I am still feeling so grateful for the power and internet; there are still Ontarians without it! Our reliance on being on the grid is almost scary.
Robbie was with us for a PA day and we did a walkabout and count. There are five blocking our trails. SIL will get the chain saw out and help us clear them. Perhaps more firewood for next winter too.
Jenny at Romany Quilting sent me a comment and mentioned she was making soup slow cooking bones in her crock pot. That was funny because I'd had my crock pot on during that night making chicken bone broth for soup for us. I figured that with the time difference, though continents apart, we were using our slow cookers to make soup at the same time!
I had a major hiccup with the Tilda Plaid quilt and had to take apart seven rows I had sewn. đThat was five afternoons at the machine...it takes me a while to choose the fabrics too so I'm rather slow at it.
Meanwhile, I subscribe to this lovely site on YouTube, Emma Jones Vintage Sewing Box. I'll share her latest video where she is stitching hexagons and takes us from the drawing to finished appliqued bluebell for a center block. She has a soothing voice and this is a sweet project I would use for a table topper. Pretty prints and interesting to see her use the whip stitch to stitch the pieces together. I use a ladder stitch. Totally addictive!
I feel like I should say something about the awful news from Uvalde, Texas. I love America too as I've mentioned many times before here on the blog. A little bit selfish as there is not a single doubt that Canada needs and relies on a peaceful and successful United States to keep sharing that very long border with us. But that bit aside, you are our friends and it grieves me to read how hurt you are about these horrific shootings. One person in any country killed by gun violence is one too many. This fear should not exist for innocent people anywhere. We all have enough on our plates dealing with war news, weather, illnesses, viruses, aging, etc. and goodness knows whatever next will be coming down the tube. Oh how I wish there was a simple answer to this seemingly complex situation for not only my American friends but for all countries where gun violence is on the rise.
Meanwhile, linking this post with Small Quilts and Doll Quilts, Life in the Scrapatch, Creations...Quilts, Art, Whatever, My Quilt Infatuation, Quilting is More Fun Than Housework and Love Laugh Quilt.