Wednesday, 22 January 2025

Quilt Trend #2, Beauty Products, Colour Love

How are you all? My day is going well. I've brought in wood for the day long fire, vacuumed the main area here, tidied my kindling I keep out on the veranda too and put away a couple more Christmas small odds and ends. Time to have a sit, sip a coffee, and talk to you. 

I was just looking at the Pantone colour of the year for 2025.  It's a shade they call Mocha Mousse which I think would be an easy on the eyes background colour in quilts. What do you think?

I especially like what they are saying it symbolizes- Connection, Comfort and Harmony. The world is in need of all of that. And I love mousse. 

I checked out what are the quilting trends for this year. This list had a couple of things I like. Quilting Trend #2 found Here at Like Sew is Sustainability.  I don't know much about the actual pollution fabric is causing but this article says fabric dying is responsible for 20% of water pollution world wide. Whenever I'm in a thrift store and see the aisles upon aisles of fabric items like clothes, sheets, etc., and know this is the same in thousands of thrift stores around North America, I definitely feel we need to recycle more.

And I was happy to see that Quilt Trend # 3 is Vintage Inspired Quilts with the older blocks that we love providing inspiration still.  

 I have the cross stitched Redwork Noel finished. I changed a couple of the motifs, added more hearts, etc. What an enjoyable little project it was! Such a nice change from the larger designs I usually tackle. 

My next cross stitch is another small one, Cozy Into Winter, by Jeannette Douglas Designs which is exactly what is happening in my neck of the woods right now-staying cozy I mean. I've made a small start there on the bottom and on this linen, it is going to be small. I'm having more of a think about that. Maybe it could be a pin cushion or one of those little items in a display bowl. 
I've also pieced more of the Everglade blocks and began joining them in this formation. This is hand sewing as well. 

I don't think I've shared these before. Just pinning them. The fabrics are pretty and some of the colours together are pleasing. Most of these are from the same line so should match.
Below are some products I like including the salon purchase Fast Food conditioner. 
I do like the Bert's Bees lip conditioner with peppermint oil. I also tried this tinted one; the shade is Rhubarb, a colour I like. What I don't like is it doesn't last that long and leaves a line around the lips like you've outlined them- really don't like that look- so you have to keep applying it.
 I've watched videos on Instagram of folks using the Elf Satin foundation so gave it a try...Walmart carries it. I use a bit under my eyes and on my cheeks only and it is very light textured, yes, satiny even. With my skin basically ashen these days, I have to use the lightest shade of any of these products so this one is Fair Neutral.  

 I made a ground beef with macaroni casserole on Monday. I always add a can of tomatoes to this, do you? That lasted two nights with a salad one night and bread the next. I've taken out a large piece of salmon for tonight which cost about the same as my first paycheck back in 1970. Sometimes I'll do a roasted potato with this and I have broccoli to use too. I wish my rice maker hadn't died and I should look for a new one. It was so convenient but then how lazy am I not to want to boil rice. Yikes

Happy to share this post with Jennifer's linky party at Inquiring Quilter, Alycia's party at  Alycia Quilts and Judy's at Small Quilts and Doll Quilts.


Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

if you do not want to shop for a rice cooker order it on amazon - I am so glad for amazon I use it all the time as I no longer really enjoy shopping.

Julierose said...

Beautiful finish on Redwork Noel -- nice work!! [is it counted x-stitch?] I have only ever done redwork embroidery pieces...but I do love the look of red/white...your next project looks lovely...
Everglad blocks are really pretty...they will make a lovely piece...
7 degrees here this morning--went food shopping and thankfully there was little if any wind. We are not so used to this kind of cold here on the shore of SE CT..
hugs, Julierose

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Redwork Noel is a beauty, Jocelyn! I really like your Everglades blocks, too. They make a neat design when sew them together! We never had a rice cooker until younger son moved back here, and now we have used it so much that we need to replace it. Your meal ideas sound yummy!

Gretchen Weaver said...

The Everglade blocks are so pretty! How are you going to finish the redwork block? Happy stitching on these cold winter days!

Jennifer Fulton Inquiring Quilter said...

That redwork is lovely! Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

loulee said...

Your cross stitch is lovely, both of those designs would be good as wee cushions in a bowl or dotted about here or there. Loving your quilt fabrics too.
Yes, there is way too much stuff being wasted in this world, op shops are great for re use and repurpose but we do need to find other ways too.

