So many things to like and share this Thursday!
I really like this Bat Bag or Trick or Treat tote. Instructions and free bat pattern can be found at this AGF post. I'm not an especially modern fabric lover but AGF florals are definitely growing on me.
You may remember we bought the Cubii machine for exercising the legs while seated. Yes, I've used it almost every day since.
We end our evening tv viewing with a comedy show and I use it during those 23 minutes or so. I do think it is making my legs stronger so I'm very happy with it.
I've mentioned often here that I am afraid of falls. The stats on falls for old folks are frightening and a fall can change the quality of your life completely.
Specifically for the autumn, I'm going to continue trying to strengthen my legs. To that end I've been including exercises in my little routine that work the very important soleus muscle which is one of two major calf muscles. Here is an article about this muscle and exercises to strengthen it.
We really enjoyed this series on Netflix starring mother and daughter Andie MacDowell and Margaret Qualley. It is based on the memoir written by Stephanie Land.
And one more thing I thought was really neat. Anna Maria Horner mentioned she uses the Ap Procreate to help fashion her amazing designs for fabrics. See her fabulous work here!
I checked out that ap and thought it very interesting. Lots of ways to create art work even if you aren't a "real" artist. Many good instructional videos on YouTube about it too.
I'm now binding this guy and will have a finish just in time for Halloween, it seems. Cutting it pretty close!
And thinking about falls reminded me that I must thank you for the recommendations for winter boots. It seems that Keens got the most mention and I will be checking them out this weekend. I wonder will there be early Black Friday sales this year???
I always like to join these parties:- Not Afraid of Color, Life in the Scrapatch, Quilts Art Whatever, Alycia Quilts and My Quilt Infatuation.
Very enjoyable read today! Thank you for all the links. I watched Maid after reading the book. The stories are quite different. The book was very much a memoir that took place mostly alone in her head. You really felt her isolation. In order to adapt it to the screen, they had to add characters and change some of the details. The additional characters added depth and complexity and the acting and writing was excellent. I really enjoyed the mother daughter interaction in the limited series. Thank you for the review of your Cubii machine. I have been thinking to try one of these leg exercisers but was not sure what to get. The Halloween quilt is looking lovely. I am hoping to finish my October cross stitch. Time will tell ... :) Pat
Hi Jocelyn,
Your Halloween cookies look yummy. I really like that Halloween Pillow...I'll have to check that out. Thanks for sharing the link. Glad to hear your sticking with your exercise routine. Falling is one of my dreaded things. Haven't seen your t.v. series Maid...I have to check this one out. Your Halloween quilt is going to be awesome when it's finished. So festive. Have a great day!
Fun read ... your posts are always a lovely combination of chatty and newsy and inspiration! The bat bag is really darling... will head that way next! :)
I'm afraid of falling too and try to make sure I get my exercise to maintain my strength - which brand of exercise equipment is that one that you have that you sit and use it? I love fall and all the fall color! the halloween cookies are cute - almost too cute to eat LOL
I don't do any Halloween decorating since the kids grew and left and probably wouldn't bother with much for Christmas either since we don't have friends over any more (not by choice, but the fact that our best friends are no longer with us). DH always wants Christmas decor but all he does is set up the tree and all the 'decorating' is left up to me.
Will have to check out the Maid show...thanks.
Jocelyn - we have also been watching the Maid series, and it is both inspirational and depressing. It is not as easy as it would appear for people to pull themselves out of desperate situations!
So close to a finish, so I'm looking forward to seeing this Halloween quilt completed. As you probably know, Halloween is not a big deal here in New Zealand. An unofficial poll was taken by one of the TV channels, with only 16% reporting that they celebrated Halloween.
I don't know anything about flosstube... gotta go look.
for falling, I practice standing on one leg outside. I see how long I can do it on each leg, and then when I'm stronger I close my eyes. Now that doesn't last as long! I also practice moving the raised leg around while the other holds me up. Balance.
as an old dancer, I know you pull up when on one leg, keep hips and pelvis level and slightly flex knee.
Scritches to Ned who's about adult sized now probably. what do you feed him? we changed from eukanuba to merrick lamb to see if milo's ears improved (if food allergies) but maybe he's actually allergic to wheat and he'd hate losing out on cake.
