Since retiring and feeling that time is finally my own, I've deliberately not worn watches very much. Hubby, however, doesn't feel dressed unless he has his watch on. He has an eco driven watch that he loves. He sets it on the window sill just so each night and solar power keeps it running. He loves not having to buy batteries. I mentioned an interest in such a watch magically powered by the sun.
Now I am getting emails from him with suggestions of ladies watches that are also solar powered with headings like what about this one or perhaps this one. He is finding sales of course and I just might say yes to one. Do you have such a watch that you like?
But we had lunch on Friday with friends and I admired her watch. Silver strap and silver case, not too big, not too small- you could read the numbers(yes it had numbers)...nice looking. Walmart she said, $10, now 3 years old. Do you get tired of replacing the batteries? Her hubby chimed in no, they buy them at Dollarama. As far as they are concerned they work just as well as the expensive ones.
Now of all the things I buy there, I would not think of buying batteries at dollar stores. Do you?
I love being up close to nature but sometimes it is a little confounding!
Another crazy robin story...We heard strange scrambling sounds and dull thuds in the dining area. Watched for a bit and discovered a poor robin battering himself against the window. He was relentless so I had to do something...lowering the blind and closing the curtains didn't work.
Googled it and found just this sort of thing happens this time of year...a male robin will see his reflection in a window, assume it is a rival and of course, want it gone. Our recourse was to put newspapers over the outside of the window.
He hung around for a while in the evening...not hitting the window but agitated -hopping back and forth from deck railing to tree branches. When I came out to the dining room this morning at 6:52 am, he was sitting on the railing and I thought oh dear, but he has now left and I haven't seen him since. I think he returned just to reassure himself the rival has disappeared.
The baskets have gained flowers and leaves now.
But I'm deliberately showing you the cords there on the right. These are essential for several of my devices and if I don't have them in full sight, this is just the sort of thing that disappears on me even in that tiny sewing room. I got fed up with having to waste time looking so this my recourse. Now, though unsightly which is the price I have to pay, lol, I always know where they are.
Do you have a sure fire way of putting your hand on these small but essential items?
The baskets also have some sashings and a fun border made from scraps. What a great stress free project.
Don't let the process defeat the purpose.
I don't know who said this first but it's been around the net for a few years. When I read it again, I realized we all have something in our lives we can apply this too. For me (this week anyway), it is about the finishing of my projects...the actual quilting of them. I tend to put that part off...I have reasons...I want to keep practicing first to improve my stitching which is legitimate but I need to call a halt at some point and actually get down to the job. No one wants a project to be spoiled with sloppy quilting, but it is pointless to have them pile up in one of my totes...never to be seen again.(By the way, thanks Roseanne at Home Sewn By Us for the encouragement re fmq.)
I heard from a lot of colour blue lovers so here's a little more about it. This is a great article
from Brain Pickings called Two Hundred Years of the Colour Blue. It is interesting to think of a colour having an illustrious history. I love the references to nature in these descriptions.

I love colour wheels and to note all the nuances that make up blue in this one is wonderful.

Just a little bit of awesome is this video of a true song of colours, Starry, Starry Night sung to a backdrop of Vincent Van Gogh's paintings. It reminded me of the saying that yellow is all about light. And just how free Vincent was with all the shades of blue and yellow. Don McLean's voice is so sweet too.
Hope there is colour, vibrant or soothing as needed in your day today.
Think of me as I accompany Hubby to the Heart Institute for a major work up- he has never had a heart problem per se but wants to rule out any as the source of his continual tiredness.
So happy to link up with happy things over at LeeAnna's Not Afraid of Color.
Also linking with Esther's Quilt Blog, Free Motion by the River, Busy Hands Quilts, My Quilt Infatuation, Brian's Home Blog, Sew Can She and Em's Scrapbag.
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