Thursday 18 April 2024

Wooden House Wonderful Thursday Things

Oh dear, over half way through April already! Time, slow down! 

After days of rain, yesterday was a glorious sunny day and I spent time down by the pond watching the ducks float about. As usual they alarm very easily so this was taken from far away. I wonder if they could be the same ones we see there every year. I identified (with help from some of you) American Black Ducks for the first time visiting us last year. 

This has been a good week on many levels. For instance, I've learned from so many of you how to cook squash and eggplant. Thank you for taking the time to share your ideas with me. Check out the comment section on that post HERE if you'd like some ideas/recipes yourself on how to cook these vegetables.I also got to walk lots in between downpours so feel good about my exercise level. And sewing wise, I've enjoyed moving a number of projects forward by hand and machine.

Panama Pyramids on the ironing board... I sometimes watch/listen to tv in the sewing room if I don't have an audio book.

I'm stitching the Crossroads blocks together too-such nice easy joining, not like those pesky  pyramids. 

 Here is a last look at the yellows all together on the wall. They are a range from semi brights to darks. 
Update on the cross stitching...Here is the beginning of Block 8 of Year at Hawk Run Hallow. This is the August block which features the phrase  dog days of summer beside a beautiful strong tree. 

Each block is 92 x92 and is stitched 2 over 2. Back to pouring rain here this morning and I apologize for the poor lighting. I do not press for photos either as I don't want to crush the stitches any more than they are being pressed during the stitching. Actually at this point with such a large piece, I feel like it has been mauled. 
I finished reading Vinegar Girl by the wonderful Anne Tyler and enjoyed it. Her books have been a boon to me all my adult life. I love how she writes about relationships, especially spousal. I probably read her work looking for answers back in the day. Her writing has often been compared to Jane Austen's, btw.
And I've just started the wonderful book, A Town Like Alice by Nevil Shute.  I read this decades ago when living in an isolated community on the coast of Labrador and loved it. It will be interesting to see how it compares to my memory. 
LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color's prompt this week is simply chewy or crunchy??? I like both, what about you?  For instance, I find the crunch of celery, apples and almonds enjoyable and also like the chewiness of treats like Rice Krispie squares...writing that makes me want one.  

I've collected more free patterns so promise to share in a post soon.✔ Oh and the daughters and myself have been trying a common ingredient that promises to smooth and plump the face. So I'll share that too.
Going to be raining here for the next three days, but it is not snowing like so many parts of Canada and the US are still experiencing. And the grass is turning green too so all good. Hope things are similarly positive for you too!


Angela said...

So much stitchy goodness! Beautiful work!

abelian said...

I’ve read “A Town Like Alice” at least three times, too. (It was first published in the US as “The Legacy”.) And I also remember several other Shute novels, like “No Highway” and “An Old Captivity” and “Trustee from the Toolroom”. Time to see if my local library has them! Dot in NC

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Love all your quilts.
The simplicity of the crossroads appeals to me as a beginner.
Rain here as well. A couple days of sunshine, then rain I hope will not be the pattern for this summer.

Karen said...

Gotta say, I passed over the Panama Pyramids quickly enough to see Pajama Pyramids. Double-take, "how do pajamas work in pyramids?"
Now it strikes me that there's a quilt out there - to be made - to fit my title. Wonder who will make it?

Also loved Vinegar Girl. Anne Tyler is wonderful.

loulee said...

Your pyramids are looking good. Great to see those cross roads blocks being joined.

Jeanna said...

You've had a nice week. I love the pond photo with the ducks, so cute. Your stitching and sewing look great. Those Hawk Run Hollow charts are no joke. Each block is almost full coverage. I enjoy both chewy and crunchy, depends on the food.

Jenny said...

I purchased the book, A Town like Alice, to read on the Ghan rail trip, where
we stopped for a week at Alice Springs. Very enjoyable, but the story was not at all as I expected. You are doing well with all your lovely projects.

Jackie said...

Snowing off and on here today. Perfect day to stay in and work on various projects. I did decide to give my back, arms and legs a rest and did no spring cleaning. Tomorrow I will be back at it and get the hall all done.....

Love the pyramids and crossroads blocks. Your stitching is just lovely.

God bless.

Rosemary Dickinson said...

I always loved reading anything by Anne Tyler. I feel her characters are hard to forget. Crossroads is coming along very nicely! We had a warm week until today. It's been cold and rainy. I'm missing the sun!

PaintedThread said...

It will be May before we know it! Lots of nice projects - that will keep you busy. Enjoy your veggie recipes.

The Cozy Quilter said...

Raining here today too. The grass and flowers are growing like crazy! I love butternut squash soup. Did you know you can just cut up your butternut squash and freeze it to make the soup later.
Your cross stitch is fun…will there be a dog beside the tree for the dog days of summer?
I have read several books by Anne Tyler but not that one. I put it on my TBR list. (To be read)

Linda said...

Your Panama Pyramids and Crossroads projects look so pretty! Looking forward to finding out how to plump and smooth my face. :D

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

You are working on a lot of beautiful and fun projects. I wish a very lovely and productive weekend. Happy quilting and stitching. Hugs.

grammajudyb said...

I love seeing your progress on Hawk Run Hollow. I searched back in your post trying to find out what thread count fabric you are stitching on. Could you tell me please. I just finished a small piece on 28 ct linen. I hadn’t done 2 over 2 in a long time. It took some time to get back in the swing of that! The Crossroads blocks are so nice. Are you hand piecing them too?

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

It was fun to go back and read the comments on your previous post about eggplant and butternut squash, Jocelyn! I do love roasted butternut squash in veggie soups. Your Hawk Run Hollow progress looks wonderful- each design is so fun with those interesting details! Thanks for the book recommendations, too. I haven't read either, so will go look for them.

dq said...

I am planning on making the crossroads quilt with some friends from scraps. Thanks for the inspiration.

Astrid said...

Pretty projects your are working on. Love your stitchery. Are you going to frame it when done? I have to check out Anne Tyler books. I've read A Town like Alice at least twice. I'm currently reading 'Sister' by Rosamund Lupton.

Rose Marie said...

I didn't like all the seams in my Pyramids quilt either. Your Crossroads blocks are nice and they look so easy to do. said...

Wonderful stitching progress for the week! I too enjoyed the Vinegar and I loved A Town Like Alice. My favorite read this year has been "The Shadow Divers" by Robert Kurson.

CathieJ said...

I love the Panama Pyramids, but I can understand the difficulty in joining. Your cross-stitch is looking great. I have add Vinegar Girl to my list of books that I want to read.

Deb A said...

Every time I see your pyramids, I remember I want to make some! Your projects are looking great and love the pond shot. That must be so peaceful to watch them. I hope you have a wonderful week.

Sara said...

I really like how you've set those Panama Pyramids with a neutral block in between. Mine have been set aside as I thought it was too busy, but now you have given me new inspiration. Thanks!!

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Your pyramids look beautiful, and I love the Crossroads blocks together, fun red centers! The embroidery is gorgeous, full of pretty details!
Thank you for sharing your work in progress!

Magpie's Mumblings said...

I don't think I've ever read anything by Anne Tyler and really must rectify that.
Your projects are all looking great. Seeing your cross stitch project makes me want to start one but then I remember that it's hard to see so I talk myself out of it.
Chewy or crunchy has to be crunchy for me.