Monday 13 May 2024

Amazon Delights, Shopping, Pileated Woodpecker

We are doing well with the healthier eating. The weekly box of fresh vegetables and fruit has certainly helped. There was a large cauliflower, potatoes and green beans lately that I used in one of those mushroom soup casseroles...actually I switched to cream of chicken and it was good too. I also made a lentil, pea and bean soup with added carrots and sweet potatoes from the box. Not foods Tony would like but he enjoyed the soup. And for me, I can make a meal of a salad. I always add carrots and oranges. I'm still using Jenny of Elefantz's salad dressing...1/3 cup olive oil, 1/3 cup apple cider vinegar, 1/3 cup maple syrup. I cut back the maple syrup for me as I don't have a sweet tooth. 

 I did get shoe shopping for running shoes and bought these. Sketchers with hot pink soles with a little more cushioning than I'm used to.
So many pairs I tried on were white or light colours. Around here on the trails, they would be dirty so quickly, I opted for the black and I've come to like Sketchers over recent years. They are very comfortable which is the main thing, of course. 

Have you heard of doing this? Yet another use for toilet paper rolls. There must be a book that could be published with all the uses by now. Last weekend, I got out my saved toilet paper rolls and made quite a lot of these. Planters for seedlings which I put to use on the weekend.

 It is always tricky getting delicate, tiny sprouted seedlings out of containers to put in the ground. This way, they don't need to be removed; you can plant the whole thing. Here is a short video showing how to make the containers. Two from each roll and this tiny project definitely scratched my thrifty/frugal itch too.
Two Amazon Delights
If you google latest quilting trends, you'll probably turn up this. Alice Carolines' latest book, Alice's Wonderland Sampler Quilt. It features 100 blocks, I think all sewn in Liberty fabrics. It's popping up all over the place. Many quilters are sewing these blocks which are a variety of applique and piecing. It sold out quickly but is back in stock now even found on  Amazon. Here is a short video preview of it.
And I saw this at KatyQuilts and thought I'd share it. She got hers from Sam's Club Online. Great for many uses besides sewing tools, maybe jewelry or other craft supplies. Makes a cute gift. I found similar on Amazon too but there are variations available from a number of companies and all in pretty colours. A new fangled twist on the old metal tool chest. Amazon link

My weekend's progress on the Pileated Woodpecker. I've switched to stitching some of the boring bits to get them out of the way. 

And in a bit of amazing coincidence, on the weekend I was able to grab a shot of our local fast moving Pileated Woodpecker making his rounds of the trees beside the garage. Ned and I spot him quite often early morning. He always seems so intent on  pecking the heck out of the trees that he doesn't notice us. And look at that... leaves have appeared almost overnight it seems.
Prep for this week's Tiny 9 Patch blocks...and nine at a time. And sadly not making any noticeable dent in the scrap bags. 
I have to continue the garden tidy up this week and begin my new border on the Bramble Blooms. I hope I'm going to like what I've planned. Next time I'll talk about that and my Mother's Day outing. Hope your week will be one that includes doing something you love!

   Linking up with generous folks like Brenda at Songbird Designs, Kelly at My Quilt Infatuation, Denise at A Quiltery, Alycia at Alycia Quilts, Kathy at Kathy Quilts and Melva at Melva Loves Scraps     


Jenn Jilks said...

It's good to have comfy shoes!
Our local deli makes a fabulous kale caesar salad! They are amazing.
Good luck with the seedlings. I did not attempt any this year.
Your needlework is lovely!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

what a pretty looking woodpecker - love seeing them. We should do more healthy eating but it is hard with hubby barely enjoying any fruits or veggies

Nancy J said...

Skechers are so comfortable, we all have summer slip ins, or lace ups, at Taupo I went shopping for new winter shoes, found Bresley double zip black short boots and put in an ortho innersole. Great cushioning for my knees, that's what our GP said I needed !!! That bird, what a shot.And a box of veges, a bonus when you can have a meal or make soup.

Helen said...

Gorgeous woodpecker!
I wish you all the luck with the toilet paper roll tube seeds! I hope it works for you. I'll give you a heads up though. I did the same thing 2-3 springs ago. It was a disaster. The cardboard and the keeping the soil moist was not a good combination. Mold grew on the rolls. Maybe you'll have better luck.

Jenny said...

Your woodpecker cross stitch piece is coming along well. How wonderful to have your very osn colourful woodpecker living in the woods. Sadly, no woodpeckers here in New Zealand though, so I've never seen one.

Gretchen Weaver said...

