Thursday 19 January 2023

Pixie Hair Cut, Heart Love, Free Patterns, Quilt Decision

I gave myself a pixie cut. Following Amanda as she cut her hair made it very simple and easy. She is a good teacher.

Though I must admit using the clipper attachment that gave such a close cut to the back did give me pause. Then I thought, it's hair, it'll grow back; I'm wearing winter hats outside the house anyway so it can be covered. But I'm actually happy enough with it. That window light sure smoothed the wrinkles nicely but Lordy, look at those jowls!
This gives me a chance to show you my new blouse from Talbots. I love the blues but was a little taken aback by the size of the blooms on it.  Scale is important!

This week's prompt from LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color was if and how we make lists. I've talked about being a list maker way back.  Put your hand into any of my coat pockets and you are likely to haul out a piece of paper with a list on it.  You might find it odd to be printed in large letters but that is so I can read it in a store without getting out my reading glasses. I have a number of notebooks around that I use for recording all kinds of information, always in black ink- about the only pen/paper preference I can think of that I've had all my adult life.
What about you? Are you a list maker? Perhaps you use your phone for such these days.

I had started the process of unpicking the sewing lines on this project. The Wheel Within a Wheel quilt. I kept looking at it on the wall and realized I didn't care for all the different fabrics being put into each block. A bit of a jumble it seems.

I thought it would look better with just neutrals for the backgrounds. I say I started as I almost immediately stopped; I have 8 of these blocks sewn and they are large.  So much hand work to be cutting out. I've decided to persevere and finish this one in the way that I had started it and the way it shows in the photo by the designer too. I must say I do love working with these pretty fabrics from Minick and Simpson who seem to specialize in the blues. 

Thursday's Three Free

Lisa at Stitching the Journey shares several free patterns like this sweet hand pieced hexagon mat. 

I also appreciated Lisa's post called When Your Lap is Empty about how stitching can be such a balm when experiencing grief. 

Speaking of grief, this item appeared on my Facebook account. Interesting to me as I do find forest walking amongst the trees soothing. 
How an Unconnected Phone on a Nature Trail is bringing comfort to grieving people.  Interesting idea. What do you think?  I was also impressed that Deer Lake, a town of about 6000 in Newfoundland, has a designated Health and Wellness committee. 

 British designer, Nicola Dodd of Cakestand Quilts is starting the year off by offering her free pattern for a sweet French Hen block to her subscribers. I love keeping up with what Nicola is creating. I especially like her encouragement to stitch what you love the way you want to, especially hand quilting if you have the time. As she says, quilting should not require fancy equipment. 

Heart Love  I'm not surprised by the huge number of free heart quilt block patterns out there.  

The pattern for this pretty Rainbow quilt is found here at the Andover free quilt patterns page.

In This 2020 Post on her blog, Quilt Fabrications, generous Susan shared a bank of links to quilt patterns featuring hearts if you are interested in getting a head start on Valentine's stitching.

From Tiny Modernist comes this sweet free pattern- a Valentine's Heart to cross stitch.

January is usually the month when most of the Flosstube regulars on YouTube feature round ups of all their projects- Finishes, WIP's and those patterns they are eyeing to work on next. It is a great time to see what's new out there from all the designers- inspiring for sure.
We've been informed a Colorado low is going to be bringing us a couple of inches of snow overnight and into Friday morning. So far just an advisory and I hope it stays that way!
Hope your week ends on a good note and your weekend will be even better!

Better as well to be linking with So ScrappyAlycia QuiltsQuilting is More Fun Than HouseworkSmall Quilts and Doll Quilts and Quilting Patchwork Applique.


Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I am a list maker and I am trying to use my phone more for it - I have a free ap on my phone for groceries so everything at a grocery store goes on it. I make a paper list though of things to do and sticky pad notes all over the sewing room.

Jenny said...

That's very brave of you to cut your own hair!
Always so nice to see what you have been getting up to, and check out the list of freebies which you seem to find so effortlessly.

Jackie said...

How brave of you to cut your own hair. I just know my hands would slip and I would have a lovely bald spot suddenly appear.

I am a list maker. Like you if a person stuck their hand in my pocket they would find a list. I also have a daily diary that I make a list in of what I want to accomplish each day.

I hope the Colorado low misses you, I am afraid to check our weather because usually those hit here as well.

God bless.

Susie H said...

You look fantastic! I also cut my own hair a lot of times with just that very mojo -- it'll grow back! Thanks for the FREE hearts patterns. Have a great weekend!

Libby in TN said...

Yep, I do lists. I just don't remember where I put them!

Brian's Home Blog said...

WOW, your hair looks fabulous, ya done good. Those rainbow hearts are sure pretty.

Rosemary Dickinson said...

Your hair looks great! I can't believe you did it yourself. I would be too afraid to even try! I like the looks of your wheel quilt. There's no need to change anything. What a job that would be! Thank you for the freebies!

Janice said...

You’re very brave to cut your own hair. It turned out well. Yes, I’m a list maker. Otherwise I can’t remember everything. Thanks, as always, for sharing links to so many projects and interesting articles.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Well, I'm sorry to know that my state of Colorado is sending you cold and snow, Jocelyn! I'm happy for it to move on, but maybe it could go somewhere south! Your hair is so cute - it suits you. I'm impressed that you could do it yourself! Your Wheel within a Wheel quilt blocks are beautiful, and I love all that color. Hope it grows on you!

Lin said...

