We enjoyed our sunlight there for several days in a row. Outside every minute I could get despite the mosquitoes which every year Hubby thinks get worse. I've caved and spray some Woods around my ankles, arms and neck. Sometimes around my sun hat which is always on my head.
Ants decided they liked our bedroom and were making their way inside and milling about, unsure of what exactly they were there for. Once again, I had to get chemicals to spray under the baseboards to get rid of them. No,vinegar did not deter them. Now just spotting the odd sad little carcass.
Determined not to complain about any of it after the long winter and seemingly longer cold spring, what there was of it.
Hostas are the most remarkable perennial...coming to life so quickly...view from the sewing room several weeks ago.
The plants that overwintered inside got replanted with a few petunias, marigolds and begonias that I bought at Home Depot.
I've used two old apple baskets for the bigger planters this year as a change and I've added a couple of hanging baskets.
Every spring I always start out in a bit of huff to have everything sorted.. if it's something that needs doing, it should have been done yesterday is the way my brain works. But after the initial big cleanout from my overwintering Ugly Gardening, I quickly relax into a rhythm of outside work for an hour or so in the early morning.
I just love the outdoors and do not need to remind myself to enjoy every minute of this season too. It is a great feeling to work the body gardening, aching in places later but feeling great satisfication that a bed has been weeded or seedlings planted. I'm not even sure why I get such enjoyment from it but I do and am thankful my interest has not waned.
Someone asked what I made with the cabbage. I made nasi goreng, a meal I make sometimes when there is leftover beef, pork or chicken. It's a stir fry really. This is the Wikipedia entry about it. I don't add egg but often make papadums with it. I just stir whatever veggies I have all together.

I also shredded some for salads. I had a small ham that I served with twice baked potatoes, buttered cabbage and mashed turnip; pretty basic but I think that was our tastiest meal recently.
I wonder how do they make the pickled turnip served in schwarmas. Must remember to look that up as I like pickled anything. Do you?
I spent one morning in the sewing room and quilted two more of these quilt as you go string blocks. I would love to have this finished and on my bed next winter. Though the batting is thin, they feel heavy so I'm thinking warmth. An old WIP that needs finishing rather than just wishing it done.
The blues are cheery too.
I've prepped this pattern for embroidering. ( And couldn't resist stitching a couple leaves.)

It is Nancy Nicholson's Bouquet Sampler pattern that was downloadable which is quite a saving on shipping for us Canadian folks. That little pouch is perfect for toting about this simple project.
Some might remember the other fun project of Nancy's, one of her fanciful birds I worked, which was a kit.
Tomorrow we make our way to the airport to pick up the grandfather (my ex); a long drive for us but I want to do it as long as we are able. Must keep up. The grandsons are very excited to have their Poppie visit.
Next time I'll share a great new book site I've found.
Happy Thankful Thursday to all! Linking with Not Afraid of Color, It's A Small Town Life, Esther's Design Blog, So Scrappy, Quilting is More Fun Than Housework and My Quilt Infatuation.
Oh I enjoy seeing your garden! I love that idea of planting in the apple basket!!! The new projects look wonderfully fun--love that bird!!! Wow!~ Have a great day and hope you don't get too bit up by the mosquitos! Hugs!
Ps, I love your new masthead!!!
We make moo shu with our extra cabbage. Your gardens are looking beautiful. I love that embroidered bird!
I like to cut cabbage very thin and add to stir fry's Nice of you to pick up the ex so he can spend time with grandchildren I don't know if I would be so nice! I love the outside too and understand your wanting to be out as long as you have nice weather I always have to spray myself though as we have a lot of bugs around I hate them! for ants I found a little bottle of stuff you put some on a piece of cardboard and put where the ants are and they eat it and bring it back to where they live and it kills all of them, If you want the info I will look for it - it got rid of ants that came in the kitchen last year
Your garden goodies are absolutely beautiful. We don't have a garden but we sure enjoy seeing all of the prettiness!
