to do. Abby sure looks like a happy pup. Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

what is better than pizza and cake with whipped cream! love the ice and snow photos. We have 2 to 3 pair of mourning doves here they are so pretty - our Red Tail Hawk continues to stay close to the house lately and it has been keeping squirrels away for sure - the little birds are even careful it seems and haven't seen as many of them in the morning as usual - they are here in the afternoon though so the hawk must be other places then

Gayle said...

Love the dove with 'bling'

Mary in Peoria Handmade said...

What a nice dinner-pizza and cake. That cake looks delicious! I like the After Quilt idea- I’ve done it on a few quilts but need to do more. Thanks for the video.

eileeninmd said...

Hello, Pizza is my favorite, yum! The cake looks delicious too. Abby is adorable, a cute big lap dog. The dove looks cold but comfy. Enjoy your day, wishing you a great weekend ahead.

Michelle said...

That pizza looks good to me right now! Nice that you were able to babysit. Thanks for linking up today.

Home Sewn By Us said...

Hi Jocelyn! WOW - that is a LOT of snow. I can never complain about what we get. Never! Yum to the pizza and the cake - they both look delicious! Aww, Abby looks so darn cute. I love a lap dog whether they are too big for it or not. I love dogs! Snowbound looks like a fun project. Maybe Sue should work on that next, after the hand project she has now. What a pretty picture of the mourning dove! The ice is catching the sun so it looks like Christmas lights. ~smile~ Roseanne

Jenny said...

How nice of your daughter to prepare dinner for you, before going out to enjoy her own Valentines Dinner with her hubby. Looks like you had a great time in the company of grandson and dog.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Your Valentine's dinner made by your daughter looks yummy, and so thoughtful, too! I love your snowmen, so went over to the Kathy Schmitz site where I want to make one of each! Lots of doves here at my mom's in warm Arizona - they must thrive anywhere. Hope you're having a lovely day, Jocelyn!

Ruth Hiebert said...

That cake looks delicious.

Out To Pasture said...

I love the 'Snowbound' stitchery. The vintage style is very appealing. Oh, what a thoughtful daughter you have, Jocelyn. The picture of her cake with strawberries and cream has me drooling. Yum-yum!

kitblu said...

Thank you for introducing me to another quilting resource! I have already watched a few video tutorials and subscribed to see more. I interrupted a video to send you a note. I should be starting dinner but ... I guess it will be late tonight.

LA Paylor said...

heart pizza, I Heart pizza too! And strawberry cake, yea! But the lab is the best... snuggly and happy, exuberant. Defines my labradaughter to a T and I still love and miss her!

Allie said...

Well now I'm hungry for pizza and cake, lol!!! How nice! Snowbound is on my list to purchase, love it so much, your stitching is so gorgeous. Enjoy your critters Jocelyn - mourning doves are so pretty and I love their call.

PaintedThread said...

The heart pizza made me chuckle. Yum. Cake! After Quilt - interesting.

Louise said...

I love the photo of the dove sitting under the sparkling branches! Maybe she enjoyed the beauty? I'm off to see what an After Quilt is now :) said...

The photo with the dove is fabulous. Fun Valentines and heart themed foods. After quilt.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

mmmm - pizza and cake are but a distance memory. Good thing computers don't have smell-o-vision! Never heard the term 'after quilt' - interesting!

Michele McLaughlin said...

Hi Jocelyn! Love this week's post! The cake looks fantastic and it was fun seeing Abby on your husband's lap :D That video on after quilts was fun! I never heard of her and will watch her channel a bit more. I call those kinds of quilts "good to the last drop" quilts. It's fun to see how other sewers approach their scraps! Have a great day!

Carol- Beads and Birds said...

It's so nice that you had Valentine Day dinner catered to you. The pizza looks good but the cake looks even BETTER!! Our big dog used to like to lay on Terry's lap, but since Harley the Bully moved in and took over Bosco can hardly get close to Terry. Glad Harley and Terry love each other so much because Harley can get on my nerves really quickly, lol. We have hardly had any snow but the weather guy says we're going to catch it in March.
Stay warm and stitch on!
xx, Carol

Linda said...

What a sweet dinner from your thoughtful daughter! I always love your headers, and I love Kathy's designs.

Nana said...

This is a lovely hearty post and what would the world be without the animals?


Su-sieee! Mac said...

Pizza and strawberries and cream cake, yummmm. That's my kind of meal, too. I'll take them in heart-shape, round, rectangle, oblong, any shape at all. :-)

Jenn Jilks said...

I used to have a heart-shaped cake pan. I had forgotten!

Eva H. said...

St.Valentin celebrate a young generation here.But a Cream cake is fantastic.But I must not eat it.I´m hard alergic for strawberries :(
You have so many snow there.We don´t had it here.The winter is very grazy this year.It is a hard rain now.Flowers started to blooming :(
My best greeting to you from Czech Republic-Eva

Quilter Kathy said...

I loved every photo you shared... the heart shaped food (so full of love), the bird in the snow (so unique to see) and the embroidery (drool worthy)!
Enjoy your slow stitching today!