Saturday, 11 January 2025

2025 Trends, White Hair Issues, Pillsbury Treats

 I'm feeling pretty good today as I successfully navigated the online Patient Portal at our doctor's website to renew a prescription, a cream I use infrequently but like to have on hand. The Portal has become notorious with having so many glitches it has increased calls to the reception desk, not lessened them as hoped. Now if only I could figure out Blogger.

I keep the binoculars on my kitchen window shelf and my camera handy there too. I took this photo of a small fluffy looking bird that turned out to be a very young Blue Jay. Love those distinctive markings.

I wondered what the big quilting trend will be for 2025 as there seems to be one each new year and sure enough there is is "finding your zen". The overall movement to promote strong mental health and well being translates in the quilting world to choosing  designs and patterns that are soothing, relaxing and promote mindfulness. We all knew that already I think. I was thinking last weekend that every time I work in the sewing room, it is a big mess in there. I can barely look when I dart in there for something. That is definitely not zen...ish at all. 

Lone Star Medallion is on the quilty table and I've begun stitching it down. As always I enjoy seeing the fabrics up close. Most of these were Minick and Simpson who seem to specialize in red, white and blue and their fabrics are very good quality. I'm sewing with a neutral light grey. 

Some decluttering has been going on here these first weeks of the New Year. Putting away the Christmas things allowed me to see what else was stowed in the many boxes and tubs downstairs. Tony's auction winnings most of it and too good to just toss but need to not be here

And while I remember,  have you heard of the latest 365 Day Declutter program? You discard one thing each day of the year, just one. I've started and have 11 items in my basket so I'm off to a good start. And I'm continuing my 2024 plan to shop my stash for fabric. You would not believe what I've found tucked away. How could I forget a fabric line that I coveted enough to order a fat quarter bundle online. Apparently, I could.  Anyway, more about the one a day declutter program here at The Simplicity Habit.

I did pick up the Pillsbury Grands and made the cinnamon rolls for Tony. He really liked them and has been enjoying one after supper each night. I had one the first night with a big cup of ginger tea. There are my blueberries which I eat almost every day.

 I don't know what to do with my hair. In later years, Mom complained that her hair was unmanageable, felt like fluff she said, bird's feathers, which we had a laugh about. But lo and behold, my hair is feeling exactly the same way. My hair always was fine with a little curl and took to curling really well. No problems with it mostly and I don't mind at all the white it has turned. I can use a curling iron but the heat turns my white hair a bit yellow, not nice. I guess I could dig out the curlers and use and see how those work. If you remember, I cut my hair into a pixie style which has grown out a bit and it's only the top that is so flyaway and needs managing. Any tips, ideas, products you find work well with fine white hair, please let me know. 
Happy to join Brenda's linky party at Songbird Designs and Judy's at Small Quilts and Doll Quilts.


Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I never know what to use on my white/gray hair either so if you hear of something good let me know. I love watching the birds at this time of year too there are so many.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Great photo of the blue jay! No doubt he's cold which is why his feathers are fluffed out.
I think the 'finding your zen' trend in quilting (other things too) is a good thing during these troubled times. I've read about the 365 Day Declutter in several different places so it must be a trend too.
As for hair, I'm no help. Mine has turned yellow like what my mother's did but I know it's not the heat from a curling iron that has done it because I don't use one. I've tried the so-called 'whitening' shampoo but all it did was turn my fingertips blue.

The Cozy Quilter said...

Lovely blue jay! Your star is a great slow stitching project. I don’t have gray hair yet (!) so I can’t help you with that. I’m hosting some friends for a sewing day today…they should be arriving soon.

Jackie said...

What a gorgeous photo of the young blue jay. I wonder if I will ever be able to find my "zen" probably not in the sewing/craft room. That room has more or less become a repository for my various stashes, rather than a room one can actually work in.

God bless.

Julierose said...

Oh gosh, my white hair is so fly-away, too--I have a medium bob with bangs--which defiantly keep on curling!! My fine hair doesn't take well to any curling...I have given up trying to tame it and am seriously pondering a pixie cut myself...but afraid I'll look like a "flathead"!!:((( so, unfortunately I have no good answers for
I love your Lone Star Medallion piece; I think that pretty light gray will be a lovely shade on it and yet subtle too...
Hugs, Julierose

dianne said...

does your shampoo have any yellow dye? it WILL add a yellowish tint to white hair - i dunno about flyaways, though, other than not using flannel pillowcases...

Rosemary Dickinson said...

