Monday, 6 January 2025

More Presents, Cakes and Stitching Notes

A crisp -23 C wind chill out there this morning. I'll bundle up for the morning walk, maybe even break out my balaclava. I'm now filling two bird feeders with black sunflower seeds. These little guys are getting snacks from the ground. 

I have my little 2025 planner ready to go. I looked at many fancy and even beautiful ones and in the end opted for this $5 one at the Dollar Store. It ticked all the boxes for what I need. Beside it is the new address book I bought from Amazon. It has a special section to record passwords which is handy as we seem to have a slew of those these days. I spent more money on that because I hope to have it a long time. And on the other side is the very old (10 + years) address book that has fallen apart. Tony keeps all his info on the computer and wonders why I don't too. What do you do?
Another of my presents to share with you...

This lovely sampler quilt book below that was on my wish list. Alice's Wonderland Sampler Quilt by Alice Caroline which promises to improve my sewing skills. 

 I first heard of Alice when I followed Rachel who used EPP to sew Alice's Flower Garden of the Month project using Liberty of London fabrics. So pretty!

And I must share with you Beth's Christmas Day Cheesecake. It is Rock Recipes Turtle Cheesecake and was, as they say, to die for. Tony was so happy we hosted as we got to keep the leftovers. 
During Christmas holidays, Robbie played in a weekend hockey tournament and we got to go to the last game. The arena was on the opposite side of Ottawa, far from us. We hadn't driven the major city motorway, the Queensway, in years and it was quite crowded and a bit scary but we made it. We got to see awards presented and were so happy Robbie won one- for the hardest working player. I think that is a wonderful thing to get recognition for. He is loving playing so much which is what it's all about.
That is his little 3 year old self up in the left corner. Oh my, those years are just a blink in time it seems.
Slow stitching this weekend was spent with Redwork Noel still. Here I've finished a couple of cross stitched versions of trees.  It is narrowing to form the bottom of the heart design. 
Huge thanks to Frederique who is again collating all the BOM"s and QAL's now for 2025. The link is 2025 Quilt Challenges if you'd like to check them out.

I am so happy to have Jenny back blogging! I always loved her blog- Jenny of Elegantz, and she is offering a lovely BOM called The Free Sewing Room BOM. Her embroidery designs are sweet and uplifting too. 

I have much more to talk about like my hair, for instance, of all things, and a decluttering plan but I don't want the posts to be too long. Next time then... 

Stay warm or cool depending on what part of this wonderful world you are living in!

Happily sharing this post with Small Quilts and Doll Quilts.


Nancy J said...

I,too, have so many different passwords and keep them in a soft cover small notebook. The family know some special ones in case I am incapacitated or more. I'll check out those goodies from Jenny, her designs are always beautiful. -23C that's COLD. !!!

Magpie's Mumblings said...

I keep all my addresses that I might send something via snail mail in an address book and the addresses of internet friends are on the computer.
That cheesecake looks absolutely delish and not a calore to be seen.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

there are always too many passwords to remember! That is the major thing about computers that I dislike. That cheesecake looks wonderful - I have not had one in awhile. The red stitching looks really nice, I too have bird feeders out and with the cold weather and maybe snow coming in a couple days have them flocking thickly at the feeders.

Deb A said...

I use the password program on my computer for the passwords... and find I have to reset them if I am on a different device! The addresses, are in an old address book I got when I bought my first house in 2001. Lots of crossed out addresses, so I really should get a new one to update it. Your stitchery is so pretty. We just had a front go through, and I was thinking the wind would take the awning over the car.... but it is held down for hurricane winds and it survived! I'm just starting to feel better, so will tidy up Christmas, take out winter snowflakes and then figure out what to sew this month! Keep warm, and so neat you got to see his game and that award given out. I agree, hardest working is one to be proud of.

Janice said...

Like you, a dollar store diary ticks all the boxes for me. Most of my addresses were in my Christmas card book, which has been going since we married in the mid 80s. So many are no longer with us. Current addresses seem to be in my phone and passwords on a cheat sheet. There’s no way I can remember them all. I can’t imagine going for a walk in those temperatures. We think it is really cold at -5C. I love your stitchery. It will be nice for next Christmas.

Rosemary Dickinson said...

That cheesecake looks so good! Thank you for the link to the new BOMs of 2025! I'm doing the Halloween BOM by Leila Gardunia. I love the embroidery BOM by Jenny of Elegantz. So pretty!! Please help me declutter! I'm looking forward to your next post!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful red work heart. I have made several sampler quilts over the years. They are great skill builders. It’s very wintery there! We have just a dusting of snow and it is quite cold. We are still putting Christmas away here. More to do today. Hoping for some sewing time too. Gail at the cozy quilter.

Linda said...

Thank you for the cheesecake link! I am always racing to your blog when I see "cake" in the title. When I saw the mention of your "balaclava", my mind read "baklava" - lol! I added black sunflower seeds to my shopping list today, thanks to you. I've noticed the sunflower seeds in our bird seed is the first to go. We have snow in our forecast (finally!), so I want to make sure all the birdies are fed well. Your redwork is just beautiful. I keep all my passwords on MS Outlook "Contacts" on my laptop. Each is listed under the business name along with account numbers, etc. I do like the idea of listing it in a notebook.
Take care, dear Jocelyn! :)

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Brrr - that is cold! But good for you to still be getting out. I imagine Ned likes and needs it, no matter what the temperature. Cold and snowy here in Colorado today, and lots of birdd at the feeders, too. Your 2025 planner is really pretty - unlike my plain green one, also from the dollar store! We keep our passwords in a little spiral notebook. There sure are a lot of them these days! The new book of quilt blocks looks like a great one to have. Enjoy your stitching on these cold winter days!

Susie H said...

I am loving your Red Noel cross stitch. It is so delicate and lovely. Thank you for sharing the fun video. I'll have to visit it later when I have a little time. We have that in common -- a love of EPP! Congratulations to Robbie. Team sports are good for the youngsters to learn competition and also working together. After all there is no I in TEAM! Enjoy those walks and spying the little critters -- birds, squirrels, et al. Give Ned an ear scratch from me!

PaintedThread said...

I recently found my old address book - so out of date! My stuff on the computer in one way or another. Oh, that cheesecake! I like your redwork. Stay warm!

dq said...

Yummy, beautiful stuff to enjoy here! Thanks for sharing all of it! Cheesecake is a favorite of mine.

Anonymous said...

amazing digitizing companies !@!1

Jennifer said...

Your stitching is so pretty!

Rajani Rehana said...

Beautiful post