Truth be told, I am feeling a little tired and cranky this morning. Too hot as well which may be the source of my problem. A couple of weeks of heat and humidity that has driven us to turn on the air conditioning later in the day might be the source...the ceiling fans in every room just can't keep up and I've rediscovered that unless you are directly under them, they don't cool you off. I have a wide range of tolerance for heat and cold so if I'm feeling it, then I know it's hot.
Hubby has actually resorted to wearing his short sleeved shirts! And it's too stifling for much veranda stitching, sigh. But though I'm complaining to you, I know this is peanuts compared to the havoc weather is causing elsewhere.
But flowers appear to love heat...
Whites in Bloom
Snowball bush in backyard that frustratingly begins to drop its petals as it blooms. |
Goatsbeard bush that is a gorgeous almost 6 feet tall on the far side of the house. |
Hydrangea bush to the right of the main entrance. One of 4 in the front. |
A sweet but unnamed little fellow I think behaving like a peewee or phoebe. Help??
Leanne at She Can Quilt is one of the hosts for the FAL Q3 link can write and share what you hope to finish over the next three months...

My baskets are getting more plentiful-at last count I had made 55 of these 6 inch blocks. I'm still enjoying playing around with the fabrics and am not tired at all of the hand appliquing...yet.
Christmas Wishing
I did order and receive the French General Fleur de Noel fabric and it is such good material...a little more subdued in design than I would have thought. Reds and greys. But I have the perfect free project to use it with from the folks at Quiltmania. More later.
Hubby ordered me a new camera...old one that I knew and loved seems unlikely to be fixed 😢. Another learning curve to traverse which is a good thing.
Also hope you are not too hot or too cold wherever you are!
As always linking with LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color, as well as My Quilt Infatuation, Paying Ready Attention, Esther's Quilt Blog, Busy Hands Quilts and Our World Tuesday.
It is warm here too, but quite pleasant, nice enough to stitch outside.
I hope you are cooling down a bit :-)
You know I have no tolerance for the heat and you know where I live. LOL. We've had 5 fans going on high all over the house as the dangerous heat has started and for the next 5 days temps will be 110+! I'm very grateful for our AC but these fans are drying me out terribly.
Oh well, I keep trolling Christmas sites on my Facebook.
Your hydrangeas are so lovely. I can't wait to see that bundle from French General made into something beautiful. Enjoy! mary
oh thank you for that last message. I needed that.
The heat is innervating. And it's humid for Colorado standards, which means discomfort. We've now gone two days with no rain, for the first time in months... maybe the mosquitoes will thin out and the humidity will lift. I hope your spirits lift too. I laughed that your husband had to resort to a short sleeved shirt! At least he's not in a sleeveless one. (I hate seeing men in those altho dh wears them running) LeeAnna
Hot and cranky seem to go together. Hey, we had our first ever deer visitor here!
Hi Jocelyn! I LOVE your last little reminder. We are NOT too old and it's NEVER too late. For anything, don't you think? Or just about everything, I guess. Anyhoo - you are allowed to be cranky and out of sorts. We all are sometimes - I don't know a soul that can be gracious and happy, etc. all the time unless it was Jesus. That's a high standard that we can try to achieve though. The heat and humidity has been horrible here as well. I do not understand how up north in Wisconsin it can be 100 degrees with 75 dew point. How is it possible to be that tropical?? We don't live in Houston or Arkansas where I expect it to have weather like that. Must we move to Saskatchewan to get away from it - and my weather app tells me that they are warm as well. Good grief to those who think there isn't global warming. Get your head out of wherever it is! Your Christmas bundle looks divine - can't wait to see where you're going with that. How do the puppies handle the weather? I'll bet they want to stay inside and drink more often. ~smile~ Roseanne
here in Arkansas our humidity is always high in the summer months and we have the A/C running 24/7 for days on end from at least some point in May through most of September! Some days it would be cool enough to have windows open but it is the humidity that does it to you.
I love your red bundle and wonder which pattern from Quiltmania you are thinking about? I get the digital copy but just started at the end of last year.
I have to be sleeveless most of the summer but dear hubby is a short sleeve T-shirt guy most year round except the depth of winter
High heat and humidity make me cranky, too! Hope you are finding ways to stay cool, Jocelyn. Such pretty white blooms in your garden! I love your little baskets, too. From looking at the other comments, I can tell we are all enjoying your quote! That gives me hope!
