Monday 1 July 2024

Chookshed Stitchers 2024 Challenge #1, Tilda Peels, Chicken Dinner

This little guy kept popping his head out. He's living in the tunnel under the back terrace plus has inherited what I imagine to be an elaborate tunnel system all over the property made by groundhogs that came before him. 

This is a very young groundhog, which are the largest of the squirrel family. Those cute ears are small and rounded to keep dirt out of them while doing all the continual digging. The yellow flowers are a mystery visitor but it has flourished there beside the little rocky manmade pool. Anybody recognize it?
Is it St. John's Wort?
The two sunny, without rain, days we had, I was outside a lot. I attempted to weed the front beds and pulled the extra large weeds that had overrun, so quickly it seems, a couple of beds in the backyard. I feel badly how the back yard gets neglected. The dogs running about back there hasn't helped. 

I took the Tilda Orange Peel blocks- slow stitching, out to the veranda and it was so enjoyable to sit, relax, and lay a few stitches. The only distractions were the beautiful garden colours and bird songs. I'll remember this come winter when the view out my kitchen window will be starkly different. 
Then I laid out all the blocks and got a sunny photo. Inside shots will not do the colours justice. 
I've prepped enough peels for 10 more blocks and see where that takes me size wise. I hope to get these all finished this month. So I'm setting this as a monthly goal and linking to OMG at Stories From the Sewing Room.

 A bit of new organization in the sewing room. I'd bought this for basement storage and decided I can make better use of it in the sewing room closet.

Moving it in there will require major moving/reorganizing what I've got tucked into that area...quite a lot. But that's okay. I love the after feeling of tidying and always discover things I'd stowed away. Update...After pulling absolutely everything out of the closet, the darn thing won't fit in there. It is too square so it will have to live tucked away in this spot, a little bit out of view in case it starts to look overrun and unruly.  But then, I'm the only one who sees it, so.... 
 But on the upside, in all the rummaging about I was pleased to realize I don't have as many UFO's as imagined (typical me to have exaggerated that number). Happy to know it's mostly flimsies needing to become fully finished.
Speaking of projects Deanna at Dreamworthy Quilts has chosen #1 for our July Chookshed Stitchers Challenge. That is another wintry project for me- the Crabapple Hill Snow Days quilt that includes a lot of embroidery. Because of that sewing room reorganization, I was able to put my hand right on it. It will be a pleasure to add stitches to these pretty scenes. Then on to those easy pieced blocks. 
 I cooked us a Sunday night stuffed chicken dinner. All the vegetables were from my weekly box. They were small potatoes so I cooked them with the skins on. Do you ever do that?
Looking forward to the leftovers too.

Happy Canada Day to my fellow Canadians!
I was two years old when Newfoundland and Labrador joined Canada so I haven't been a Canadian all my life. It is still a matter of debate if it was the best choice for us. But I do love Canada and what it stands for. We just topped the three safest countries in the world for travelers list and importantly, we are number three in the world for quality of life for citizens. Here at the wooden house, we have nothing but praise for our healthcare system, in particular, which we have had to avail of -a lot (for one of us especially). This, despite all the depressing news reports and complaints about our elected officials, etc., etc. which, the older I get, the more I'm learning to ignore. 
  • “Canada is not a country for the cold of heart or the cold of feet.” – Pierre Trudeau
I always liked that quote. 
Another week and I hope you have something wonderful taking your interest and enthusiasm.