I've been wanting to share this lamp, a gift I received from Hubby's former in laws a few years ago. I was happy that they had accepted me and took the time to pick out such an appropriate gift for a stitcher. It is very special to me.
March Winds Vintage Hummel- always have loved these. Do any of you?

I'm liking learning how NOT to scorch my fingers while getting a hang of how to use this wee little bitty iron! That long steel bit in the middle gets hot.
Enjoyed this little series very much. Manhunt starring a much thinner Martin Clunes than I'm used to. Manhunt link at IMDB Wish they'd make more.
Been on Nana duty a few days this week. Little grandson was spiking a fever off and on. You know it gives me joy to be able to be with him. He said the first morning...
"Nana I have a serious cough so no hugging today."
I think I'll share a few basket projects that I've come across in my research. I've been inspired by so many of you with your sweet basket designs. I bought this pattern from Allie Oops Designs shop a few years ago. It features the Loaves and Fishes, based on the famous Bible story many of us grew up with.
Allie's FaceBook Group continues to grow and she is very generously offering many of her patterns for free. Check it out at Allie-Oops Designs.
Speaking of baskets, I've had a little time this week to work on mine. Twigged the pattern to make it slightly smaller and have worked out a system for ironing and basting the edges, then sewing them in place. I'm enjoying using this Sulky silk type thread...the stitches disappear.
At the Sulky of America site you can check out lots of free stuff, patterns and also videos like this one featuring how to use crayons to tint cloth...a favourite technique of Meg's at Crab Apple Hill Studio. Update: A little weird...the wrong video is here and I can't get rid of it. Sorry.
It is almost reckoning day when I try out the idea I had. Wish me luck!
I looked at this photo with a fresh eye...spying for the first time how strings have been used in those diagonal background stripes. Interesting use of colour- restrained and so effective.
On the pole by the pond, lucky to grab these shots of a northern flicker. We see them frequently around the edges of the tree line, sometimes venturing onto the lawn on the west side of the house. Strong bird but very shy. These took lots of cropping to get to this point.
Spied the beak first.
I think he was taking a moment to enjoy the sunshine which we too are enjoying lately. The black bib, black spotted belly and the yellow tail feathers make him a Yellow Shafted Northern Flicker.
Can't blame him for savouring the warmth there after the winter we've had.
Anyone interested in writing their memoirs? Recommended by a facebook friend;I've read the reviews on this book and think it looks as good as these type of books get. Amazon link is here.

I treated myself- meted them out so as not to give myself sugar overload because I wanted to eat them all. (Sorry Hubby.) So it seems my love of marshmallow and chocolate has not abated, no sireee, not one bit.
I hope there is something creative, inspirational, or tasty in your day!
Lots more to see at Not Afraid of Color, New Thursday 13, Sew Fresh Quilts, My Quilt Infatuation, Quilting is More Fun Than Housework, and Paying Ready Attention.
That candle holder such is terrific and so is the Hummel, we have lots of older Hummel Christmas things here.
I always enjoy your posts, Jocelyn! You share so many wonderful things. I love the baskets you're stitching - they are so appealing. Applique is the next hand-stitching skill on my list to learn! Beautiful pictures of the flicker - it looks like you were being very patient with him. We get lots of flickers in our yard, but I think they are the red-shafted variety.
I know what it means to be accepted by husband's family. I know the last thing mine expected was for him to marry a divorced woman with two kids! Nevertheless, they treated my boys like they were blood kin. We get lots of flickers here; one is very fond of pecking on our metal chimney cover! I never developed a taste for marshmallow candy of any type, especially Peeps.
A lovely gift, and so fitting for you. Martin Clunes, he is so versatile, I have enjoyed every film he has been in.
Good Morning Jocelyn! Oh the pictures of the bird is just so cool - peeking out behind the tree. And the background on the cover of the magazine with the colorful strings is also very cool and clever. I would love to do that technique sometime. ~smile~ Roseanne
I wouldn't have known that was a lamp. I've never seen a flicker before or knew what they looked like. Today I watched goldfinch, cowbirds and a woodpecker at the feeder.
Such a handsome looking bird, thanks for the info about it. As always, its always a treat to see pics of wildlife from other countries, usually quite different to what we know. I love chocolate marshmallow Easter Eggs too, and have been having a nibble on one after our evening meal!
your grandson sounds delightful! your little gift from hubby's former in laws is nice and it was nice of them to give you something and I assume stay friendly with him. Very good! I love flicker's!! we have a lot of different kinds of woodpeckers here and flickers too
Hummels! My parents have a few, including a crèche. Yes, that little iron gets really hot! And for being so small, it seems so easy to touch the wrong spot.
I hope Little Grandson is feeling better, he sounds like a sweet boy to be worried about his Grandma. Cute little lamp and so appropriate for a quilter, very nice gift. I have some Hummels packed away, I think my Mom got them when my Dad was stationed in Germany in the 1950’s. I just watched the the first part of Manhunt last night, enjoyed it. Look forward to seeing your string project!
The Hummel figures are famous all over the world, some collectors are still around here, but even though it´s German, I hardly see them in German households.
If your Hummel is really old, it might be worth some good money!
Great likes! I love your lamp, what a lovely gift! My Nana collected Hummels too! They always make me smile! Your basket quilt is lovely and I am enjoying watching your progress on the new one! Love your bird photos~! Have a great week Jocelyn!
Love those marshmallow eggs! I'm sure those midnight thoughts were good. I can relate. There is no way I could use that tiny iron. Great post. mary
We just had a quilt show here in town. We have a very active quilting group. My mother didn't quilt but she did applique for sewing projects including crafts. My step sister (Mom remarried at 79!) is a master quilter with a long arm machine at home. - Margy
Love the basket blocks! I made a little basket quilt years ago. Took me forever but was so worthwhile!
Yes, wrote the memoire. Published too many. Lesson learned.
I love your post! I love your grandie story. They can be sweet. Happily, our kids have great employee benefits and they take turns staying home with sick ones.
All the best for your quilt!
Gorgeous bird photo! I am so envious of people who are crafty and can make lovely things. I've tried but . . . not my thing. A wonderful post. Thanks for joining Thursday Thirteen!
How well I know the middle-of-the-night undecipherable notes to myself that I just KNOW were earth shattering and completely gone from the memory banks. I've never seen a flicker in real life so really enjoyed seeing your photos.
Oh those middle-of-the-night blog post ideas are always scintillating - and they never make it to the morning light, lol!!! Love that little lamp, and your Hummel. My mother-in-law has tons of those.
I've tried those little irons and I just can't use them. I'm wanting to get back to freezer paper applique, as I just can't manage needle-turn, and I'd love to try using the blind hem stitch to machine it down - always worth a try! I LOVE Martin Clunes in Doc Martin, never saw him in anything else.
Your little baskets are darling, Jocelyn. I love seeing all of your projects. Your pics of the Flicker are so good! They're so quick and hard to capture. Love them.
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