Yesterday was a middling day with no appointments and drizzling outside making it gloomy inside. My mind was all over the place and I felt like I accomplished only odd bits and pieces here and there all day. Like I played with things rather than getting down to working. Sometimes a blank day is a good thing to have and other times it becomes meandering, missing some drive, so that I get little done. But all that matters less as a retiree as no one is depending on my "work".
However I did have a little sort of work recently. That was sewing his name on both Robbie's hockey jerseys. He's playing hockey in a league again this year and has moved up a level. Hockey is huge here! But this is just for fun with absolutely no pressure which is a good thing. As long as he enjoys it, his parents will support him.
The Ladybird books were a part of my childhood and I was happy to also share them with my girls. Are they familiar to you? I came across this one in a thrift store and almost bought it and now regret I didn't. I love this cover.
Do you like whimsy? I really do. And it taps into my sentimentality about things from childhood too. |
This also reminded me that the mushrooms did not fare well here this year. Maybe July's heat and humidity affected them; no idea. Other things were outstanding. Like the Hydrangea that is still sending out blooms and getting tinged with pink by the cooler overnight temperatures. Side view.
LeeAnna at
Not Afraid of Color's prompt this week has to do with
fortune telling like having our palms read.
I've had mine read three times in my life.
The first time what stood out was she said I would have two children and a long marriage both of which I did. 34 years with first hubby which I guess is long.
The second one talked about emotions and health more than anything else. Nothing concrete though more general like I was kind and emotional and creative and might live a long life...I tried to pin her down on what she meant by long but no deal.
The third one in San Francisco told me I had many children. I told her that was untrue. She insisted my hand was showing many children...she got a little curt with me in fact. Finally I said I had just two children but I was around kids as a teacher. She said, ahh then you treat your students like they are your children. She also told me I showed my emotions but was secretive about true feelings like, she went on, you are hiding a deep sadness. I welled up as I thought she had struck a chord. Later, when I thought about it, I figured she said that to everyone because perhaps we all have a deep sadness within us. What do you think? I do think she was probably the best of the lot at "reading" people maybe not necessarily palms.
Anyway, all in good fun. What about you? Have you had your tea leaves read or your palm?? I'd love to hear about it!
My Plus quilt binding is done! I'm going to put it through the wash and have it all ready for a little squishy Christmas gift.
Pumpkins are neat gifts too! |
That reminds me of one of my daughters when she was little not liking Christmas presents that were squishy, assuming they were clothes, :D
Hope you have had a good week and now something fun to look forward to on the weekend!
I call those my puttering days. I just putter around and do a little here and there and nothing really gets done! What pretty blossoms you have well into the fall. I have never heard of those books. They look like some fun ones to look through. I love how your plus quilt turned out. It will be a fun squishy present for someone. I've never had a reading done but some friends in high school dabbled and said I had a long life line on my hand. Enjoy your week.
never had my fortune told - interesting on the 3 times you did.
Good luck to your grandson on his hockey this year.
We have had a lot of sunny days here but I'm sure the gloomy days will arrive sooner or later. Love your hydrangea
Such interesting stories with your readings. Many years ago I went to see someone who read tarot card. She told me i was being decieved by a fair headed man, and i had been, my first husband. Quite some years later I had my palm read and was told I would remarry before I was 40. I scoffed at that, coudnt see myself ever remarrying again, but then met Robin and I was 38 when we wed. How about that!
Maybe next time you visit the little book will still be there. I have the complete Beatrix Potter Collection, in a slip case, a birthday gift voucher, years ago, and the stories and drawings are a delight, even at my age.Your days will be drawing in, as we say down here, I am noticing daylight hours are starting earlier, and some days are quite warm.
I actually did a 'reading' with a psychic about 20 years ago. There was some general stuff and some interesting stuff. It wasn't until I got off the phone and was remembering what she told me that I realized that she must have seen my darling husband who had been dead about twenty years at that point. And yes, I think many of us have a deep wound from grief. Time does a lot to keep a lid on the grief, but I believe it can be triggered so that we have times of strong sadness. We may not even know why we are feeling sad, but it's our old deep wound, and it's OK still to feel sadness.
