This is me...with yet another heat wave warning, I am spending a lot of time floating in the pool and trying to keep my flowers in the garden alive and blooming. Though I don't wear my flowers on my head, I do wear a hat which is okay because I only do the breast stroke.
And sad news, my thighs have truly run amok. Usually swimming will tame them into some semblance of sort of fitness, but this year that isn't happening. They're remaining vanilla pudding thighs, but what odds, they still work. That's going to be my new mantra about body parts from here on in...it's not how they look that matters, as long as they work!
I spent all day yesterday in the sewing room and have lots to show for it. Like this mess under my chair and the prepped piece of cotton for future applique...did that just to relax after the tension of trying to get everything straight on my Grasshopper center piece and yes, with this crooked eye of mine, that is a challenge! Thanks to Hubby for his help with that too. Photos later.
Tried out an arrangement for the latest block and sewed most of it during last night's tv viewing,
Bill Nighy starring in The Limehouse Golem. Love all his performances....think I could get a crush on him! LOL
It's an interesting combination of pieces. Also trying hard to keep to the light, medium and dark colours to give vibrancy to the blocks. My inclination is to stay so neutral- this is good for me.
I'm busy with embroidering in between the Grasshopper blocks. I love it. And tried out this little sampler of needles from Foxglove Cottage.
Jeana Kimball has a lovely site with sweet patterns and notions. Also her journal section has interesting notes on applique.
I am deliberately keeping some of the so called weeds in the garden this year after realizing how important they are to many birds. I was so happy I did when I spied the little American Goldfinches plucking the seeds of the backyard tall bull thistle; they use it for food and to line their nests. And importantly, time their breeding with the availability of this thistle down.
There is a large flock of these birds down by the pond so hopefully there are enough thistle plants to help them all nest.
Here is a good example of the bright male and duller female taken through the window at older daughter's house.
This is not about thistle but about thyme...the amazing Joan Baez singing Will You Go, Laddie, Go. Feel sentimental about seeing her so young in this one and hearing that voice so youthful and vibrant she is trying to rein it in.
A quiet Sunday is on order here in the little woods. Hope all is quiet or busy as you like it wherever you are. Enjoy!
Linking up with wonderful stitchers at Kathy's Quilts, Small Quilts and Doll Quilts, Love Laugh Quilt, Bambi's Show and Tell Monday, Busy Hands Quilts, Quilting is More Fun Than Housework and What a Hoot Quilts.
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