It says a whole lot about us what we find pleasure in I think.
I love how my blogging friends find joy in spying a feather flicker, a bud opening, words on a page, the colours of a sunrise or sunset, the look and feel of pretty fabric, the eating of the supper meal in front of the television with hand work at the side waiting for a few more stitches. Observing the little things, noting and appreciating them all and loving it all too makes me enjoy my visits with you all so much. If we want the world to be a better place, many more of us need to go small and find our pleasure there. Anyway, that's my small thought for this week.
Before I forget again, I must tell you there is now an official Downton Abbey Christmas Cookbook to be available in October but can be preordered now. You can check out more details here at Amazon; great gift for Downton Fans which is probably everybody.
I got a whole bunch of my plants repotted- transplanted from outside to indoors. Saves me having to run out with a blanket these last few nights with a threat of frost.
So I can relax about that now.
Speaking of plants...something that turned my head....the wonderful Gay at Sentimental Stitches under her free patterns file has an applique project in that bank that features leaves. I thought what a great fall project. Available are the full size downloadable patterns for about 19 different leaves. You could choose only the ones native to your area or substitute with such. Nancy Page Club Falling Leaves Quilt
It reminded me of one of Jenny at Romany Quilting's projects. She stitched appliqued leaves for a quilt and I admired it very much.
While at Gay's site, check out the other patterns as many wonderful quilts to dream about!
I made an after quilt for the backing on the Flower Garden piece. I used leftover Indigo Snowball blocks from that project stitched several years ago and this fabric with a smallish flower motif in the same shade of blue. There's enough extra around the edge to become the sashing when I'm ready to do that.
I've begun the quilting using a perle cotton thread in a navy blue colour which I think suits the colours of the whole piece. Getting to practice that rocking motion heaps on this one.I'll see how far a week gets me. I'm dividing my time between this one and the Dreamy Hearts. I want the back part of that all sewn by next week, too.
I got out my scrappy triangles blocks and enjoyed trying out different patterns with them. Settled on one and have been stitching a few blocks here and there. It would be nice if this project can get moved along as well this week though there is no rush with this one. More about it later.

Around the house chores
1) I must dig out my Halloween/Autumn quilts. Time to put the Laundry Basket Pumpkins wall hanging up and some of you may remember I made a large Halloween quilt with a combination of embroidered blocks and pieced ones last year. It's around here somewhere. Maybe to be found when I accomplish #4!
2) Gather kindling and store it for the morning fires...this is not really a chore for me as I love to roam about. I only pick sticks that are not embedded in the ground in any way...don't want to disturb any critters. With our aged forest area here, there is always lots lying around especially after a wind storm.
3) Shut down the was another wonderful summer of swimming. I think I missed 4 days without a swim.
4) Change over our summer clothes for the winter things. In the process, clean out the closet in the spare bedroom where I store the seasonal stuff from our closets and my big stitching stuff like batting and yarn.
Hope this week will be a productive one for you all. Please include food in your posts...I'm getting tired of eating my own cooking and need some ideas. (You know how we seem to fall back on the same things all the time.)
Love joining with Home Sewn By Us for the To Do linky party. Also linking with Small Quilts and Doll Quilts, My Corner of the World, It's a Small Town Life and Quilt Fabrication.