Sunday, 19 January 2025

Old Folk Issues, Me These Days, Happy Hand Stitching

The male and female Red Cardinals have been visiting the big feeders late afternoon just at almost dusk. Maybe they load up on a little nutrition to get them through the cold night. It's hard to get a photo of them together and this was taken from a great distance. I wonder if they are the same pair I see all the time as it's believed Red Cardinals mate for life. 

You've probably figured out by now that my favourite stitching is hand stitching. With that in mind, I've started another EPP project, this one stars. I've wanted to stitch stars again for a while and I like that scraps can be put to use too. And I'd kept all the cardboard triangles I'd used in Panama Pyramids and just have to trim them down as I want these stars to finish at a smaller size. This is another project that perfectly suits the monthly colour changes at So Scrappy though January's colour, pink, is scarce in my stash. I can trim the triangles in front of the tv while taking a break from Redwork Noel which is almost done. 
I also got out my winter embroidery project, Snow Days, from Crabapple Hill Studio
 I have five of the winter scenes finished. 
The very big light box inherited from first wife had to be used to trace two more of the larger patterns. I use a micro pen for this so the line can be easily hidden with two strands of embroidery floss. I'm using a dark brown, DMC 498, and very easy enjoyable running stitches with a few French knots and back stitches thrown in.
Now for a hair update...white hair issues are definitely an old folks problem so skip this part if you aren't interested. 

I don't know what it is about hair salons that make me want to stay out of them. I've never had a bad experience or anyone be mean to me or anything really that would account for why I don't enjoy the experience.  It takes a lot to get me in one but I finally did recently. I was pleased with the professional trim, mostly on the sides, not an overall cut. The stylist listened to me about keeping hair on the top of my head that I can fluff up a bit...I look awful with flat hair. (If I thought it would suit me, I'd be happy to have one of those buzz cuts all over. ) Here is my post salon bathroom portrait where the lighting has erased all my wrinkles and turned back time. A miracle! And back to a time when Cat eye reading glasses were in style too. I think this length of hair suits me the best these days so if only I could keep it exactly like this. 

Wow, my cozy sweater stripes are really not slimming. 
She said I shouldn't be afraid of using more product on my hair, to experiment and find out which may cause yellowing. I guess a lot of folks complain to her about their white hair and it's different for different folks. I did buy a product from her; she looked for the volumizing mousse but they were all out so I'll check that out online. I'll share what I bought next time- a leave on conditioner, which was $30- a splurge for me. I hope she got a commission because she was so patient with me even if she did say I shouldn't cut my own hair ever again. 😊

We enjoyed this series very much, The Essex Serpent. It's billed as a moody romance which it is. It stars Tom Hiddleston and Claire Danes, both actors we enjoy. Claire, who we enjoyed in Homeland, does harrowing facial expressions so well. 
Well, I've rambled on long enough. Time for a bit of lunch. I made this for myself yesterday. Sourdough bread with peanut butter and banana. And those are Mini Medjouls there...dates with a little cacao and coconut. We both like dates.  Is that something you would like? Which reminds me, thank you for all the comments on the food I share. I love reading them.
Take care of yourself out there. The times, they are a changin' and not for the better or at least that's what many of us old folks think. But then when did old folks ever think changes were for the better? 

Linking up with Cynthia's Quilting is More Fun Than Housework, Brenda's Song Bird Designs party, Kelly's My Quilt Infatuation party and Kathy's Quilts too.


loulee said...

Lovely to see hints of your new EPP project. Your new 'do' looks great and you are happy that is the main thing.

Julierose said...

Love your pink stars, Jocelyn--hand working is also my favorite even if I have to back off now and just do a little at a time...
I would DEFINITELY eat Mini Medjouls; Mom and I used to stuff pitted dates with peanut butter and roll them in sugar for Christmas snack treats...I'd forgotten all about that--your post reminded me--I will make some for us;)))
Ah, haircuts--don't get me started--I did find a lovely hair dresser who gives me a plain, blunt cut, bob--but I am now thinking it's a lot of upkeep with the blow drying (my arms are complaining these days holding that dryer for so long--ah age!!) I'd do a buzz too if i thought i could carry it off. But, sadly nope!! I am thinking of getting a pixie cut like I used to wear but I don't really like that flat top look either...S I G H ....meanwhile my hair is getting longer and in my face!!! I can feel that buried urge to just go and do it!!
Great photo of you--I used to have glasses just like those, too...
We are expecting snowfall overnight then really cold temps...
hugs, Julierose

Gretchen Weaver said...

Your hair looks very nice and who cares if stripes aren't slimming. What matters is if the sweater keeps you warm on these cold days. The stars are a perfect RSC project, happy stitching!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

your haircut looks great. I know what you mean about beauty shops though - I don't feel all that comfortable and sometimes when I find one that gives a good hair cut it is one that I force myself to go back to. in between going though I do give myself I little trim to keep it right. I have a pair of what I believe is called "thinning scissors" they have a jagged edge which really works for me - here is a link to what they look like if that didn't go through or went to spam let me know and I will send it in an email - I don't know if it would work for you but we wear our hair kind of the same and the same length (white too and fine)

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Great photo of the cardinal pair, Jocelyn! I keep thinking I want to start an EPP project again, with a different shape than hexies. I love your stars - did you say you make your own shapes for that? Will you be connecting them with a background diamond or appliqueing to a background square? Something for me to research. Your hair looks wonderful! Finding a stylist you like and who will listen to you can be challenging, but so helpful to finally find one!

