Like this advice, definitely British...
Avoid tweed skirt suits teamed with lace-up brogues...and anything crimplene." I thought of Agatha Christie when I read this though I wonder what exactly is crimplene???
I was thinking about all this recently while looking about for a new good summer outfit. We had/have several outings planned and my wardrobe has definitely slipped all the way to garden casual. I looked in the usual places and did not see anything a) suitable, or b) likeable. I didn't even see anything I liked that could be called frumpy to have a mental debate about. I came home empty handed and thought, well that's a fine howdoyoudo. Trying to clothe myself going forward with no discernable style other than preferring black or white with the odd flowery blouse thrown in and definitely needing to feel comfortable is going to be a bit of a challenge it seems. Anywhere online you are shopping and finding appropriately youngish old lady clothes?
I realize I do forget to show you the things I finish. My interest lies more in the process I guess and that applies to my baking as well- once something is in the oven, I have a tendency to forget about it; have always had to use a timer.
However, every time I take out my sunglass cloth pouch, I'm reminded I didn't show you this little project after it was done. Anyone remember my kantha stitching efforts? I was using a small selection of Tula Pink fabrics and enjoying the stitching very much.
I did turn it into a useful item and in fact it is large enough for both my reading glasses and sunglasses to fit so I'm finding it very convenient.
I sewed it together with a little crossed stitched design that mimicked the pattern on the inside fabric.
You can find the whole project tutorial generously offered by Sara at Radiant Home Studio in this post.
I'm glad I chose to keep the Queen's face stitch free.
What do you think? Would this make a good gift? I really enjoyed making it and would make more for family possibly.
There are some surprising sights here at the wooden house. Recently we noticed a small fox trot confidently across the front driveways on several occasions. Then one day I spied this. He'd been in the pond because I watched through binnoculars as he shook his soaking wet fur and groomed himself. Then he very calmly lay down in the middle of the drive and took a nap!
While he was doing that, Hubby went to the net to look up rabies and this little guy definitely was not showing any of the signs other than an unusual level of comfort in front of the house. Since then, Rex was outside off leash with me on the veranda one morning when the fox appeared walking down the lane. Rex gave chase and the fox dived into a den in an ancient rock pile to the left of the big barn (the building he is in front of there). Rex was left wandering all around and couldn't figure out where it had disappeared to.
I was happy the fox was safe but not worried. Rex might think he can run fast but for such short distances these days, I knew the fox had nothing to fear. We have glimpsed a fox down by the pond; not sure if it is this little guy though. But no more driveway siesta sightings since!
I also finished my Cornwall Cottage Sampler as mentioned before. It joins my little group of finishes that would be nice to see framed sometime. This was Karen Kluba's design, 294 x 294 stitches on Belfast linen, 32 ct cream. ( Bad photo: Taken in the sewing room which is either too sunny or too dark with shades drawn these days.)
I've picked Alicia Paulson's kit, Summer Storm, from her pretty site, Posie, that has all sorts of lovely things to stitch as my next project. After the sampler, I wanted something smaller to work on. Perfect summer stitching actually. You can read this post about middle of the night shopping when I bought it.
I've sorted the 31 colours of floss, made and labelled cardboard strips to hold and separate the strands. Though far fewer stitches than the last project, the tricky bit in this one will be keeping these shades straight. Pretty names- Cyclamen Pink, Beaver Gray, Nile Green
And made a beginning on the 32count French Country linen in Rain 258 colour photo because it is literally just the bottom row of the quilt there which is where I chose to begin. There is nothing in the dead center which is where I normally make a start.
It is time for our monthly SAL update hosted by Avis at Sewing Beside the Sea. Projects are getting finished and new ones started; always interesting. Here are the stitchy folks participating...
Avis, Claire, Gun, Carole, Sue, Constanze, Christina, Kathy, Margaret, Cindy, Helen, Linda, Heidi, Jackie, Sunny, Hayley,Megan, Deborah, Clare, Mary Margaret, Renee, Jenny, Carmela, Jocelyn, Sharon
Yes, I've been feeling very distracted lately. So much garden time watching the blooms and bugs, the birds and the critters. These summer time experiences have to be favoured over all other things for now.

What are you favouring today? Please do drop by and share it with me.