We also have pileated woodpeckers at our home, sometimes we see flickers. Your new shoes look very comfortable. Happy stitching!

cityquilter grace said...

nope those little blocks don't make any sort of difference in the alice's quilt but alas don't have that many liberty fabrics so i'll pass...LOL...good reason as any...yes a shoe with a bit more cushioning obliterated my knee pain

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

I'm glad you're finding creative ways to use those veggies, Jocelyn! That pileated woodpecker you caught the photo of is a beauty. It's also amazing how closely the cross-stitch design looks like him! Enjoy stitching those 9 patches - that looks like such a good way to make the tiny ones.

Lin said...

What an amazing woodpecker! We don't have those. xx

Susie H said...

Love the toilet paper use for seeds. What a great idea! I'll pass this tip along to my brother who loves to garden right from seeds. You have quite a few 9-patches to sew up. Hope you made some time to get them done. Enjoy!

Linda said...

Love your Skechers - they are my favorite brand! I used to not be able to wear them because of my severe bunion, but now that is is fixed I can wear just about any shoes. I will have dozens of Skechers if I win the lottery. ;)
Your woodpecker is as almost as spectacular as the real thing. I love the look of those sampler blocks, but the 6-inch size would do me in. I so admire your finesse with those tiny 9-patch blocks.

Jackie said...

I have bought Sketchers the last few times I have needed runners and I love them. So comfortable.

I have seen those metal cases before on a Cricut forum. People seem to love them.

God bless.

PaintedThread said...

I've made guinea pig treat tubes like that, but I never thought to use them for seedlings! I like that better than the egg cartons I'm using now. I'll have to mark that down for next year! Handsome woodpeckers. Love those 9 patches.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

RC has used the toilet paper idea for starting seedlings but most often he uses egg cartons.
I know there's a pileated around here because I often hear him/her but have yet to catch a glimpse.
Must admit that I now rather covet that tool cabinet - wouldn't it be wonderful to store knitting needles?

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Mmmm maple syrup .I have never tried that as a dressing sounds yummy. Love the woodpecker stitch in the works. It is looking fabulous. Enjoy your day. Hugs.

Nann said...

Your post is full of interesting things! I like Skechers, too. Easy on my old toes. The woodpecker (real and stitched) is great! We have downy woodpeckers who every so often decide to drill into the cedar siding on our house. Good tip about the t.p. tubes!

Chopin - A Passionate Quilter said...

Love the Woodpecker!!! Your walking shoes look great! Your 9 patches are coming along. I looked at the book, but golly I have so many patterns and books that I will hold off for now. It will make me want to purchase some Liberty EXPENSIVE fabrics! LOL Of which I do not need anymore fabrics! Have a great week-end.

CathieJ said...

I have exclusively bought Skechers for the last few years and my feet feel great in them. I would like to try to eat more veggies, but my husband likes very few. I fear I would be wasting my money and having food go bad with those delivery boxes though I like the idea. Your stitched woodpecker is looking great. I have a plastic tool box that was my mom's that I want to empty and use for sewing supply storage. It is fairly new and has lots of little storage spaces. This will be a good way to repurpose it.

Andrea said...

We've recently had a woodpecker near our house. They are so beautiful in person. Last fall I began cutting up all my scraps for a scrap quilt. You've inspired me to get them out and see how I could use them. Happy stitching! -Andrea

Karrin Hurd said...

Love the woodpecker! I had been having pain in one of my heels and had just gotten 2 new pairs of Skechers, went to the podiatrist and was told I couldn't wear the Skechers with plantar fasciitis and had to buy another pair of athletic shoes with inserts. Hope I can get this cleared up before I leave for Hawaii in July!

Brenda @ Songbird Designs said...

You had a fun week, Jocelyn! I'm glad you are enjoying your fruit and vegie box. And, I'm glad you found comfy shoes. I have found that about the only brand I can tolerate is Easy Spirit and unfortunately, I have to get them online as they no longer have stores. But, they do have a free return policy. Interesting use for toilet paper rolls. We were saving ours for our daughter's co-worker who wanted to make rockets out of them for the kids, but decided against it. It's cool you can just drop it in the ground and they will degrade. One of my sewing buddies told me about the tool box craze going on now and showed some really cute, decorated ones for sewing use. Your woodpecker friend is quite gorgeous, and especially seeing him after stitching one! Have a great week. Thanks for sharing with us at Monday Musings!

K Reeves said...

I love both wood peckers! We use our toilet paper rolls and butter wrappers to make fire starters, but this is another great use! Your healthy meals sound delicious.

Denise said...

Oh dear Lord, my husband will think I have finally lost my mind, lol. You could prepare the tp rolls in advance then add your seeds when it's time to start growing. Thank you for sharing such a clever idea. The salad looks yummy and I love your woodpecker. Thank you for linking up to Put your foot down.

Chookyblue...... said...

Would be cool to see a wood pecker......