I like what Deb said - you had a puttering day! I have those, too - and sometimes they can be very enjoyable. Your hydrangea is beautiful, Jocelyn! It's so interesting to me how there can be different colors of blooms on the same bush. Your palm readings are interesting, too! I've never done that, but it's fun to hear how yours turned out.
HA! I always liked those squishy presents as a kid, but the others were good too!
Sometimes a meandering day is exactly what our soul needs.
Both our boys played hockey and once it became no fun any longer they stopped.
Nope never had my palm read. I wonder what they would say.
God bless.
I have days like those too! I just can't get my act together somedays. That's okay. We're retired so it's okay! I've never had my palm read or future told. It would make me too nervous! You're very brave to have done it 3 times and they weren't scary. I'm afraid they'll say something that will be upsetting.
Hockey is big there - so nice that you are willing to do that bit of sewing for him. I hope he has a good season! I'm not familiar with those books, but that cover is delightful. Your hydrangea is lovely. I'm not into palm readings, etc., so nothing to share there.
I do think you feel deeply, both the sentiment and the sadness are deep wells. I am not sure everyone does, but I am like that too. Denial plays a large part in a lot of people's lives.
I've been floating lately, dh asked if I was depressed, and I'm at least just emotionally worn down.
I do like whimsy. Palms... I was a teacher like you and saw the kids as mine, at least I had hopes and dreams for them and saw my role as guidance. Imagine a psychic arguing with you over your life. I once had a doctor argue that I wasn't 5'7" and I said, then measure my height and move on, and he was so surly. oy vey.
All very seasonal. Great that you have your quilt completed.
Never been to a fortune teller of any kind. However, I can relate to grandsons who play hockey. I have three, ages 12, 14 and 16 who are very active hockey players. The oldest made the high school team as a freshman and the middle one just got asked to join a travel team. Since they live 2.5 hours away we rarely see them play.
I suspect we all "flit" from project, to place to day dreaming. I think of those as fallow, recharging days.
A little bit of this and a litter bit of that! I had a week like that too! I love your hydrangeas. I always thought I couldn’t grow them because of the “ zone” we are in. I wonder how yours and mine are different? This week has been warm days and cool nights! But winter is just around the corner. I wish for a longer fall! No palms read or tea leaves! But it would be fun. I think it is all in fun.
Hockey. My holy rolling femine soft speaking grandmother from Newfoundland, loved hockey. It was the thrill of her life.I didn't understand the contrast until I began looking at her as Canadian.
A one time reading from a person I forget her name, she didn't say much. What she did say hasn't held true. I think there may have been connections she didn't understand or was able to see into. She didn't pick up on a recent trauma was
red flag.
I have days like that frequently—I have Inattentive ADD, and focusing is sometimes a challenge. But as you said, once you are retired, it’s not a huge issue. As for palm readings, I have done it twice, and I have no recollection of what I was told, other than it was pretty generic. Your hydrangea is beautiful!
I assumed you were keeping the Plus quilt - who is the lucky one? It is so pretty. Love your hydrangeas. That little nature book looks vaguely familiar! I think most palm readers must be good at reading people - and that is a gift.
Congrats on finishing the plus quilt!
I love old children's books and have kept several just for nostalgia!
Enjoy your slow stitching!
I kind of love those puttering days. They are introspective and bit blue sometimes. I've had my tea leaves read and angel cards. Both said I have dogs , kids and love in my life so it was a positive experience. Take care.
I went to Jeffie Murphy in Dallas in the late '70s. She read a deck of cards. She advised me of my husband's name and he was a farmer of about 1000 acres. true, but, the clincher was when she gave me a piece of paper she had been writing on and said here is your name but I think I spelled it wrong. Well, she wrote Twila and it is Twyla. not the every day name on the street, huh?
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