I loved every minute and rested like I haven't in some time. I swam in the Atlantic which amused me as it was so warm and hard to believe it is the same ocean that sweeps my home province of Newfoundland and Labrador. There it is known for its icy temperatures and is the yearly Iceberg Alley.
I spent a lot of time dodging the sun. But once I had myself coated with sun screen, dressed in long sleeves, wearing my sun hat and situated in the shade, it was heaven.
But even with all that, I burned in places and tanned in others which amazed me.
I got to wear my Old Navy Cactus Shirt which was very comfy. If you take a look at it, the model is 5'9" and size Small...I am 5'6" and wore size Large, LOL.
I took with me as my stitching project the Leanne's House embroidery called Sew Laugh Love. I've been meaning to ask- does anyone know if Leanne is still in business; all the links I find are outdated. I've always enjoyed her designs.
The food was incredible and I have no guilt about all I ate. The array of fresh food....fruit, vegetables, and fish was such a treat.
New to me was their own fruit, the mamey sapote. It tastes like a sweeter sweet potato and I think I ate it most meals in one form or another.
Anyway, home again and feeling so happy and blessed to be back with Hubby and the furry ones. Also thrilled to see that the snow all disappeared in my absence so things are finally looking springish.
I had mail while away, mail of the quilty sort. Clementine's Bonnet from Connecting Threads.
Here is the spectrum of colours in this sampling.

A line of colours and prints new to my little collection and those of you who enjoy the reproduction type fabrics would like this I think.
I must go and unpack after which I will catch up on your blogs which is all I have on my agenda this Sunday back at home.