I never tire of walking this property in every season. Each time my eye lands on something new or different to take note of. I was happy to read Ralph's quote that describes my experiences as I try to have an attentive eye too.
As a good example of that, it is newly mushroom season and a bountiful one here at the wooden house. Much to Ned's delight, we've taken extra walks with the camera, foraging for mushrooms, not to eat but to photograph. I'm going to get my mushroom books (yes, nerdy me, I have several!) out to identify these.
A very rainy summer means more of these interesting growing things popping up seemingly overnight often. (Shame only one in focus here.)
I've been enjoying looking down...amazing what is underfoot.
To Do...September Scrap Busting
I've mentioned I'm clearing out scraps...I had them sorted by size and then completely rearranged them by colour. I'm determined to be brutal this time and will dispose of the leftovers, as in get them gone once and for all from the sewing room.
While doing that I've been setting aside any that are fall like colours. I'm hoping to have enough to make an autumn table topper large enough for the coffee table in our sitting area. It is 48 by 24 inches. I'm using the Marti Michell one and half inch square template to size these so they are kind of small.
I thought I'd use the deep reds as an accent and I hope to accomplish this without cutting into any of the fabric I have which isn't that much really. These are just laid out.
Truthfully, I've had a notion to do something entirely different with this since taking this photo. Perhaps more thinking this week will sort my thoughts out!
Meanwhile I'm almost finished the binding of the
Karnak Hanging. Actually the two longer sides have been sewn together without a binding...just tucked in and I used an almost invisible
ladder stitch to sew the front and back together. I'm mostly following how
the pattern writer, Christine, finished hers.
I have more of the dotted backing fabric on either end so I did bring it forward for a narrow binding top and bottom. I think it looks okay so far.
I tried
Jenny of Elefantz's recipe for a
salad dressing and it is delicious. I've already made it four times and used it in a variety of ways. One being on my almost daily spinach salad.
It is
1/3 cup olive oil
1/3 cup apple cider vinegar
1/3 cup maple syrup
Thanks Jenny!
And to honour Queen Elizabeth, talented
Jacquelynne Steves is offering this cute Corgi free pattern to embroider.
The Art of Home is her site and there is a lot to check out there too btw.
Hubby and I watched a lot of the simply amazing funeral footage. Her Majesty's loved ones and planners were determined to give her, the longest reigning monarch in British history, everything Britain could possibly lay out and they succeeded. The pomp, ceremony and precise execution of all the details were incredible. Her due really.
I'm already a little unhappy with the new king but maybe I'll speak of that another time.