Magpie's Mumblings said...

I gave up on getting my hair cut professionally when covid hit. The RC is happy to do the honours and quite honestly it looks just as good as it did and I don't have to pay a cent.
Great photo of the cardinals and I know I'm going to enjoy watching your latest EPP project. Really wish I could see what Crabapple Hill has on offer but every time I attempt to go their website my computer pitches a fit of epic proportions. Have no idea why that is.

The Cozy Quilter said...

You are all set for the RSC this year. Pretty pink stars are a great start! I have had the same hairdresser for 25 years--she does a great job and I love my hairstyle. Easy to care for and it doesn't get in the way.
Lots of embroidery to do on that Crabapple Hill quilt but they are very nice when done. This should keep you busy for a while.

PaintedThread said...

Pretty winter scenes! PB and banana are always a great combo!

Jackie said...

The stars are turning out wonderfully. When do you find out the colour for February. So cold here today that I didn't even stick my nose outside.

God bless.

Karrin Hurd said...

Your haircut looks lovely! Nice projects you are working on! I love dates, though I don't get them very often. said...

Your new do looks great! I too don't go often to the hair salon. . .maybe once a year. I hope you are able to get the effect you want on your own! Those hand projects are great! Love your EPP stars!

Libby in TN said...

You look gorgeous! Makes me want a haircut, too.

Linda said...

The little steepled church you finished on Snow Days immediately made me think of the little white Methodist church I attended when I was young.
Your hair looks magnificent! I would love to have beautiful white hair like yours. Mine is still an unattractive salt/pepper and the highlighting I get to lighten it up is not good for my hair. And I love those glasses on you. :)

Linda said...

I forgot to mention on the Medjool dates, Instagram had a reel that caught my eye. The gal was trying a Medjool date stuffed with butter and said it tasted like cookie dough! I can't quite bring myself to try it - lol!

Bonnie said...

Love the picture of the cardinals. We don't have many in our backyard... lots of robins and blue birds though although not in this temp. Your haircut looks great. If you hate your heavy hair dryer you might look for a smaller one. Mine is pretty compact and has a folding handle. Your EPP star looks great.

QuiltGranma said...

When we lived in Ohio we got to "meet" the beautiful cardinals for the first time. We are from the Pacific NW. After his schooling we came home again. We miss seeing those beauties, thanks for sharing! Have you ever stuffed dates with cream cheese? YUM! A do it yourself thing, just cut the date, add a thin slice of cream cheese and boom you are set! I however do not need the extra fiber that consuming many of these would result in a different kind of boom! Love the haircut, I use a gel product in my short hair, it's by Redken. Both of my sisters use it too. Since we live in a dry climate I don't have to use a hair dryer, I just add a little product, style and allow it to air dry. Love your EPP, I inherited a Lemoyne Star quilt with alternating fabrics in the stars. However, I have no provenance on it, so the question is Who Done It. Always remember to add a label to your quilts so there will be no mystery about this for the future generations. Have a beautiful day!

Pamela Dempsey in Northeast Texas 😻 said...

We have a lot of cardinal pairs coming to our feeders lately and they are so beautiful. We are excited to see 20 mourning doves lately, purple finches, juncos, titmice, goldfinches, sparrows, chickadees, blue jays, flickers, and several crows 🐦‍⬛. The crows eat farther away from the back porch so don’t bother the smaller birds.
I love your hair and glasses! Very stylish.

Pamela Dempsey in Northeast Texas 😻 said...

Forgot to mention the Crabapple Hill embroidery patterns are a favorite of mine too. I have the winter one but haven’t started it yet, love handwork ❤️!

Susie H said...

Your hair is SO CUTE!!! It's amazing what those stylists can do, isn't it? If only they would come over daily and fix us up to be presentable! LOL! I love Crabapple Hill patterns too. As a matter of fact I even have Snow Days, including the fabrics to piece it up after the embroidery is finished.

Michelle Ridgway said...

The Cardinals are so sweet. Love your stars and Winter stitching. I have a short nob which I look lovely. So humid and hot here xx

Sara said...

I think that haircut is very flattering. I do use a volumizing mousse in my baby fine white hair and haven't had any issues with it getting yellow.

CathieJ said...

I love your embroidery. I look forward to watching your EPP grow. I am about to start my first EPP. I use a volumizing mousse that I get in the grocery store. I hate flat hair. I am lucky that at 65 my hair is still mostly blond with only a little white near my ears. Those dates look delicious. I will have to look for something like that here.

Brenda @ Songbird Designs said...

I really love your haircut, Jocelyn. I get stylist does not want me cutting my hair - even if it is just my bangs! LOL The cardinals are beautiful. Love the EPP stars and the Snow Days embroidery project. Your peanut butter and banana sandwich looks really good! Reminds me of Elvis, but you didn't fry it! LOL Thanks for joining us at Monday Musings!

K Reeves said...

You look stunning Jocelyn! I go for a haircut every 2 months, to a lady that is my age and very no nonsense! Otherwise I don’t know what I would do. I always come home and wet my hair down and do it my way!🤣