Tuesday 2 August 2022

Redworked Birds- Flight of Fancy, Basket Case Finish, Quartet in Autumn, Petey Posing

 I'd mentioned that I had to go out shopping.  That morning I stood in our closet completely stumped as to what to wear. I have a goodly amount of clothes so why it is such a chore sometimes to pick out a top and bottom is kind of ludicrous. I left and went to a window to look at the sky which told me nothing because I already knew it was very hot outside with the sun splitting the rocks, as we used to say at home. I decided to wear linen which is a difficult material but breezy.  I would sacrifice a wrinkle free appearance for comfort, I finally decided. 

Am I the only one who gets wracked by indecision in their own closet?? Perhaps I just don't go out enough anymore. Anyway, after successfully dressing myself, Thrifting was a huge success! I'll share the spoils soon.

Meanwhile, I had my OMG for July finished in the nick of time ( but not to post). It is soft and cozy and I had the thought that it would have made a wonderful lap quilt if I'd omitted the medallion center and made it a little larger.  Made a completely different quilt really is what I mean I guess, :D.  It is 43 x 43 so fairly large as is. Here is Basket Case in the last day of July 2022 sunshine, ghostly hands and all!  Michelle Ridgway basket pattern and inspiration!

So what's next up to be my August OMG?  I decided it is time for the Redworked Birds to get their day in the sunshine too.  Flight of Fancy by Crabapple Hill Studio. They've been patiently waiting for more than ten years now (!!). Definitely a UFO if age has anything to do with it. All backstitch embroidery.
 When I went to a fabric shop, that mottled ecru fabric is what the lady picked out for me and I didn't have the voice to say I didn't really care for it so bought it anyway. She thought it looked like sky so would suit a bird project. Pretty sure that would not happen to me now. At the time I was just here, new to this province and feeling a bit fragile. Stitching these birds gave me a lot of simple enjoyment and  actually grounded me so I have a soft spot for them. 
There are 12 of these embroidered 16 inch squares and I need to sew the 13 four patch blocks to alternate. I do remember why this project got shelved. The alternate blocks are reds in stripes and I had none of that kind of fabric at the time.  And I didn't have the wherewithall to know what to substitute instead.  I have the fabrics now to do justice to those alternating blocks.

I'll get that started this week and also take better photos to show you some of the embroidery. 

Reading this week is Quartet in Autumn by British novelist, Barbara Pym. I love her writing and am enjoying this one so much. It's about two spinsters and two bachelors who work in the same office for decades. She captures the everyday bits, the eccentric qualities of the four, and the overall abiding loneliness of their lives so well. And yet, not depressing just interesting. 

I'll leave you with this photo of Petey posing nicely. The three Labradors will be together again at the end of this week when Daughter and family take their annual trip to Newfoundland. Ned will be in heaven!
Take care all!


Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

it really is silly but sometimes I change my shirt 3 times a day and I am home - part way through I will think it feels too warm, or too tight and if I need to run to the store do I go sleeveless at my age or not and do I care anymore what my arms look like!!

Nancy J said...

I like the mottled fabric, a clear pale sky with sunshine just glowing through the clouds maybe. I am not a fan of anything that has even a tint of gold or yellow, so I am surprised at my thoughts. Love the top quilt, a real beauty.

Jenn Jilks said...

It took me 7 years to finish my mom;s embroidery piece. She started then faced cancer. What the heck!

I hear you about decisions. Any decisions, these days...
(ツ) from Jenn Jilks , ON, Canada!

loulee said...

Your baskets look lovely, nice finish.

Rebecca in AK said...

I have my staying at home clothes and my going out clothes. I tend to wear the same four outfits for going out over and over even though I have a closet full of clothes. Lbe you little basket quilt! Congratulations on getting it finished in time. Lovely embroidered blocks. Love Barbara Pym!

Jenny said...

Basket Case has turned out beautifully, no wonder you are do pleased with it. I think the big basket of flowers in the centre is a wonderful idea. As for the embroidered bird blocks, so wonderful. Crabapple Hill has lovely designs. As for clothes, I'm at the warm trousers, tops, and nice warm socks on my feet stage, it's winter here and the heavy rain is coming down.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

I hear you about struggling with picking something out of the closet to put on that day - most everything I wear is just a different color version of what I wore the day before! Basket Case is lovely, Jocelyn. The center is so pretty, and surrounded by all the colorful baskets - I love it. Also loving your reworked birds - beautiful stitching!

Nancy said...

I think I used to like buying clothes more than I do these days. Now, I have just a few changes, not enough to consider many options. It makes getting dressed quick and easy. I'm sure your linen shirt was a comfortable choice for hot weather.
Your basket quilt looks great. What a delightful variety of fabrics.
I think some quilts pack a punch when viewed from a distance, some are more subtle and we see their beauty when we look closely. I think your Redwork Birds is one of the latter. Your embroidery is spectacular!
Three labs makes for a houseful of dogs, I imagine. Fun times!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Basket Case is so very pretty and Petey looks so adorable!