Baby powder will keep the ants away, so I've been told. Apparently they don't like walking over the sharp edges (who knew baby powder had sharp edges?). My favorite way to have cabbage is boiled and buttered with lots of pepper. I usually have it with a splash of ketchup on the side 'cause that's the way I learned to eat cabbage (also black-eyed peas). Maybe it's a Southern thing.
Hi Jocelyn! That sure is nice of you to go to the airport and pick up Poppie! I love seeing your Irises - mine are not blooming yet but I think it should be soon. And your garden is doing well. ~smile~ Roseanne
Hello, your meal looks delicious. I love the iris. I need to find a mosquito repellent that I am not allergic too, the smells make me sick. The last bird is so cute, what a fun project.Enjoy your day, have a happy weekend ahead!
It's always so nice when things are green and growing and flowers are blooming! Your purple iris are pretty - they are my favorites, too. Love your embroidery projects - that bouquet of flowers looks like a fun one to work on. So sorry to hear about the ants coming inside - that would give me a bit of the heebie-jeebies!
I love seeing the quilting and stitching projects that you are working on. The colors of blue are so soothing...and will be warm! Hope your trip to pick up their Poppie goes well. You sure are sweet! Hugs!
growing cooking eating, sunning, quilting... so many good things to see and do.
Don't you love the iris??!!
I spend an hour or so, as well. Not today, however. It's dumped rain!
Happy spring and driving.
Congrats! on making time to quilt another couple of QAYG blocks. That is going to be a lovely quilt when it is completed!
I love iris and only wish their bloomed a little longer. My German bearded iris are in full bloom, but the tall Siberian iris are fading fast. I find I'm enjoying gardening less and less each year, due to the wildlife damage, the weather and my aging body, but I just can't give it up. Hope the sun shines again soon.
I love Iris. They just don't last long enough for me :) Very nice of you to go and pick up Poppie. You are a good woman! lol Thanks for linking up.
I love your apple basket pots of flowers. So pretty! I have to do some containers this weekend but need to find some flowers that are pretty heat tolerant in addition to typical favorites. Your string block quilt is so pretty. The blues and indigos look great with the pops of red/pink flowers in there. Good luck with your visitor!
Great likes. Love the apple baskets for the flower pots. I agree working outside it seems so overwhelming at first. But once you get in a rhythm. LOL you picking up your ex....my ex husband's wife is flying out my youngest grand daughter so that she can spend the summer with me. I will be hosting her for the night. When I tell people I get the strangest looks.
Love the new header! Oh those purple irises. ANTS??? I would freak out. I can handle a lot of stuff in life but not bugs. LOL Your plants are so healthy and green- that's a big thing here in brown land. Once again, I learned of somethng new on your blog-nasi goreng. I can't wait to try that. Have a great day! mary
Such a lot here Jocelyn. Your garden pics are great - I love unusual planters. Your flower embroidery is so pretty and your blue blocks are going to make a lovely quilt. xx
Planting lavender around the house is a deterrent for mosquitos. Lavender oil from the health foods store will deter them on you. I mix it with a carrier oil like almond oil, then rub it on around my neck (ears, forehead...), arms and ankles. No chemicals and so much safer for you. Love those blue blocks you are making.
Loved reading your blog and reading and seeing what you were up to, great bed quilt growing lovely lovely colours of blues. But best of all I fell in love with your bouquet of flowers???? and bird? Cheers Glenda
I think the blue irises are my favourites, even though there are so many other beautiful colours. Could be because blue is my favourite colour! Sometimes I do miss puttering about in the garden but then I bring myself up short when I remember my allergies and that even when I could putter, I didn't dare!
Beautiful garden pictures. Love the use of the apple baskets. Gorgeous. Your blue quilt has lots of pretty fabrics and your embroidery is spectacular! Love those projects!!
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