Sunday 24 September 2023

Autumn Quakers, The V&A Museum Site, Easy Meal, QAL

There is a small flock of ducks visiting our little pond each day. I've never seen this kind before which may be American Black Ducks?. Their numbers have grown from 5 to the 17 I managed to count yesterday. They alert extremely easily- when one takes flight, they all go, so getting close for a photo is impossible. My long lens managed this shot. The pond looks golden here in the early morning sun which reminded me of the movie, On Golden Pond. Loved that one back in the day. Did you?
When I'd asked for lunch/meal suggestions, someone mentioned using pita breads. I'd kind of forgotten about that idea so the other day I bought a package and made this for supper. It's tuna, spinach and peppers salad topped with scrambled eggs...that last was my own addition to the recipe.
 I worry that Tony doesn't get enough nutrients; he is still strict with his portion size, etc. and is quite thin. Recently friends who hadn't seen him in two years were surprised by how much thinner he looked. He has always loved being thin but I don't think it is good at his age. The body needs some reserves if you get ill is what I believe about that. But I don't know if that idea is medically true as such. Any thoughts?
 Anyway, I also eat a lot of oranges; I think they are delicious when you can find a sweeter one.
One of the best sites to explore 
The website Collections section of the Online Victoria and Albert Museum includes many interesting items. I first came across this site years ago when looking for William Morris items and they have a huge bank of material that must be one of the largest Morris collections to be found. But there also you will find other collections including this one... 1940s Knitting Patterns. Definitely worth taking a look for you knitters. I enjoyed seeing how many patterns would suit our modern times. 

Their Make and Do section includes instructions for a number of needle arts projects including a Boro style bag I really like. 
Of great interest to me also is their collection of cross stitched samplers. Here is the link-  History of Needle Worked Samplers. Very interesting to see the earliest examples of different embroidery stitches too. So if you have the time, the V&A is a wonderful site to explore. 

Speaking of which it is time to get out my Autumn Quakers cross stitching project from the wonderful Rosewood Manor. It's being stitched on 28 count Vintage Country Mocha Cashel Linen. Now this is true slow stitching- at least, for me it is. S L O W L Y making my way down the left side. 

Pat Sloan at I Love to Make Quilts has launched her latest free QAL called Autumn Wonders. I'm following with interest but not taking part for the obvious reason of having enough stitchy projects on the go. 

Winter Preparations have begun...

Happy to have Jack's help with the wood for our winter fires this year. Here is the start he has made on getting wood from the lot onto the veranda. The wood is not next to the house itself... there are sheets of wood protecting the house wall and there is a space left between the wood and it. Also we don't have termites here to be a concern thankfully as some were worried when I showed a similar photo last year. Though I helped with tidying the stacks, it is a good break for me not to have to load and carry it. I'm looking forward to having our daily fires again. Nothing cozier when it's snowing outside.

But no snow just yet, the sun is shining and it is cool enough for a heavy sweater...perfect fall weather. Hope your weekend is going well and you have something to look forward to this week. 
Also happy to share this post with the slow stitching crowd at  Kathy's QuiltsCreations, Quilts, Art and Small Quilts and Doll Quilts.


LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

You could be right about that being an American Black Duck, judging by the stripes on his head. That's a beautiful photo with the lighting the way it is! Your meal in the pita bread sounds yummy. Tony being very thin reminded me of my mom. She doesn't have much of an appetite anymore and has gotten so tiny. If you talk to her about gaining weight (as a good thing), she immediately protests - such a female reaction. I agree, as we age, having some meat on our bones is not necessarily a bad thing! Your Autumn Sampler is so lovely, and this is definitely the perfect time of year to work on it!

The Cozy Quilter said...

Your sampler is gorgeous…I imagine it will take a long time to finish. Looks like you are ready for the cold weather!

Anonymous said...

Regarding weight: my daughter and son-in-law are both doctors, and they tell me that having a little extra weight is good. Gives you a reserve in case you get seriously ill. They say I’m the right weight with a BMI of 24. Dot

Jenny said...

Your golden pond photo is glorious, well done. And thanks for the link to the V&A site,we visited this museum during UK trip and I thought 8t was the most marvelous place.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

you are ready for winter!! My doctor agrees with you - I had always been quite thin in recent years though I have gained too much around my stomach and thighs though and I was surprised when I mentioned to the doctor once that I really need to loose 10 pounds and said not to - that I needed it in case I got sick. That might be but I don't want those extra waist line pounds!

Carol R. said...

I, too, had forgotten about pita bread and now wish I had purchased it instead of the loaf of bread I got the other day. I normally have Artisan brand (I think that's how it's spelt) but usually like thinner slices for 'regular' sandwiches, like tuna, egg salad, etc and those would also work well in pita bread...if only I had thought of it. It's now on my list for the next time :).
I like your cross stitch project; I don't have the eyes nor the patience to do that any longer.

Brian's Home Blog said...

I thought about On Golden Pond too, that's a terrific photo of your visitor. Pita bread can be pretty good. I'm glad you got the firewood ready to go but I hope Winter isn't too harsh up your way.

Jackie said...

No snow here either, but man are the trees turning quickly.

Got to check out those 1940's knitting patterns. Thanks for sharing.

God bless.

MissPat said...

We didn't get out of the 50's (F) today, and light rain on and off, thanks to the remnants of Tropical Storm Olivia. Hoping for slightly warmer temps this week as there is much outdoor cleanup to be done before the cold weather truly sets in.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

I, too, loved On Golden Pond - one of the best movies of all time in my mind.
As for pitas - we often make mini pizzas with them.
I'll have to spend some time exploring at the places you suggest, thank you!

Anonymous said...

Barbara Black, of My Joyful Journey blog recently posted about how she lost 100 pounds. She suggested a book, The Whole Body Reset by Stephen Perrine because it says older people need more protein and fiber and to move more. Interesting read.

Rosa said...

Absolutely true! There's evidence that BMIs that fall into the overweight and obese range have lower morbidity and lower mortality rates (versus people of "normal" or underweight BMIs) following surgery. Doctors sometimes call this The Obesity Patadox (bc they automatically expect fat people to be unhealthy). Nope! A bit of cushioning acts as a healthy reserve!

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Autumn Quakers are a gorgeous pattterns.
Weight as we get older, reserve fat seems to rule.

cityquilter grace said...

thanks for the link to the V&A samplers page....sooo interesting....and loving that quaker sampler too!

PaintedThread said...

I have been told by one of my doctors to keep on a bit more weight (specifically because of IBD). I guess it depends on the person. I've been experimenting with my lunches lately, too. That's quite a cross stitch. It's too early for snow! (please!)

Angela said...

That is a lot of wood! I hope you stay toasty warm all winter.

Linda said...

That duck on pond photo is frame worthy! You could sell it, it's that good. I agree with you about being too thin at our age. My husband's cardiologist told him not to lose too much weight, and he used the same term of "reserves in case of illness". Your dinner looks yummy!

Carolyn said...

I’m envious of your cooler weather! One of my favorite restaurants serves chicken salad in pita bread, and they make the pita in house. It’s so good. I think you are correct about having a few pounds in reserve as we get older. I hope you can convince your hubby.