Summer of 2024 has settled around us here at the wooden house. What is a garden without weeds. You can't have one without the other. I've pulled a bushel and if only they were worth something! A very tall thin plant infested the beds in the front but offered no resistance to the pulling out, roots and all. Horseweed took up residence in the backyard beds-unfortunately not so easy to pull. I've been favouring my right hand...the stitching hand, so the left has had a workout. Ah well, small price to pay for the enjoyment the garden is providing this year.
Perhaps the prettiest of weeds is the Purple Loosestrife that caused a fuss back ten years ago. When a plant gets labelled "invasive" it sounds so scary. Here it is on the wet land area near the pond and it seems to have stayed just to that location, not spread. And on the plus side it is a source of nectar for the bees. Another plus...I don't have to weed it.
I will show you two more pieces of "found" items in my old boxes. Things sewn before fabric collecting as such, using bits I had on hand. Another cobbled together tablerunner with no batting. Too bad I didn't know about Kantha stitching at the time. It would suit this one.
And this cross stitched piece that I shared here many years back.
Tony celebrated his 85th birthday this week!
The cake Beth made was wonderful...a chocolate filled Kahlua Tiramisu cake. It was so good and kind of light, I had two pieces.

LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color's prompt this week is about going to outdoor concerts. I've been to Shakespeare in the Park in St. John's a couple of times and also a very special one there where over 100 fiddlers performed together in a park. That was wonderful to see very young children and also the very old performing Newfoundland songs together on the fiddle. But my most memorable was a story I've shared here before... the time I got to see Gordon Lightfoot at Camp Fortune waaaayyy back in 1968 here in Ottawa. I was on a Young Voyager trip with 19 other 16 year olds. I remember the concert because when it got darker the fireflies came out which fascinated me -we don't have them in Newfoundland. I'd only read about them till then. What a nerd! How about you? I had something to do mostly off property each day this week. I hate when that happens which worries me a little. Am I becoming a recluse, I wonder. One of the definitions of recluse... "Being able to not only enjoy but look forward to doing things by yourself." Yes, that's exactly me... a nerd...and a recluse! So be it! Ha ha
Happy Birthday to Tony! That cake looks yummy - Beth is quite the baker! Loved your note about seeing Gordon Lightfoot - we have always been fans of his and loved his voice. Weeds are going to take over the world, I think - glad you at least have some that are pretty and grow in appropriate places. That is a lovely cross-stitch piece! Did coming across it stored away make you want to set it out some where again?
happy birthday to Toni. I too pull up weeds as much as by the roots as I can. The ground usually has to be so wet to be successful though. I saw a concert that was Billy Joel for the first 90 minutes and James Taylor the second 90 minutes then they were both on stage together - it was a really good evening. We also saw one with The Eagles that we loved - it was before Glenn Fry died - such a good concert.
Your being a nerd and a recluse just makes me like you even more - birds of a feather. . . I raced over here to see Tony's BD cake, and happy birthday to that young looking 85 year old! Is that a Rock Recipes cake made even better by the magic Beth touch? I'd love it if Loosestrife took up residence in our yard, although Hubs would not want anything except neatly mowed lawns. He and I differ in that way. I like English-esque gardens, and he allows me to have them here and there, but I can tell it pains him - LOL!
Happy birthday to Tony! What a great cake!
My first concert was Simon and Garfunkel at Exhibition place in Toronto. So much fun! Another outdoor concert was at Pine Knob near Detroit—John Denver. He was fantastic and taller than I thought he would be.
I’m currently out in my backyard gazebo, about to do some cross stitch. Have a great weekend!
I am definitely a recluse, and can always be happy by myself, anywhere, apart from maybe in a dark forest at night!!!Love that stitching, and memories.We didn't have outdoor events like that when I was a child but each year there was an annual show in Auckland, ferris wheels, candy floss, throw the ball into the clown's mouth.From memory I didn't win anything.Happy Birthday Tony, love the cake, hope you had a great day. I am not quite your age, but just a few years behind, and this week will celebrate on our Thursday.
Happy Birthday to Tony, and just look at that wonderful cake!
