Monday 28 September 2020

Autumn Colours in Nature and Quilting, Free Patterns, Pumpkin Quilt

 Grey sky but scarlet and gold all around me. Even flying through the air. Two ravens gliding on the wind completed the autumn picture down by the pond today...but flew out of sight by the time I got the camera ready. 

 How lucky am I, I thought that this is part of my early morning walk.
 Details in nature like this leafy canopy, I never tire of noting.
The colours reminded me of the Laundry Basket Pumpkin quilt that I stitched in 2018 and now have on the wall. Such enjoyment to work with those autumn type fabrics too. 

My OMG at Elm Street Quilts was to get the Flower Garden quilt finished and on a table, an ambitious goal considering all the hand work required to bring that about. However, I have most of the triangles finished and have begun stitching the centers using the indigo perle cotton thread and so it should be bound and finished soon (ish). 

 Let's hope it is on a table by next month.  Thank you all for your encouraging comments and to the linky parties that gave it a shout out-very kind!- and pinned it to Pinterest. The block pattern was posted by generous Melva at Melva Loves Scraps as part of her Pieces of the Past free SAL and can still be found there.

Meanwhile, I have signed up for this free Hemisphere Quiltalong being offered by Sheila Christensen Quilts...I was quite taken with the blocks...looks so interesting and each different which would hold my attention.  I do need to buy something called a 60 degree triangle to do these so it would be a learning experience in more ways than one. 

And my Halloween flimsy from 2019 ( the beginning of that stitching adventure here) needs to be backed and quilted. I must admit I liked it when I got it out again. I had used free vintage Halloween patterns from  Buttermilk Basin for the embroidered blocks. Sorry for the yellowy photo...that's the lighting in the tv room yesterday when I took this. 

I will get a start on setting this one up for quilting this week.  It's a good thing I love hand work!

I have to give myself a haircut this week. It's driving me crazy right now and isn't it funny how that day you know it is time. 

I got out to a thrift shop with daughter recently and what a treat it was. It's been many months since I went to a store like that. I felt a little uncomfortable though lots of precautions were being followed. However, I was determined to enjoy my time as who knows when I will get back there with restrictions ramping up again here in Ontario. I did snag a few finds which I will share on Thursday's post. 

Hope you are staying safe and keeping those stitching fingers flying!

Linking this post with Small Quilts and Doll QuiltsApplique Patchwork QuiltingHome Sewn By UsMy Quilt InfatuationWendy's Quilts and MoreConfessions of a Fabric AddictFrom Bolt to Beauty and Love Laugh Quilt.



Brian's Home Blog said...

Both of those quilts are really, really pretty!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

the quilts are wonderful! I too signed up for the Hemisphere quilt but I will start it when I feel like it and I'm saving all the instructions and patterns - I had to look and see if I have 60 degree ruler and I do it is a Marti Michell ruler that I must have gotten some time ago. I like that the quilt is machine or hand pieced and not EPP - I have had enough of that with my hexies to last awhile now.
I go grocery shopping once a week and I have stopped at a couple of stores now and then ones I have been in seem to be safe - the grocery store though has people wandering around in it with their masks not on properly or completely taking them off once they are deep in the store as they are supposed to wear them - the store is large though so I feel ok and just stay away from them. If it was a crowded store I would find another or order on line.

Libby in TN said...

Yes, you definitely need a 60-degree ruler for that quilt-along! I am partial to Clearview Triangle. Creative Grids makes a good one, too. Just know that brands are not always interchangeable.

Jenny said...

Your Halloween top looks great, you must have shown it before but I'd forgotten it. Always nice to have some slow hand quilting on the go. Good luck with your self administered haircut! Dont know how you do it, although I sometimes take a little off my fringe, couldnt cope with the back of the hair.

Snickelfritz said...

I love working with Autumn type fabric, too. I love your pumpkin quilt and the one you embroidered and if I weren't working on six quilts for my grandchildren for Christmas, I'd start one of them right now! I want to applaud you on your very neat and tiny stitches on the blue quilt. I aspire to such wonderful quilt stitches. Always learn something when I read your blog, too.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

What a beautiful photo of the canopy above you on your walk, Jocelyn! I love that Halloween quilt you made last year, too - I remember when you worked on that. It has such a fun design!

Michelle Ridgway said...

Such rich beautiful colours! Both your quilts are lovely. I enjoyed your post. Have fun with your new SAL xx

Louise said...

Thanks for the heads-up on the hexagon QAL. It's been a while since I've done any 60 degree work and I'm feeling the pull! Completely understand that moment when the haircut must happen RIGHT NOW! :)

Jenn Jilks said...

You do such marvellous work!

MissPat said...

I keep saying I need to get my autumn themed runners and hangings out, but it was so warm this weekend. A cold front is coming through tonight with rain and temps going down to the 50's by Friday, so perhaps that will put me in the mood for pumpkins and fall leaves.

loulee said...

Lovely autumn colours.
Our spring weather has turned back to winter with a very cold weather system moving through over the next few days.

Michele McLaughlin said...

Such lovely projects! So nice to see your autumn quilts up and I love that Flower Garden! Your stitching is incredible! Have a great day!

Home Sewn By Us said...

Hi Jocelyn! Gosh, those pictures of the trees changing are just fabulous. Especially that one looking up with those branches merging together. Not to discourage you from buying a ruler, but I suspect you already own a ruler with a 60 degree line on it. You can use that to cut 60 degree triangles (line up that 60 degree line on the straight edge of your fabric). I do remember the blocks from your 2019 piece - that will be fun to hand quilt. Thanks for linking up today. ~smile~ Roseanne

Sherrie said...

Hi Jocelyn,
Really like your Pumpkin and Flower Garden the Halloween quilt...Awesome colors...have a great day!

Verna G said...

I made the pumpkin quilt last fall but have yet to quilt it. Did you do yours by machine or hand? I am leaning toward echo quilting around the pumpkins and in the seams but I'm not sure if that will be enough. Any advice appreciated!

Cheree @ The Morning Latte said...

The trees are so pretty! Ours haven't really started to turn yet but I keep seeing everyone's pics from farther north--I'm a little jealous!

Patty said...

Very nice. Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and congrats on your finish.

Angie said...

Jocelyn - yippee! Tomorrow is the first of October and I can put out my Halloween decorations. Your post really put me in the mood. Beautiful work, as always. We are having a week of spectacular autumn weather, and everyone is trying to make the most of it!

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Love the photo upwards through the tree canopy - beautiful. Nice to see the fall colors even though I know it's only a matter of time until the dreaded snow comes.

Chopin - A Passionate Quilter said...

Your quilting stitches on the Stars are so pretty! Love the pumpkin quilt! One of these days I need to make me a Halloween quilt as it is my birthday! Hugs

Verna G said...

Hi Jocelyn.
I made the pumpkin quilt last fall but have yet to quilt it. I am tending toward echo quilting around the pumpkins and then just the seams in between. Do you think that would be enough? Hand or machine? quilting?

Sheri said...

Very pretty!! Love the fall colors too!

Heide said...

So pretty, Love the pumpkin quilt.

The Joyful Quilter said...

Fabulous Fall projects (finished and not) to enjoy during the season!

Quiltpiecer said...

Love the pumpkin quilt and thank you for sharing the pictures of the beautiful tress in their autumn glory. Fall is my favorite season.