Sharing this post with Viewing Nature With Eileen, Love Laugh Quilt, Quilt Fabrication, Sew Fresh Quilts and Cooking Up Quilts
I know the feeling of being distracted. So pleased to see your pretty sampler finished. It's lovely!
love all your stitching and the fox! I have only seen one here years ago when he made a mad dash across the lawn into the woods and never saw one again.
I don't care for clothes shopping and tend to be what you call "garden clothes" too - I am in capri's and tee-shirts/tanks most of the time in summer and jeans/tee's and sweat shirts in winter. I do occasionally get clothes from Coldwater Creek or JJill - they are age appropriate - I am almost 67. I just rarely dress up and haven't anything right for that right now and if I went to a dress up occasion I would really need to get busy shopping.
Your items sure are pretty! Okay Rex, you don't need to be doing the fox trot!
I love all your varied projects, and I'm sure the glasses holder would be greatly appreciated as gifts. Thanks for sharing your foxy visitor, how beautiful sat there enjoying the sun. x
I'm in the same boat. GS-1 is getting married Labor Day weekend in upstate New York. The temps could be all over the map. Welcome dinner is casual and wedding cocktail attire. All the wedding events are at an outdoor venue. I can find nothing to fit my bulbous middle and cover my arms. I don't want to be an embarrassment to the kids. What's a Gramma to do?
PS: love your finished Cornwell Cottage sampler!
congratulations on your finish!
and how amazing to see a fox in broad daylight!
You're not alone in not seeing clothes you like in the shops. I tend to wear jeans most of the year, but in the summer I do like bright colours and I don't even Wonder whether I should be wearing bright at my age lol.
Your stitchery is lovely--i more often than not "forget" housework...and move onto "crafting" that little fox...we have a pair that trot on through here every morning like clockwork...they most likely live in the dingle behind our house...hugs, Julierose
That glasses case is just darling, love all the stitching!! I can't believe that fox was feeling so comfortable there - ours are very skittish and we usually only see eyes glowing at night. Your Cottage sampler is stunning. I think you need to find a frame pronto!!!!! Love the sweet poem, thanks for putting that there!
A beautiful job on your sampler, and what a delight to see foxes out and about! I have two possibilities for you for clothing, Dress Barn or Christopher & Banks. Bothe have websites and clothing that is more suited to the above 40 crowd but with some style.
I am in the same boat, clothing wise! Since I retired from teaching, I am always in casual clothes. Not sure what I would to find something dressy! I love your little glasses case, especially all that stitching. I'll have to go look at that link. What a great experience to watch that fox, Jocelyn! I think your driveway must have felt warm to him.
I just love your sampler. It looks perfect! I love seeing that fox just sitting around. I think I'll always like bright colors. My grandmother looked so old and she was in her early 50's! Times have surely changed!
Oh Jocelyn, you did make me laugh - hope you are sucessful in finding "youngish old lady clothes".
Your finished sampler looks gorgeous, as does your new project. Like me, you will never run of of things to stitch. But then, we wouldn't have it any other way, would we?
A Happy dance for finishing your embroidery! The new one looks great! I don´t know about "old ladies dressing", I love strong colored dresses and skirts. Anything that makes you feel comforting must be right!
Well...I'm favoring calling in sick to work today so I can stay home and stitch! lol!
Lovely finish on Cornwall Cottage! I've admired that since it's release....but will have to be satisfied with YOUR finish since I know I would never finish!
I love that "garden casual" style! :-)
Enjoy the Summer!
Such a cute fox! I love the sampler and all your work inspires me! We believe in casual Sundays and never plan big events or work on Sundays. Hope you had a great day!
Hello, the fox is cute. I am glad he got away safely and seem to be well.
I have seen them laying on a drive, I think they like the warm ground? Your eyeglass case is cute. I think a cool light material for summer is necessary, maybe a cotton top with a pair of peddle pushers. Most women look cute in this kind of outfit. I am all for comfy clothes. Thank you for linking up your cute fox post. Enjoy your day, wishing you a great new week!
on one of my walks at the beginning of summer i was so excited when i saw a fox trotting down a neighborhood street - i live in a subdivision with no open space and i wondered how it was gonna make a living ... fast forward to now - the bunny bits and pieces (and, one morning the entire rabbit sans innards) and scat have me not being so thrilled with that stinkin' fox anymore - but yours is cute!!!
i followed the link to Posie and ordered the spring chart - now i'm gonna need the other three seasons - waaaay cool!!!
