Ten Tiny Things I enjoyed This Week
1.Finished my 1000 piece jigsaw. Worked on while supper cooked.
A certain someone chewed one piece and I wonder is he responsible for the one piece suspiciously missing near the same spot...!2..Got myself a new ironing board cover and wondered why did I wait so long to do that.
3.I'm reading this lady's book, a compilation of her work...
and enjoying certain lines of hers like this one-
"The fridge light is known to have a detrimental effect on the male retina..."
4.Recently, we went out for lunch at an Indian Food Restaurant, Sagar, in the nearest little town. I admired this very large work of art on the wall beside us,
5.Still very much winter here and needing cozy clothes like these slipper socks which are otherwise known as Sewing Room Thread Catchers.
6.Enjoying progress on my two slow stitching embroidery and cross stitch winter projects.
8. I received this sweet gift of local honey. Love honey and so happy there are many local aviaries here in Ontario. We've noticed all the honeys taste a little differently.
9. A Canadian winter moment... Robbie came over and showed us his hockey skills on our frozen pond. He enjoyed comparing the pond ice to arena ice and wondering about the difference having a zamboni could make. :D He is working hard to improve his skating.

Also terrific to share this post with Kathy's Quilts and Quilting is More Fun Than Housework.
I love plain dark chocolate but also others with nuts and things. The ice looks wonderful and fun to play on
I'm with you about chocolate. It's only tempting if there is something to chew with chocolate over it. I have a tendency to put too many nuts in my fudge or brownies for the same reason. That missing piece certainly is suspicious.
So interesting to read of your ten terrific things, Jocelyn. Robin is the honey connoisseur in this household, we have gorgeous honeys here in New Zealand, especially Manuka honey. We don't necessarily go out for a meal on Valentine's Day, if we are at home I like to do something a little special for our evening meal. As it happens, this year we will be meeting friends on Valentine's Day, so that will be very nice, a double occasion. I do like your embroidery projects.
Valentine's Day is becoming bigger and more commercial in Australia, these days.....but it's my husband's birthday, we celebrate that instead.
You are a talented woman!
Just lovely work you do, and play, puzzle play!
What wonderful things that happened to you this week.
I would love to go out for Valentines day, but Harv has his test at the hospital the next day. So perhaps anothertime.
God bless.
Your list of 10 things was fun to read, Jocelyn! Finishing a puzzle always gives a feeling of accomplishment. I had never had butter chicken until I saw a recipe and thought we would like it and we do! I love your photo of Robbie on the ice - looks like the dog wants to help, too. I wear wool socks around the house all wi ter and, yes, they pick up all the threads in the sewing room! Dark chocolate with almonds is my sweet of choice!
I would pass on the buttered chicken but happily have a mango lassie...love mangoes!
I don't have sewing room thread catchers like yours, but I wear flannelette pants that gather up threads.
The honey looks good - it seems they have different flavour sensations depending on the prevelance of the type of flowers in the area where it's made.
We don't often celebrate Valentine's Day but the Resident Chef has been known to make me a dark chocolate heart on occasion. He's making noises about us going out for lunch the day before (I'll be teaching a workshop on the actual day). Dark chocolate for me and I would like carnations or plants too.
What a lovely post, I enjoyed reading it! Valentine's Day, no, we don't celebrate. DH says it's VD every day, so why celebrate only one day in a year?! VD gift; I'm a chocoholic, anything with nuts go! My ironing board looks terrible, why does it take ages to get a new cover?! Lassie is popular here. I've never tasted it with mango, I love the plain one though. Beautiful embroideries, I have to get back to mine too, been neglected for too long. Have a great weekend!
I love that photo of you and Ned. That yarn looks so pretty - looking forward to seeing your project. Ah I love local honey, or any honey - lol! I used to buy from Flying Bee honey, and their "pumpkin" honey was my favorite. They have so many varieties, you can see here: https://flyingbeeranch.net/honeys/
Robbie looks so proficient on the ice! And is that his Petey with him?
“Sewing room thread catchers” made me laugh! I think Ned welcomes your attention and loves you too! As far as Valentines Day, I don’t like a lot of sweets and won’t finish one of those big boxes of chocolates, but I do like flowers and plants. My neighbor is also a widow, and last year we exchanged Valentines gifts. She gave me a flower and some cookies, and I gave her a box of chocolates.
Love the hockey photo and also loving that you have a pond!
That is the exact sort of puzzle I would enjoy. Over Christmas break I did several. Today I am puzzling fabric together.
Beautiful stitching. Have I asked you before how many strands of floss you use? I have started using 3 to make my stitching stand out better.
Love the photo of hockey pond! My mom's neighbor builds a rink in the backyard each winter but it still hasn't been cold enough to form ice. I'm glad Lucky isn't the only one who is stealing stuff. You made me laugh out loud at "sewing room thread catchers!" :D Have a great day Jocelyn!
We love doing puzzles too. So many things to be grateful for. Gail at the cozy quilter
threadcatchers... yup. The first time I had a mango lassie was at the Folklife Festival in DC. They focused on a couple countries each year, and had food culture history architecture, music, crafts, etc from each. I fell in love with mango lassies and began making them at home, super simple but we haven't made them in a while.
snow day is gorgeous, Ned will be forgiven any chewing incidents, yum marshmallow in chocolate, and remember skating on lakes in Edmonton.
I love chocolate, plain, with marshmallow or caramel, any kind. Beautiful embroideries. The "Sewing Room thread catchers! also made me laugh. Maybe I should wear mine and I wouldn't be dropping threads all over the house! Happy stitching!
I love chocolate, plain, with marshmallow or caramel, any kind. Beautiful embroideries. The "Sewing Room thread catchers! also made me laugh. Maybe I should wear mine and I wouldn't be dropping threads all over the house! Happy stitching!
forgot to say, when you mentioned the mini carnations, I immediately smelled that cold, vanilla, sweet scent. I used to always have them around the house as they lasted the longest and looked like flower confetti to me.
ooh warm feet...my mom knitted me some bed booties, to wear in bed until my feet warm up...priceless gift! great newsy and photo heavy post!
That looks like one fun puzzle to work on. Your embroidery and cross stitch is looking fabulous. Hubby and I do celebrate Valentine's Day. Usually he purchases me a cheesecake. He is the chocolate love. I enjoy a small bit of dark chocolate every now and then. Enjoy your day .
It appears that Neddie and Bandit are two peas in a pod when it comes to puzzles! I pried one out Bandit’s mouth on Friday night, but I am pretty sure he ate before I caught him.
As for Valentine’s Day, I would love some potted tulips so I can plant them outside for another year, and I will never turn down a Whitman’s sampler box…I love knowing what the flavor is before I bite into it…I like to plan my one a day chocolate. ;0) We have been very warm this winter, did get a skiff of snow yesterday morning, but I think we are now moving into the time of 38-45 degrees for a high, though a March dump is definitely a possibility.
Who knew a puzzle piece could have so much texture? LOL I love Indian food. Unfortunately there's no good restaurants where we live now. My attempts aren't nearly as delicious - Rob says I stint on the cream. I have similar thread catchers. ;-) So much good stuff - and cute photo of you with Ned.
What a wonderful post! So many treat to enjoy... including my favourite Indian food - yum! Jour de Neige looks like such a lovely stitch!
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