Thursday 9 May 2024

Thrifted Bargains, Tiny 9 Patches, Knitting Moss Stitch

 Ned's big brother is staying with us for a little while. Here he's having a chat with Tony. Petey is demonstrating his signature he can balance and beg at the same time. Definitely treat worthy, he insists. 

During this week, I've been tv stitching. So enjoy making these tiny EPP blocks. 
I found another YouTube stitcher to watch who enjoys both cross stitch and quilting. Laura at LalaDee Stitches. She has a great upbeat vibe and shares much enthusiasm for each of her many projects. She does beautiful work in both cross stitching and quilting.
I heard from many of you who also loved that very colourful Future Dreams yarn. Here is the beginning of the particular Irish Moss (also known as American Moss) pattern I chose. From Studio Knit which offers a fine collection of patterns that just use knit and purl stitches. 
 It is a four row repeat pattern perfect for beginners. It is also reversible which is good for a blanket. Nothing fancy stitch wise. I'm liking the look of this better than the cross stitch pattern so I'm going to be knitting this blanket. Here is the Studio Knit video demonstrating the Irish Moss Stitch. 
And HERE is the link to the West Yorkshire Spinners free pattern page for you who are clever enough to knit not only blankets, but clothing.
Pretty much all my knitting/crocheting tools are from thrift stores. I keep them in this E.R. Fisher vintage box that belonged to Tony's mother. They are a century old Ottawa menswear shop that is still in business. This box is almost as old as me!!
 I loved how someone had sewn a simple knitting needle caddy to hold her own collection of needles. Though a little worn, this just had to come home with me. 
There is always a huge bin of  hooks and needles at the Value Village...really no need to pay full price for such items. I wonder can metal knitting needles ever wear out.

LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color's prompt this week is how we celebrate our birthdays. Growing up, my late August birthday was kind of bittersweet as it marked the end of what were always great summers and it was back to school the next week. I was always nervous about school so that definitely took some of the fun out of the day. 
These years my birthday is a reminder of, simply put, still being here. At my age, I've known a lot of people who have passed on. Recently I've been making one promise to myself on my birthday- some simple thing I want to keep up for the next year.  One year I promised to keep up connections with folks, another was to improve my fitness. Last year it was to read more books rather than rely so much on audiobooks. 
What about you? Was your birthday celebrated in a special way in your house?

Just noticed...I've got a robin nest building on a front door light. I'm wondering if I should discourage that. 
Hope your day is going well! 



Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

knowing that I got very sick at the age of 36 and was told a year later that if they hadn't found the right combination of meds to fight my autoimmune diseases I would have died I just say thank you for every additional year given and now at almost 72 I have lived half my life with it and medications and still here to enjoy life - so although family has never done much for birthdays I still say thank you.
I love that moss stitch, I haven't played with yarn lately and still have the unfinished sweater to work on

Jenn Jilks said...

My grandies are avid thrifters in Ottawa!
What a cute pup!

I think you should remove the nest before it goes too far. The bird poop can be an issue. I think it stresses the birds needlessly, as well. /2 cents!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Petey is a big boy - and very talented! Your yarn looks really pretty, and glad you're enjoying this new project, too. Knit and purl are the two stitches I can do! Pretty pink EPP 9 patches! I'll have to check out the YouTube stitcher you mentioned. I haven't done much of that kind of watching. And I agree on the birthday being a reminder that we're still here - I'm very thankful for that!

Angela said...

I like the idea of making a promise to yourself for you birthday!

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Adorable teeny nine patches that you are working on. The needle caddy was a fabulous find. Two birds have built nests on my porch columns; another tried to build a nest on my door wreath. They are busy this time of the year. Enjoy your day. Love your new header too.

cityquilter grace said...

my birthday too was late august, deep into school clothes and mother always fixed a meal of the birthday person's favorites and we were all always there at dinner...

Jenny said...

Birthdays, that's an interesting subject. I cant honestly remember birthday celebrations as a child, although I'm sure there must have been gifts and special treats. We certainly didnt go out to dinner back then, but I can remember as an older child bring able to choose our favourite meal for dinner.
These days we like to celebrate with a meal out, perhaps meet friends for coffee. Next year I'm having a BIG birthday so I'm planning on celebrating it in style.

LA Paylor said...

self improvement on your birthday? lol
I wonder if you can replace the old concept of back to school with buying yourself school supplies, like pretty pens or papers or notebooks on your birthday?
Ned's bro is so cute, runs in the family
I tried moss stitch last year and love the texture, your project is pretty.
It's my opinion I can listen faster than my aging eyes can skim the words so a book is a book and I love to be read to so it's a way to indulge myself cheaply.
Just finished a wonderful audio book, Letters from Skye, where the reader's accent took me abroad... if you listen to it, let me know so we can discuss!

Jackie said...

My Mom never called her moss stitch, seed stitch. I have done double moss stitch but never Irish moss stitch. I should give that one a try.

My birthday is 4 days after Christmas, so I can't remember too many birthday parties growing up. I did have a large one when I turned 16 and one that I can remember when I turned 10. Most times my birthday gifts were under the tree at Christmas.