Libby in TN said...

I'm not a fan of Mocha Mousse. Kona's color of the year is purple. Your cross stitch projects inspire me to try it again.

Jackie said...

Shhh, about 6 years or so ago I wanted my light green wall colour changed in the living room/dining room (kind of open concept in my home) and wanted to do a darker brown. Harvey wouldn't let me so we settled on a lighter brown. It is very close to Mocha Mousse. We both love it. Makes the rooms very cosy.

Love the stitching you are accomplishing and the quilt blocks are coming along very nicely.

God bless.

Michelle Ridgway said...

I love the more natural colours. Your cross stitch is beautiful...well done. You blocks are looking great too. I love the upcyling side of slow stitching, using unloved vintage linens. I only use a tinted moisturiser now. Your dinner sounds delish!

PaintedThread said...

The redwork looks great. I like your Everglade blocks. I have a bunch of casserole recipes - they're good, easy meals!

Linda said...

I race to read your posts when I see them on my feed! Your Everglade blocks are really neat, I like the placement and the scrappy nature of them. I am a big fan of ELF products, just replaced my mascara yesterday. It is the first mascara I've tried in decades that doesn't try to add tons of "goop" to my thinning lashes. I love Burt's Bees too. Haven't tried the Fast Food products, love the name! We tried a rice cooker, but Hubs returned it, said it was too much trouble - lol!

patty a. said...

Growing my there were a lot of mouths to feed - I had 7 siblings - so Mom would make a pot of what she called goulash. It had browned hamburger, because back then that was inexpensive, cooked macaroni noodles, then some kind of tomato based sauce. I remember asking her years later before she passed how she made that and she said she couldn't remember. It was just something she threw together to feed all of us. With five boys, they ate a lot of it!

Angela said...

I am not a fan of that colour but it does have a cozy feel to it. Most of my fabric now comes from thrift stores. I have got some gorgeous silk there!

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Noel turned out so pretty. Well done!
I buy a lot of my fabric, particularly for backings, at the thriftie. Sheets are my friend and sometimes curtain fabric too.
The only makeup I wear is a little eyebrow pencil..lazy, or what.
Right now there are two big pots of bean soup percolating on the stove (the recipe always morphs into two pots so there will be lots to put in the freezer).

Deb A said...

We call that goulash as well! My family (brother most recently) makes a crock pot of that for people we know when someone passes. A handy and easy meal of comfort food. I remember lots of meals with hamburger growing up.... you can tell what meats are cheapest based on the meals of the times! Enjoy your day.

cityquilter grace said...

i like the mocha mousse....and lovely stitcheries

Astrid said...

Your Noel is a beauty, and Cozy Into Winter will be too! Mocha Mousse color... Not a big fan of brown, but I do like this one, maybe because of the name! LOL Love your Everglad blocks, don't think I've seen that pattern before. Beautiful colors too. I haven't used makeup in years. How did your dinner turn out? I love salmon, but what we get here is frozen and old, except smoked salmon. Sometimes a supermarket has 'fresh salmon from Norway'. Really?! I don't think they know what 'fresh' means! :-)

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

I really like those everglade blocks. I am not sure that I have ever used much Mocha colored fabric - maybe this is the year to see if I like it. Rice - if you go down the rice aisle in the grocery store they have these handy 2 serving microwave packets - 90 seconds and bam - Rice!! Have fun!!

Daisy Debs said...

I wonder who decides the colour of the year ? I like it but anyway it will be the colours that you choose to go with it that'll make it really special . Yes we're bringing in more fire wood now too and I find needlework very comforting .Sending my love to you from Cornwall U.K 💐x

Jenn Jilks said...

I've been adding canned tomatoes to all my batch meals. Also, canned pineapple. Veggies are pretty tough to get with imports. said...

Your rework Noel is beautiful! I've never had a rice cooker; but, understand if you have had one how it is missed when you don't as I lived for a summer with a family that had one which was used every day! I too add tomatoes to a lot of dishes.

Susie H said...

Your Redwork looks beautiful, the new one shows great promise too, Everglades makes an interesting pattern and the fabrics you're using are lovely. My Instant Pot supposedly makes good rice but my best rice is made stove-top. Oh well -- go get that rice cooker!