Jackie said...

The basket quilt is lovely, and your stitching on the redwork is just beautiful.

God bless.

Ivani said...

Congrats on a beautiful finish Jocelyn. Your redwork embroidery project is wonderful, so glad you pick this one for this month. Have a nice week.

Linda said...

Each day I pick out a decent (clean) t-shirt to wear into my "business" (my sewing room). Then later I change into a more comfortable shirt to eat my dinner and drop food onto - bahahah! Basket Case is so, so pretty! I love the basket fabric. I know what you mean about not having the voice to make wishes known - I was the same in the beginning of my quilting. Fortunately I liked the choices made for me and still have bits and pieces of those original fabrics and wish I had more. Looking forward to seeing more of your redworked birds!
Thank you for sharing with us at To Do Tuesday!

PaintedThread said...

Your baskets are awesome!

Magpie's Mumblings said...

I know what you mean about peering into the closet and wondering what to wear. I have limited choices so technically that should make it easier. I pretty much live in dresses (sometimes skirts) in the summer and I know my selection has to be pretty boring for those who see me regularly. Covid has meant I'm not seeing anybody so I have 3 summer dresses I alternate and when the cooler weather hits I move to t-shirts and flannelette sleep pants. Comfie, but certainly not fashionable!
Looking forward to seeing the results of your thrifting expedition. How I miss those!
Your baskets quilt turned out beautifully! Now I'm looking forward to seeing the redwork birds take shape. Reading what you said about being talked into fabric at the shop reminded me that at one point our guild was doing a workshop on making a celtic knot quilt. I wanted one so hared off to the shop to get fabrics. Of course I felt I didn't have any colour sense and ended up being talked into something I absolutely ended up hating. That partially done 'experiment' went in a yard sale years later.

Jeanna said...

Your Basket Case quilt really does look comfy and I think that is a great size. The embroidery stitches are perfect, I look forward to seeing your finish this month. Petey is so handsome...what a good boy sitting so nicely for you.

gladiquilts said...

I used to struggle with dressing decisions regularly when I was working, but one of the joys of retirement for me has been not caring (mostly) about what I wear! Congratulations on finishing the basket quilt; I think the center medallion is a nice touch. I look forward to seeing the progress on your embroidered birds quilt. Reading something by B. Pym has been on my “to do” list for a long time so thanks for this prompt!

grammajudyb said...

I’m late in the reading of blogs the last 2 weeks! Company, Covid, worry about fire in California. Made me a bit unsettled. I’m anxious to see your final pick for the bird embroidery alternate fabric. You are not the only one who stares at the closet and wonders what to wear! Glad I’m not the only one! :)

Michelle Ridgway said...

Hello Jocelyn...I made it! Lol! I often stare into my wardrobe expecting some miracle to occur but it never seems to! Lol! Well done on your pretty baskets...lovely to see another Basketcase out it the world. Your redwork is very sweet and so is Petesy xx

Susan said...

Love your Basket Case!

Shelina said...

Your basket quilt is gorgeous! Sometimes it does take me a while to decide what to wear, but I have decluttered my closet and took out everything that doesn't fit and things I don't like as much, and that makes things much easier. Usually I just grab the first thing that catches my eye and it is good because only the good stuff is in the closet.

Anonymous said...

We have not been going out a lot over the past 2.5 years and I had not done a lot of clothes shopping during that time. What I have been wearing is mostly casual and comfortable . Now that we are starting to do a few things out and about, I don’t have much to wear in that department, especially for the hot weather. It’s a conundrum!
Your basket quilt turned out beautifully!
I think those embroideries have aged appropriately…
Gail at the Cozy Quilter

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Basket case is awesome!!!
and the lab - what fun to hve them all!

Susie H said...

I've got that Flight of Fancy pattern. I started stitching it but didn't like my thread. I've always meant to go back and start again. Petey will certainly be in 7th heaven ... much fun will be coming!

piecefulwendy said...

Sometimes I think I should cull my closet down to 5 shirts and pants and one skirt/dress so my choices wouldn't be so abundant. Then maybe I could figure out what to wear. I'm in the process of reading Quartet in Autumn and agree with you, it is an interesting read.

Chopin - A Passionate Quilter said...

Well, no wonder I missed you! Blogger did a number. I have not had one post email from you since July! So I am trying to recoup all of the bloggers I have been following. I signed up again. I will catch up on your August posts later tonight or tomorrow. Our heat wave has been broken. We received 1 1/2” of rain last night and more is expected. Hugs