I love the blue jay picture. Your Lone Star Medallion is coming along nicely! I color my hair but have noticed that the grey is very curly. I've always had curly had but I use a flatiron and it looks better. I've been coloring hair for quite awhile however my 85 year old mother still doesn't have to! Her hair is brown with little flecks of white in it. My hair is so different than hers!

MissPat said...

Well, if I try the 365 day declutter method, it will only take me about 50 years to make a dent. I'm still working on getting rid of my late husband's collections of all kinds of stuff.
My hair (still brown with some gray in it) is always more flyaway during the winter due to lower humidity from the heat being on. I just try not to worry about it. I'm not trying to impress anyone, anyway.

Gladi Porsche said...

My hair stylist recommended a hair “wax” to control the “flyaway” strands of my hair. It comes in a jar - she sells it in her shop. A very small amount of it rubbed on my fingers and gently patted over the unruly parts of my hair keeps it under control and doesn’t change the look or texture of it - perfect! I don’t know if this type of product is sold outside of salons. Ask your stylist!

Linda at Texas Quilt Gal said...

I love to see blue jays, but the other birds are intimidated by them, they are a bit noisy! "Zen" would be a good thing to find, especially if I get my sewjo back. I've neglected things so long that I started sandwiching a quilt without batting yesterday.
I love your white hair, you are a classy looking lady Jocelyn. I am still getting mine highlighted, and that is not so good for my hair. I had to cut it all off last year which really depressed me. There is a lady at our back, probably in her 60s, who has (natural) silver white hair down her back. It is beautiful, and I told her I was jealous. She said she started growing it during Covid and just continued. it is straight and lovely.
Your rolls look delicious!

PaintedThread said...

Technology is great when it works, and terrible when it doesn't! Great photo of that blue jay. Interesting way to declutter.

Deb A said...

Great photo of that blue jay! My Mom uses a hair softener she got at her hairdresser years ago. I'll call and ask her what brand. It is just a little bit of gel and she rubs it on her hair and it makes it softer and more manageable.

Anonymous said...

Once upon a time, shampoo with a blue tint was used to tamp down the yellowing of white hair. Maybe your hairdresser would know what might work.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

There are always so many interesting topics in your posts, Jocelyn! Reading the comments is interesting, too. The birds around here have been busy and all puffed up against the cold, too. The Lone Star in reds, white, and blues is so pretty! I'll enjoy seeing what you do with it next. Your cinnamon rolls look yummy - I sure understand Tony's enjoyment of them!

Sara said...

My white hair is also short, very fine and straight. I use a foam styling mousse but quit using a curling iron when mine died a couple years ago. I just use the mousse and then fluff it up with a pick and my fingers. Your Lone Star is lovely. My daughter has asked me to make one for her husband, who is Native American. We've got a plan but haven't bought the fabric yet.

Kim said...

My hair is gray and frizzy, but I've been helped a lot by the Humby Organics shampoo and conditioner bars. They have different formulas for different types of hair needs. The bars seems expensive at first glance, but they last a looong time.

Susie H said...

I love my bluejays too. I put out a bird smorgasborg every morning and I've got quite a following of blue jays now. Of course I also have cardinals, titmouses, wrens, and the awful starlings. Oh well, all the birds need to eat now that we've gotten so cold. Love the look of your Lone Star and I adore Minick & Simpson fabrics. Their fabrics are so fresh looking to me. I don't have a clue about your hair, so sorry. I use a mousse on my hair with "strong hold" to keep mine in order -- mostly! Lol!

grammajudyb said...

I enjoy your blog so much. Texas Lone Star intimidates me. Yours is beautiful. Wish we had blue jays. Only sparrows, and a few chickadees in our area this time of year. Everyone else has flown away. I have no advice on hair. I keep trying to find the answer. Growing mine out now. It’s a struggle.

Joy said...

I have thin gray hair and use Paul Mitchell Extra-Body Boost (white bottle, purple top) after I wash my hair and before I dry it. If I don't, my hair is as flat as a pancake. I plan never to be without this product.

Molly said...

That cinnamon roll looks very delicious. I'm trying to gather some recipes. I just got a new cabinet painting in my kitchen and have wanted to spend more time in there. Makes me want to bake more, but I need more ideas! This looks wonderful. Thanks for sharing.

Brenda @ Songbird Designs said...

Bluel Jays are beautiful, but they can be mean!! I've seen them dive bomb cats and small dogs here! LOL That's a great photo with the snow in the tree with him! our Lone Star Medallion is very pretty. I look forward to seeing the finish! Ooh those cinnamon rolls look fantastic too! Thanks for joining us at Monday Musings!