Good morning! I too cannot find anything at big box stores. However, my son recently got me a gift card to Christopher and Banks. I hadn't been there in years because I'm retired and settle for casual garb that is cheap. I never had a cute casual outfit for family events, going out to dinner, etc. Actually, I thought I could no longer "afford" nice clothing. Silly me. I went to the store to see what size I had actually become. I purchased many pieces and they fit, look cute and still look new. I had forgotten about their sales! Now, I can order online knowing the correct size and fit. C and B caters to the mature woman but with a "young" design. You can reach them at Sorry, I don't know if they ship to Canada. BTW, I had some tops from them I bought many years ago, gave them to my daughter cause I gained weight and she still wears them. I hope you'll try them. Enjoy your day! mary
Oh your Cornwall is absolutely beautiful!
Clothes shopping?????????? I gave up on that about 10 years ago - the things that they wear now are not in my closet! I do miss the fact that our generation looked much better at work and not so sloppy - whoops I am sounding like an old lady! LOL
At least we can look sloppy in our comfortable clothes and be "in style" LOL
I'm just cruising. My eyes are really bothering me, but you might have motivated me to begin a project!
P.S. man I'm forgetful!
The fox is a cutie!
You work is lovely.
I have always loved that I age, it suits me more and more days.
Congratulations on finishing your embroidery, Jocelyn! It's lovely, as is your new project! Also, I love your foxy friend.
Good luck with your clothes shopping. I don't know why someone hasn't figured out how to make "young old lady clothes" that are colorful and fit! Your stitching is lovely! And so are the little stories about your daily life.
I definitely thing that kantha stitching eye case would make a great gift.
Jocelyn - I would certainly use that eyeglasses purse - I carry a pretty small purse these days, so I can't get my wallet, my eyeglasses case AND my sunglasses in it! Congratulations on your finishes, especially the cottage sampler - gorgeous! I would love to see a fox, but I am grateful that we do see so much wildlife, which is how I have been spending my time lately!
Last night I stood in the garden at dusk, and watched over a dozen pipistrelle bats appear out of a tiny hole in my neighbours house wall, while the swifts were still wheeling and screaming in the sky. It was truly magical! Summer evenings are the best! Unexpected sightings of wildlife really make me appreciate living in the countryside.Not too keen on foxes, as a vixen killed all my beautiful chickens a couple of years ago, and I haven't replaced them for fear of the same thing happening. She was feeding young, so I know it's the nature of things, but I miss my lovely girls. Your glasses case is lovely, and I do think they would make very nice gifts. Enjoy your summer, I do enjoy reading your blog.x
I so agree with you about clothes shopping, being a woman of a certain age, and pleasingly plump it is difficult to find the thing I used to wear, and still want to wear, like a camp shirt! Button front with darts that do not head for my clavicle's but for the lower front of me... straight ahead! Sleeves that hide the grandmother's wings that have begun appearing on my upper arms!
Have you tried Dress Barn? I got a pants outfit that is dress up in black for one of my niece's weddings. Wore it again last year and my sis had nearly the same thing on in deep red. I no longer wear skirts or dresses. But a fancy outfit in lined sheer is nice.
Love your fox sighting. We had one in our area a few years ago, till the neighbor sold his house to a family that now has 4 dogs! We get quail families going through our yard. I so agree about clothing for women our age. Maybe it is time for me to start making my own shirts again? CAMP shirts! The places I used to buy clothing have closed their doors to the big box store that carries junk clothing! I WANT cotton!
Your sampler is gorgeous... I love it! Definitely needs a frame and place of honour in your home! And the glasses case is really cool... would make great gifts!
So exciting to see a fox! Maybe you'll have to make the Sew Fresh Quilts fox pattern now!
Lots of pretty stitching at your place!
I'm catching up on the posts I missed. Your sampler turned out beautifully. It's gorgeous! What a treat to see a fox so relaxed, and how funny your dog 'lost' him!
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