Pick more of these plants. SIL showed me where wild leeks or ramps grow on our property. Turns out there is quite a lot of it on the right side through the old deciduous woods. These have a mild flavour that is not as pungent as regular leeks so I can tolerate them better...I've used them in roasting with vegetables and in two soups.
Ramp Up Heart Health With Wild Leeks
I'm up to Chapter 6 in two sessions of my audio version. I mistakenly thought this was about a politician's wife, but no it is about an author's wife. Marriage talk always interests me and I'm enjoying this one very much.

You may have seen it around in movie form starring Glenn Close who I admire because she is a massive dog lover. Her dog, Pip, has his own Instagram account.
Treat my hands better.
It is actually difficult to work with delicate embroidery floss when my hands are dried and nails cracked. Gross, heh. As soon as I work in the garden, the skin and nails on my hands take a beating. And I don't learn-I'm one of those people who don't think about hand cream till I need it. (And I must hate working with gloves on...I always start out wearing them; at some point they come off and then I forget to put them back on.)
Also To Do- finish cross stitching the basket on my Cornwall Cottage Sampler.
Filed down, no polish. When the gardening calms down, I'll repolish.
I can't take strong smells for creams. Here are two hand creams I have, like and must remember to use! The fancy one from daughter on the left smells wonderful and is some sort of French Shea Butter and Argon Oil combination.
The Johnson's Cottontouch is for babies and is wonderfully absorbent and smells nice too-not just for hands.
Take these items to the goodwill store.
I have been doing what the experts say. Walking around the house once a month with a bag and putting in whatever I realize we no longer like or use. I discovered one thing in this process...we don't have a whole lot of extras here. Oh there's lots here, make no mistake about that, just it is antique/vintage things from Hubby's life that are not going anywhere.
Use up this cabbage and turnip.
I try to have greens in the fridge all the time. Last week we had broccoli and spinach. This week end cabbage is on the menu. (Hubby is blissfully unaware of my attempts to feed us right.)
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Have you ever wondered what kind of money people make with a Youtube channel (if they've monetized it)? Darlene Michaud shares her earnings on this video called How Much Money Do I Make???Full Disclosure. Another interesting listen. I have enjoyed Darlene's Crumb Quilting videos.
My latest three stringed blocks with applique bringing the number to 10 blocks now. A slow process (when not worked on, :))
We have dinner out and birthday cake on today's menu...younger daughter's special day. I'll share what we bought her later on. Hope she likes it-I think it's interesting.
Hope there are good things in your day too!
And it is always good to link with Not Afraid of Color, Sew Fresh Quilts, The Needle and Thread Network, Katie Mae Quilts and Esther's Quilt Blog where Esther admits she has over 100 WIPs to work on!
Hi Jocelyn! Great post today! I have incredibly dry hands all year long. I never remember to put on lotion either - until it is way too late. My palms are so dry it sounds like sandpaper scraping together. Great idea about taking a bag around the house once a month. I need to do that! As for the cabbage usage, I always make a cabbage lasagna where the cabbage replaces the noodles. It's good and healthier (maybe) that the regular version. Enjoy the celebration - dinner out and cake sound like fun to me. Happy Birthday to her. ~smile~ Roseanne
I like that applique you are working on - my hands are always dry!
Your applique is beautiful. I can only use oil olay on my hands and face...no scent and I do not break out.
Mild perfumes are a good choice for anything I use, lavender is a favourite. I forget to use the hand cream, but not doing so much gardening has helped a lot. Glenn Close, she is a superb actress, enjoy the series.
I like leeks and potatoes together. How cool to have them growing on your property! I use Eucerin Repair lotion ina tube since my daughter bought me some. It’s working. Have fun!
Gardening really does dry and rough up my hands, too - I'll have to look for that Johnson and Johnson lotion. What are you making with your cabbage this week, Jocelyn? We bought a head of cabbage this week, too, and I found a recipe for grilling slices of it. It turned out quite good - if you're interested I can send you a link to it. Happy Birthday to your daughter, and enjoy your dinner out!
Ooh - wild leeks. How cool is that? Good lotion - gotta have it. My cuticles are in such bad shape right now. I try to stay on top of the stuff we no longer need - and with a move soon, there will be more going out the door! I like your appliquéd string blocks.
Pretty things and hooray for fresh veggies, that is very cool.
Serious embroiderers, especially any that work with silk, have a secret process for softening their hands and getting rid of roughness. You can't use it too often, but in a pinch, it works very well. Just mix baby oil with a little sugar and use it to scrub your hands, Then wash off.
The ramps look delicious! Yummm. I've been amiss with vegetables lately. I like your quilt. It has a peaceful sense to it.
Ramps look yummy. I like leeks. I am terrible about my hands, I put my glove on, but am notorious for taking then off. I have dirt caked under my nails almost continuously. I put on this hand repair cream at times. Love your applique flowers. I box things up to take to Salvation Army, my daughter shops through the box and takes the majority of the stuff.
Hi Jocelyn! How exciting to find you have wild leeks! I adore your applique as usual! Your background is wonderful too! Have a wonderful week and I hope your daughter likes the present!
My hands are always dry too, no matter what I use. I guess it all helps as I just keep using it 20 times a day, every time I wash my hands.......
I love leek, never have seen this wild version though.
Your flowers are very pretty, have a good weekend!
my fingers are cracking around cuticles again too. Oy. Thanks for the lotion suggestions and the books. Your pictures are pretty, of the vegetables especially. Like a magazine story!
You have an interesting week planned. Here's to getting it all done.
(I've tried to email you but you are almost off-grid. :)
Good work. I hear you about the hands situation.
I both saw The Wife, and read the book. I preferred the book, as one does. My imagination so vivid. Her writing was amazing, too.
I'm not sure if we have wild leeks.
I keep forgetting to look for the lady's slipper, too.
Lots of interesting things to read about! Haven't had wild leeks for probably more than thirty years - remember them as being good.
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