Great haircut - I dont know where you find the courage to cut it yourself! I do find lists useful, mostly to do lists in my journal and a shopping list of course. I do always write with a brown pen though - journal, cards letters etc, have done for years as it seems so much softer than black which I find harsh. xx

Linda said...

I love your haircut! And Jocelyn you are beautiful, no jowls that I see. :) I laughed about your large print in the store - that is a great idea! I like your wheels, so pretty and scrappy. Have a wonderful weekend!

PaintedThread said...

LOL - yes, hair will grow back! Your haircut looks great. Ugh - nothing like starting a project then realizing you want to make a big change. I'd probably go for neutral background, too. You do nice work, regardless.

Jenn Jilks said...

Well done with your haircut!
I did my own during the depths of the pandemic. You look terrific, and I like your shirt.

Nana said...

You are so pretty!


Chopin - A Passionate Quilter said...

Well! I certainly enjoyed watching the lady cut her hair and yours looks great! I had my hair cut like that about 15 years ago and decided that I would not go there again, BUT, it is a great way to cut your own hair and you did great for the first time! It is very becoming on you! The beautician is very good at doing her own hair.

I agree that the backgrounds would be nicer, but agree - with 8 blocks already done it would not be fun!!!

Have a wonderful week-end. Hugs

MissPat said...

The hair I will ever cut is my bangs and when done, I remember why I shouldn't. We just have rain tiday (well almost every day this week). One day of sun which wasn't enough. I'm glad you changed your mind aboout un sewing all those blocks.

Angie said...

Jocelyn - well done with the haircut! You look terrific, so stylish with that color blouse and the collar turned up! I am also a life-long list maker - I have to work on not getting discouraged when I add more items to the the "to-do" list than I ever take off!!!

gladiquilts said...

I live by my lists! When I worked as a medical director, I had so many tasks that I kept a running “to do” list for years, constantly adding new and crossing off old. Now that I’m retired, I have notebooks in my sewing room and by my living room chair in which I write all kinds of things - quotes, references, books I’ve read, lists, etc. I can’t imagine switching to doing this on the phone! I love the pops of color in your wheels quilt background and am so glad you decided not to change it! M&S are known for their use of red, white, and blue and have designed many fabric collections in those colors.

gladiquilts said...

I forgot to add in the note I just sent that your hair looks great and the Talbot blouse is beautiful! I love Talbot blouses and have a few.

scraphappy said...

The new haircut looks terrific. It is easy to say "it will grow back" but harder to be patient while it does. Lots of great projects underway. January is a great time to reflect on them all.

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

You look beautiful with the new haircut, and congratulations on doing it yourself! Pretty Wheel Within a Wheel quilt.
Thank you for sharing, and linking up ;)

Pamela Dempsey said...

I love your hair! You did a great job and look so pretty in your blue blouse! Your hubby needs to take you out! The lady’s video was very good, picked up some tips. 🥰

Magpie's Mumblings said...

I'm a limited list-maker, but do make a grocery list (which is only a good thing if you remember to take it to the store!) and I will make a list of items we want to take to our family when we see them.
You are brave indeed to cut your own hair! I figure I'm brave enough letting Resident Chef do mine (I do the bangs myself). You did a great job.
Thanks for the great links!

Sylvia@Treadlestitches said...

I love your hair, great job! I cut mine during the worst of the pandemic but was not nearly as successful. Your quilt is lovely just as it is, scrappy and happy. Lists are essential! Once in a blue moon I get to the store without my list and I just feel all at sea.

quiltingbydawn said...

I am a list maker too! My pockets also have notes in them and can be a real pain when they accidentally go through the wash! Hehe! If something is on my mind and causing me to not sleep, I will get up and write it down. Helps to get it out of my mind so I can forget about it and get some sleep. I have cut my hair but only my bangs to get them out of my eyes when waiting to get to my hairdresser. Great projects going on over by you!

LA Paylor said...

I'm into that haircut video! You did a really great job, better than some salon cuts I've gotten for sure! I like your comment on big lettering for reading without glasses. Your notebook is pretty too. Black ink, well flowing black ink like a pilot or gel pen is lovely to work with and see. I cannot get the use of a tiny screen for lists, ack. Then finding it again, ick. Good thing there are different approaches for different people as lots of people like keeping just everything on their phone.
I agree on the quilt, sometimes you don't know what won't make you happy til you do something. Then it's unpicking or abandoning it, and unpicking is better to me

LA Paylor said...

and welcome home, LeeAnna

Su-sieee! Mac said...

My favorite part about making lists is drawing boxes or triangles before the items on my list. Satisfaction is checking off an item. Simple pleasures, lol. Thanks for posting the video. I’ve been experimenting with cutting my hair short.

The Joyful Quilter said...

Your hair looks fabulous, Jocelyn!! Well done. I'm not sure I'm brave enough to go for short hair, again! It's been ages and drives me crazy when it starts growing out.

Snickelfritz said...

You are too hard on yourself. You are beautiful and I love your new haircut. Wish I looked that good in short hair. Right now I have what I call my covid hair that has not been cut or colored for a couple of years. I'm really due for a makeover, but just can't make myself get to the beauty shop. Too much to do here at home. Will be watching your blog throughout the year to see all the pretty things you are making. Happy New Year!

QuiltGranma said...

Love your haircut. I remember, years ago when I was a young bride with my first job, asking one of my coworkers where she got her hair cut. "I cut it myself," she said. Well, it thought, then so can I! I remember later when the wedge haircut was in vogue, I cut mine like that and found that my natural almost wave helped reinforce the shape. Loved it! Now I wear a pixi, and I do it best for the way I like it.