Thursday, 27 April 2023
Free Patterns, EPP Scrappy Plus Quilt, Turkeys, First Flowers
“Ten times a day something happens to me like this - some strengthening throb of amazement - some good sweet empathic ping and swell. This is the first, the wildest and the wisest thing I know: that the soul exists and is built entirely out of attentiveness.”
Tuesday, 25 April 2023
Rainbow Purple House, Strawberry Pattern, Gardening Chores
Inside too there is more green and also white growth. I like how the white Polka Dot plant is becoming more dotty with the longer minutes of light. Like its true self is emerging. It makes such a difference!
Thursday, 20 April 2023
Free Patterns, Lucky Thrift Finds, Slow Stitching
It's an interesting time of year here in the north as we can watch the season change. Each day brings new growth pushing up through even ice it appears. It is always fascinating how quickly the earth turns green once started.
In the photos are Tony and I at our marriage ceremony, us with Murphy in the back yard, and Tony as a little fellow on a bike.
Salt water smell when I get back home to Newfoundland. The air in general is cleaner, fresher smelling there. I never appreciated that till I was away for a year and went home...walking from the plane to the little airport it hit me how wonderful the air smelled. But maybe it felt like that because it was home. Though come to think of it, SIL has told me he notices the same thing.
Ned's paws...they smell like corn chips.
Library the stacks amongst the books there is a certain smell to be found there that I love.
What are your favourite smells?
In the sewing room, I've started another house for the Rainbow Neighbourhood QAL. I found a piece of purple fabric that was large enough for the house front. I wonder what lesson I'll learn sewing this one! Speaking of houses, I've also gotten this far embroidering another Snow Days house. Fun to see this too emerge from snow.
At Quiltatious there is quite a bank of free patterns- 23 pages of them. I downloaded one called Seaside Serenity. Those sail boats with those wheels appeal to me. I looked through the patterns and I liked how they broke down each block so I think they are also well written.
Monday, 17 April 2023
Rainbow Neighbourhood QAL Lesson #1, Days Filled With Joy SAL, Online Shopping
These days most of the wetland area is flooded and unwalkable which is too bad as the path winds through neat little treed areas. It was near this spot, I went through the ice and up to my thighs in water back a couple of years ago. About August, this area will dry out enough to walk without boots. The tree in the middle is a monstrous size, one of the Mother Trees here and I call it a Halloween tree.
Thursday, 13 April 2023
Free Patterns, Lone Star Medallion, Stitching Stars
Thursday's Three Free
From Jessica Dayon comes this beautiful free pattern she calls The Fidelity Quilt. I like how those white spaces work out well both inside and outside the block pieces.
Jessica is running a Block of the Week Scrappy Sampler quilt now.Here at Skein and Hook, Jessica's old blog, you can find free cute crochet patterns too.
Also happily linking with My Quilt Infatuation, Floral Friday Foto, Wendy's Quilts and More, Alycia Quilts, Quilting Patchwork Applique, Kathy's Quilts, Quilting is More Fun Than Housework and The Inquiring Quilter.
Monday, 10 April 2023
Three Somethings to Enjoy And One Not So Nice
Are you a jump out of bed, feet on the floor the minute your eyes open in the morning, person? I'm not and never have been though I don't linger long. I wait a bit and these days I do a little stretching. In particular I've been stretching my plantar fascia before putting my feet to the floor. A month ago I didn't know this existed! I almost feel like my left foot has let me down because I now have some tightening of the p f there. Not painful but an uncomfortable awareness of it. The good news is just this little bit of massaging in the mornings has made any issue with it almost disappear. However, I will have to keep it up. But it's a sign folks...I'm sporting a 71 year old model here. LOL
Something Beautiful
I've shown Phoebe's watercolours here before. Thought I'd share another work of hers. Lady Winter by Phoebe Wahl...As a hopeful so long to winter 2023.
Question: Should I change the door fabric to a solid black or dark brown to tone down the OTT? |
Friday, 7 April 2023
Free Patterns, EPP Quilt , Joining A QAL
I'm late posting because we just had a horrible Ice Storm that knocked out power. More about that next time.
My doggy daycare has been going well. Daughter reports her dogs are tired and put themselves to bed early these days which means they are getting their exercise here. These aren't their real beds...I know one sleeps with Robbie and one with the adults every night. LOL
LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color's prompt this week was what did we get for Easter treats growing up. We always had those straw baskets with flimsy handles and covered with coloured cellophane. I would share the small candy eggs with my sister because she had a sweet tooth. There was always a new Easter outfit with a hat and white gloves to wear to church and a large meal afterwards. It made Easter a special time once the drabness of Good Friday was over. BTW, does anyone remember that t.v. for Good Friday was just movies or shows having to do with Good Friday? Imagine that!
I've stitched a bunch more of the EPP Plus blocks, this time in blues. These are a little addictive and are mounting fast.
Thursdays' Three Free
If interested in piecing blocks...
At the Fat Quarter Shop there are the block patterns and tutorials for a 2017 QAL they called the Bella Skill Builder. I should be stitching this one because of all the expert help with accuracy. Hmmm, teals and pinks are pretty.
Linking with Brian's Home Blog, Kathy's Quilts, Quilting is More Fun Than Housework, Small Quilts and Doll Quilts and Quilting Patchwork Applique.