The fabric looks beautiful, and a new camera, take it out and take pics every day, and you will soon learn all its programs. Never too old, I have to remind myself about that!!! But I did read the other day about a group of quilters where nearly all the quilting ladies were over 70. Hope for me after all.
I love that last post-it note, we all need to keep reminding ourselves of that! It's hot and humid here too...and buggy.
Camera learning curves can be tough. Have fun with that! I agree with you with the heat! I usually can guess at birds, but yours isn't ringing a bill (it's browner than the phoebes and peewees around here). I love your note at the end. :-)
That's a great little note you showed us, never too old and never too late! Sorry to read that you are suffering from the heat and humidity. Is is too hot sitting outside on the shady side of the house with a cool drink in hand?
Lovely fabric bundle, wonder what you have planned for it?
The breeze is coming through finally, thank goodness. We don't get many hot days so were wusses when they happen. I actually enjoyed being in air conditioned spaces today. Your flowers are gorgeous. I like the way the white blooms pops. Will that mean more white flowers in our yard? Could be. :-)
That last note is just the reminder that I need, too. Thanks for that one. Your flowers and fauna are beautiful. You and new camera seem to be friends already. I love those hand applique basket blocks. I was about to say I will never get the hang of that, but your message is telling me that I can do it. Someday when I am older I will tell myself it is not too late... :) Pat
Great likes. I hear you about the camera. I just leave my ac on all the time. Unless it gets really cool, then I open windows until it starts to warm up.
It's been tough on a lot of people. I've been trying to do outdoor work, and I have to take long breaks. The dirt won't move itself, though.
Oh so hot and muggy here, too--Our AC is on continuously--our fans don't do it when it's like this either!! Talk about crankiness!!
Love those little baskets...what a nice hand project they are--pretty fabrics, too. Love those mustard-ey colorways...
Hugs, stay cool as you can Julierose
I'm not a big fan of humidity either. I'm more of a Spring and Fall kinda gal! lol! I do love the flowers and sunshine of Summer though! :-) Good thing we have indoor AND outdoor hobbies so that we always have something to do no matter what the weather. :-)
Such a gorgeous visitor in your garden. Its hot here too and dry so water restrictions are looming although some departments are already on them. Yes, too hot to sit outside in the afternoons but I can always find some sewing to do indoors lol. Your Noel bundle looks interesting and it will be fun to see what you do with them. xx
I do my level best not to complain about the heat because I know there's precious little of it. I'm cold from mid-September right through until the end of May (and this year right into June!). In a perfect world, low humidity would be wonderful, but I'm not about to complain. Oddly enough we went the entire winter with neither of us getting a cold - and Resident Chef has succumbed. Hope he keeps it to himself!!
Pretty appliquéd baskets, and this new fabric is gorgeous!
Hi there. Sorry but I can’t be much help on the ID of the bird. I struggle with Australian ones! So this one is a little off my patch. Cheers. SM - Alice Springs, Australia.
Wonderful shots! I wish it were warmer over here...
I am wondering what kind of camera you got. I hope you like it as much as I like my little I really love the camera on my phone and use it a lot. I think I read through all the comments and see no one answered about the bird, so I went to All About Birds and am none the wiser. I even wondered was it a flycatcher of some sort.
I love your handwork, and have been meaning to start something for myself. I used to love to have handwork. And I still like it, Ijust don't do it much.
I have trouble with
I love seeing your flowers, that goatsbeard bush is fantastic!!! It's hazy, hot and humid here too but as my husband says, "it's July." My friend's solution to the deer eating her hosta was to put old metal chairs atop the hostas, it worked and kinda looks interesting in her garden. Stay cool dear Jocelyn!!!
Oh what gorgeous pictures!!! I love the Goatsbeard, never saw that one before! We're hot here too, although today has been nice (86F and no humidity) we've kept the a/c on, as it gets so hot upstairs. This coming week will be a cranky one....might hit 100F! Stay cool hon, and enjoy your lovely stitching!!!!
Jocelyn - I'm with you - I don't cope well with heat/humidity, which is partly why we moved to Montana. On even the hottest days, it is dry and you can achieve coolness by simply moving into the shade! That Fleur de Noel might cool you down, thinking about Christmas and cooler days!
Jocelyn, I love your blog, most days something in it just cracks me up, and I am always inspired to either sew, bake or just thank the Lord for His beautiful creation! I'm so with you on this heat...I hate it when we have to run the AC in order to sort of cool down to sleep!
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