God bless.

Rosemary Dickinson said...

Thank you for the free knitting patterns. I'm sure your blanket will come out beautifully in that gorgeous yarn. I find it so difficult to keep all my knitting needles in order. It's so hard to keep them organized.

loulee said...

Lovely storage solutions. I made my own hook and needle rolls and who doesn't love a nice box?

Anonymous said...

I made a hat with moss stitch. It has a great texture! Love those tiny 9 patches! Ned’s brother is very talented. I always had a birthday party with my friends when I was little as well as a special family dinner. Now, we get together with my SIL’s family and my MIL for all family birthdays. My husband and I go out for lunch or dinner for each other’s birthday and often there is a birthday surprise day —a field trip to do or see something interesting. Gail at the cozy quilter.

Susie H said...

I think you blanket is going to be beautiful. I knitted a scarf lengthwise using that stitch. Turned out beautifully! A very long time ago, when I was still in high school, I had a beagle that could sit up like Ned's brother. Our next three dogs could not. So what is the thing you're going to try to live up to this year?

PaintedThread said...

I've never seen a dog sit like that before! Ooh - that is a neat stitch - a good name for it, too. I have an August birthday, too, always when we were away from home. So I never had a birthday party and cake with friends, always with my aunts. I knew I was missing out on something, but my aunts were so cool, I was happy with how things were.

Michele McLaughlin said...

Thrifting is so much fun! Love your EPP blocks and your finds! Have a wonderful weekend!

Helen said...

What a good idea to set a goal for your birthday. I like this.

Linda said...

Sometimes (well, a lot of times) I read things wrong, and I thought I read that Tony's big brother was visiting, and was struck by how much he looks like Tony - lol! Petey is so cute. Those EPP blocks are so cute. How interesting birthday memories associated with the time of year. So probably part of my happy birthday memories are because my birthday is in June - the end of school and the whole summer ahead!

scraphappy said...

EPP is such a nice way to seem productive while relaxing. The dog definitely deserved a treat for such cute trick.

Astrid said...

Cute, tiny pink blocks. Love that knitting needle caddy. I have lots of knitting needles, but don't knit clothes anymore. I love knitting Santas and I have some that should be finished in time for Christmas this year?! Pretty yarn for your blanket. Birthdays; always had neighbor kids over for birthday parties when I grew up and even in later years I celebrated with friends, but never went out for a meal. No birthday parties here, must admit I miss celebrating with dear friends. After I settled here, DH and I try to do something special on our birthdays; hiking, visiting places, and of course a cake, either at home or out. 'Usually' it rains on my birthday (June), so lets see what the weather decides on this year! :)

CathieJ said...

Petey is quite clever. I love the nine patch blocks. Thanks for the YouTube recommendation. She really is interesting to watch. I like the yarn and pattern you are using for your knitting. So pretty. I inherited my aunt's crochet hooks and my mother's knitting needles. There are still a few that I have had to buy along the way, but I don't think they will ever wear out.

Karrin Hurd said...

Lovely projects! What day is your birthday! The majority of my family members have August birthdays.

Nancy said...

Petey is talented! I always think it's fun to see dongs in this position. I hope he got a treat!
Your tiny 9-patch blocks look great.
The moss stitch looks very dense, which means your blanket will be nice and warm.
I don't often see knitting or crochet needles at our thrift stores. What a sweet hand-made holder for needles. said...

Petey is one clever licker! I like your plan of making yourself a promise on your birthday and spending the year working on it. My birthday is in a few days, I plan to follow your lead!

Sara said...

A very clever dog! That yarn looks beautiful already, so it will be interesting to see how the project progresses. Every few years my girls will actually plan something for my birthday - like going to a play or concert together. That's the best kind of birthday. My husband NEVER actually mentions my birthday or Mother's Day. But he always buys flowers for my birthday and just leaves them on the kitchen counter. No words spoken. He hasn't figured out in almost 50 years that I would rather hear the words, and maybe do something together. Not his thing I guess.

Bonnie said...

What a packed full post. Thanks for the links. I may have to check out the moss stitch. I wonder if I can use that stitch on the hats I've been making? I remember some of my childhood birthdays but I bet it is more because of the pictures rather than the actual parties. I like the idea of a birthday affirmation. I'm not sure I would actually a) come up with one and b) remember to keep it up. Have fun with your knitting and quilting projects.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Moss stitch looks like a perfect choice for that yarn. I had a wonderful time peeking at all their yarn choices and must say some of the sock yarn has me really intrigued.
To answer the question of the day - birthdays in my family (only child of farmers) weren't much celebrated. I would have my best friend over for a sleepover and there might be a homemade cake. In my teens, after we sold the farm and moved in to the village, my mom would buy a pint of raspberries from the next door neighbour and that was my birthday treat. Presents weren't a thing and if there was anything it was very small and usually clothing that I needed anyway.

Chookyblue...... said...

Lots on the go here ......... The tiny 9 patches are so cute......