Well, Jocelyn, I don't think you are alone in being reluctant to venture forth as much any more. Ever since the pandemic (well, to be honest, even before), I find I don't want to go out unless it's absolutely necessary. Oh, I do go to quilt group and I'm taking a Tai Chi class, so I do socialize, but most of the time, I'm content to stay home.
I remember such a hue and cry over how invasive purple loosestrife was going to be and then they had to bring in the special ladybugs to help deal with it. Turns out the ladybugs are the ones that bite so not such a good move.
Happy Birth Day wishes to Tony - he looks wonderful getting ready to blow out those candles. My RC turns 82 on Sunday but he won't be getting a cake. He much prefers breakfast out.
I think the only outdoor concert I've ever been to was John McDermott and it ended up being stopped early because we got poured on.
I need to become friends with Beth. ;-) That cake looks yummy. Happy birthday to Tony! Fireflies are cool! I used to catch them when I was little. I always get excited when I see them now. A nerdy recluse - that's very much what Rob is. I'm a homebody, but I do enjoy getting out to be with friends.
I think I might be a recluse! I go out everyday but would much rather stay home! Happy Birthday to Tony! The cake looks delicious! Your daughter is a master baker. Her cakes always look so good.
We are at Kris's right now, and the guys have left for the football game so now I am all by myself. I managed to do a bit of cleaning for Kris and will of course get some more done tomorrow. I much prefer during the really hot days to stay home and do things in my yard and house.
Same can be said for those cold winter days.
God bless.
I have similar early table runners, wonder if that is a common thing among us quilters? Happy Birthday to Tony! Those cakes always look so enticing, how do you manage to stay so slender?
I’m a recluse too, Jocelyn! I hate having appointments, etc day after day in a week……one or two is more than enough. I love being at home…..I guess I’ve always been a homebody. I’m an only child and I think that may influence my reclusive habits. I learned to entertain myself and my favorite pastimes of stitching and reading are done best solo. It’s just who I am….and happy to be.
Happy Birthday Tony! His cake looks fantastic! I love your cross stitched piece! I'm often away from home these days. A friend said I needed a vacation and I countered that I just need to be at home a bit! Have a great weekend1
I am a recluse. I admit it. That's how I didn't get COVID until this past week!
I have terrible social anxiety.
We have had fireflies since June! I love them.
Happy birthday to the man.
I am so overrun by weeds. I'm trying not to let it worry me.
Happy Birthday to Tony!!! 85 years young and still enjoying life. That cake sure looks and sounds yummy! Weeds -- God's way of letting you know he's still in charge! Lol!
Happy Birthday to Tony! I hope he had a great day. The cake looks delicious. I have spent the weekend pulling weeds as well. Luckily it rained so it made pulling a lot easier. Such a lovely little sampler that you found put away .I always enjoy finding sweet surprises like that in my boxes ; then I wonder why did I put it away. LOL. Enjoy your day, Jocelyn. Hugs.
Happy birthday Tony, looks like a great cake.
Lovely to see your cross stitch.
That pink flower is similar to Fireweed in Alaska. It's in full blown there all over right now. I don't live there anymore but I miss it.
Cake looks yummy!
And I love being home alone too so guess I am a nerd too. I have been going to so many retreats lately that I savor being home a few days.
Fran in SW Iowa
Happy belated birthday to Tony! I too have been pulling weeds when I can, but with our 104 to 108 degree weather it makes it difficult. I did manage to get the back yard mowed this morning while it was still in the 70's.
Happy Birthday Tony, that cake is beyond wow! I am not actually a recluse, but more of a home body. Of course, my piano studio is here at the house, so even though I am home, I have 60 kids visiting me with a parent each week! By the time Friday rolls around I am glad to just be with Greg and Bandit!
That purple loosestrife is sure pretty! We have a weed problem around our yard--Queen Anne's Lace. It makes me feel better to remember it's a normal problem. Happy birthday to Tony! What a cake!!! Looks so good!!! We have fireflies in our yard here in Minnesota. In Japan, they were just around riverbeds. They are magical to watch.
Happy Birthday to Tony.
Oh Yes. Enjoying home time is better than fighting traffic in San Antonio and seeing a Doctor. But I can hardly for Fall to want to get out and About! Have a great day. Love the Birthday Cake and cross Stitch Sampler. Hugs
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