Hi Jocelyn! Cute cookies and they look delicious. I have seen so many cute trick or treat bags - I am so going to make some for our littles for next year!! Why didn't I think of that sooner, I ask myself?!! I was just talking about the Cubii to two coworkers. How do you like it? Does it give your legs a bit of a workout, and are you happy that you splurged on it? How ironic that you mentioned this today - it's been on my mind since you originally shared that you purchased it. Thanks so much for the link to the article about muscle strength. I noticed a huge decline in my overall strength last year with working from home. I am fighting to get back to where I was - I don't want to finally be able to retire and then not have good health on my side. I think all the little things do add up, like the yoga we started doing. I notice such an improvement in my arms and hips/legs since we began. And finally, YES to early Black Friday sales. I've already been getting oodles of emails about BF sales. I am waiting for slippers to be on sale. I hate to pay $25 - $30 for a pair of slippers!! For $7 I can get another pair and I need two!! {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne
Fall is looking so pretty up your way and those cookies are so darn cute. Our Dad thought about getting one of those Cubii things.
Aren't those cute cookies?! You have me really curious about Flosstube now! Is it just found on YouTube? I'll have to check it out. I just love the peeks of your Halloween quilt, Jocelyn. You're finishing it up right on time!
Such pretty autumn colours.
Great idea about the leg exercise. I have found since I lost weight and have been weight lifting, and doing some stretches that my balance has improved greatly. When I was caring for the great aunt and uncle....when you are a certain age, a fall is an instant trip to the ER to be checked out.
I thought about putting Cubii on my Amazon wish list last year. So glad to hear a positive review from someone I "know." Those cookies look so good!
Those cookies look amazing. I hope you enjoyed them with a lovely cup of tea.
God bless.
I always enjoy reading your posts. I commend you on the use of your new Cubbi machine. Well done! I hope you don’t mind my suggesting that you throw in some core exercises to keep you balanced and stable. Your core helps support your spine, which aids in balance and stability.
Love your quilting.
Happy last days of October. 🍁👻
Those Halloween cookies are a hoot! I bet they taste good, too. What a cute bat bag.
I can't wait to see that quilt Jocelyn! Looks so soft and snuggly. I really MUST get back at my stitching; I have a couple of Freckles(?) ones to make. I've heard of Procreate before but haven't checked it out... And Maid is on my 'to watch' list! I saw the bat bag - cute - have loved AGF fabrics forever. Glad your legs are getting stronger!
I remember taking my kiddies to Saunders Farm YEARS ago when we lived in Ottawa. It's a much bigger production these days.
Now I'm longing for gingerbread cookies. Is that the daughter that makes the beautiful cakes? Love your Halloween quilt - so cozy looking. How beautiful it is where you live. We are still waiting for fall color here in north Texas. Enjoy your weekend Jocelyn!
Those cookies look great! Your area looks picture perfect this time of year. I've never heard of Procreate but will check it out. I'm looking forward to seeing that Halloween quilt!
Thank you for all the recommendations! Falling is a major concern for most of us and I am looking into doing Tai Chi to improve my balance. In the past year or so, I’ve become very fond of Art Gallery florals and have started collecting them for a project. Just what I DON’T need - another fabric addiction!😊 I just heard about “Maid” at my book group yesterday and plan to check it out. Love your Halloween quilt! Have a great weekend!!
Seeing how a fall has destroyed my mother's life - she broke a couple of vertebrae and is now in a wheelchair and completely dependent - I have been working on strengthening myself and am motivated to keep moving all the time too.
We don't really do Halloween here but I quite like seeing all the Halloween stitching, decorating and baking that I read about on other blogs! Love that red work mat in your last post too!
What beautiful work you do. It’s inspiring. Regarding falls…there is a site called Rate my Treads which, just as it says, rates the safety/ effectiveness of the treads on snow boots and work boots. Several years ago I bought a recommended pair of boots at Marks. They have been fantastic for grip on ice & snow and I definitely am safer on my walks. The important thing is to find the exact model that is recommended. A Keen boot is top of the list. Best of luck in the search!
Love the trees and the Gingerbread cookies! The bag is so pretty and cute! And that Halloween quilt! If I only needed fabrics I would be going to the link and buy! Now to the Maid - it is interesting.... Hugs
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