New to me is Icelandic Skyr yogurt available here as a Liberte product and I like it. So many new products all the time!
Why do we love all things Nordic I wonder. Maybe because they are at the top or nearly there when the countries get ranked for the good things we all want in our lives. #1 in government transparency for example and very high for eating well.
And leaning on that same counter I spied this little guy...saw the tree wiggling and up he popped. Can you see him?Inside, my Crabapple Hill Shiny and Brite is hanging in the foyer again, with the choir of angels poised permanently in song beside it. Here is a link to the Crabapple Hill Design Studio free downloadables page if you have a minute to take a peek.
A close up of the crayon tinting, stitching and hand quilting I did on this piece. All aspects of this project were so enjoyable. Do you look at certain projects and remember the pleasure of making them?
But about my Present day projects
I mentioned I've resorted to the walking foot to quilt around the building and roof tops of the After the Snow panel. Gosh, I hope this works far seems to be okay.
But I had to give up on getting a photo showing the actual stitching...after about 10 tries and none of them really capturing any mounds or valleys. Grrr...
And my true Christmas piece for this year, the Scandinavian Redwork. I wasn't totally happy with the fabric I showed you before so went back to the cupboard and pulled a few more. Since I have sewn on all the borders, this is it! The red is a very good match to the DMC 321 I used in the embroidery. Hopefully I'll get the outer border of appliqued hearts sewn on today.
And proving orts get everywhere even on my constant (underfoot) companion! Remember when Hubby found one floating in the acquarium!
What's turned my head this week
I used to make a torte back in the day that had a layer of meringue, something I really like. I saw the most wonderful looking cake in this post at William Morris In Quilting with Michele which made me think of making one again. A little search and I found this one from the Sugar Coated Cottage called Butterscotch Pecan Dacquoise Cake. Looks heavenly! (My little torte looked nothing like this mind you.)
We just had our anniversay and I think I'll make this one this weekend as a special treat. Love triple /mulitple layer cakes!

Dacquoise is basically a meringue and here is a link to Craftsy explaining all about it.
So visions of cake and meringue are floating in my head...yum! Also 2019 BOM's which are starting to be talked up around the net. Next time I'll give some links to a couple I'm eyeing.
Thursday's linking with Not Afraid of Color as always. And these as well: The Needle and Thread Network, Brian's Home Blog, The Inquiring Quilter, Quilt Fabrication, Silly Mama Quilts, and
It's a Small Town Life, Viewing Nature with Eileen, Crazy Mom Quilts and the Quilting Room with Mel.
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