Thursday, 12 April 2018

Quiet Days

As I went about my business yesterday, doing this-

trying out my Indigo Snowball blocks on an actual bed and feeling pleased with the progress but knowing I have a ways to go just yet.

and looking at this photo of Murphy on the spare bed a couple of years ago and realizing once again that she can no longer jump up on beds,while Rex, though older, still can. But what a silken beauty she still is!

And glancing at these guys that have been sitting in a bowl for the last week.  What is it with avocados? I love them but find (like Goldilocks) they are either too hard or too soft.

And enjoying this meal....Chinese take out; something I still appreciate for those  times when we need a change from my cooking.

And checking in with the Indiana Barred Owls. That little white splotch in the middle is three little owlets.  Note how they are surrounded by a well stocked pantry. Both parents are great hunters, much to their good fortune.

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Looking through my Quilt of Belonging book; admiring the beautiful block for Australia where Lyn Prichard featured  in delicate embroidery 11 of the possible amazing  22,000 native species in that country.


And loving how Hope Brans and Carol Campbell chose the two traditional forms that exemplify American textile art in the United States of America block- the patchwork quilt and the embroidered sampler. And the words important they are.

E pluribus unum~From many, one
I like words on quilts and samplers, do you?

And realizing what a quiet day it was but then
Image result for quiet days quotes

Always happy to link up with Thursday Likes at Not Afraid of Color and Brian's Home.  Also linking with Esther's Quilt BlogPowered by QuiltingThe Inquiring Quilter and It's a Small Town Life

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