I love monogramming in all its various forms. I used to embroider my initials on the pocket of a plain blouse back in the day. Shades of Laverne! Doesn't Penny Marshall look pretty here?

Jenny of ELEFANTZ has been offering a free alphabet pattern for a monthly pin cushion featuring her lovely versions of the letters. H is below. Her posts are always an enjoyable read as well.

New to me Rust Dyeing This kept popping up when searching for autumn coloured material till finally I took the time to read about it. Very beautiful glowing colours are achieved with a little effort and ordinary materials, sometimes old nails!

Jennifer Coyne Qudeen has the most interesting posts about dyeing/painting fabrics with a tea and vinegar mixture to give them these unique markings and colours. It's a whole movement apparently and one some of you creative fabric types would enjoy checking out.
Loot of Late
With thoughts of colder weather, I gravitate toward the wooly sections of any store these days.
I did buy that coat from Cabela's. It is my fall coat presently but can also accommodate a nice thick turtleneck so could last a bit longer into our winter. It's fairly light and comfortable and the toggles remind me of a coat I had when I was young. I've been using my Landsend purple paisley print scarf with it which has little rows of velvet trim. Daughter thinks the colour suits me.
Another wooly I found at Value Village- a Talbots sweater that is loose and comfy and a soft mulberry colour. I've been wearing this with pj bottoms watching t.v. in the basement. Definitely worth the ten dollars.
I wish my camera captured the real colour here...a very pretty saphire blue and I found this one in the Banana Republic outlet store. I can wear turtlenecks...can you? Cause I know not everyone can. Having a long skinny neck like me helps!
And this purchase from Bed Bath and Beyond...a little tired of the Keurig coffee pods which can't be beat for how convenient. I did a little research and decided to try a coffee press, something I had way way back when I first became a coffee drinker. This one, the Bonjour Monet French Press had good reviews and was available locally so I bought it and I'm liking it. I love the design, however there is a tiny bit of work to actually making the coffee but I'm retired so time is not an issue now. The coffee is stronger than I'm used to so I've had a small learning arc to get the coffee/water ratio right for me. But it does seem like real coffee to me. What is your preferred method for getting your morning's brew?
Here are The Grasshopper's four corner stone blocks. These were a treat to hand stitch and a pattern that is pleasing for another project sometime. When I uncover my machine, I'll start to sew these blocks together- she says with fingers crossed.
Do you remember the little cartoon devil and angel that used to sit on people's shoulders and give them opposing advice? That could be me right now. I have one saying yes, get to it, finish Grasshopper now and don't forget the pumpkins! while the other little one is whispering, nah, Grasshopper can wait-it'll be there when you're ready for it; scandi redwork is almost done; pick out something else Christmasy to start...you only live once and you love Christmas so much.
Is that floating around in your head too? Conflicting thoughts about when/what to start or finish and feeling the love for Christmas and Christmasy things that builds this time of year??
We are sitting at -4 degrees C this morning so definitely nippy outside. How's the weather where you are?
Meanwhile so happy to link with Not Afraid of Color as always. Also joining Esther's Quilt Blog,
Free Motion By the River, The Needle and Thread Network, Sew Fresh Quilts, Busy Hands Quilts and My Quilt Infatuation.
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