Friday, 19 January 2024

Xmas By Quiltmania, Granny Stripe Crochet, Feelings

Hello again, all quiet here at the wooden house. No blowing snow, just dropping temperatures. -22 C on my morning walk and my cheeks felt cold. The warmest clothes, of which there is no shortage here, are being worn inside and out. I love coming in from the must be one of the best feelings there is. 

The scrappy Granny Stripe Afghan was finished and then I decided to add more to it. Not for size but for strength. With all those colour changes, I thought a scalloped trim around it all would help it with possible fraying or loosening on the sides. So that took a few nights to crochet. Used Stylecraft Special DK yarn.
 The finished size will cover a double bed and has a weight to it too for warmth. Happy to have it finished and it has gone to a good home, LOL. 
I have finished appliqueing all the Quiltmania Xmas blocks that I want to do. Here they are on my ironing board. Can't decide if I want to finish this now but really the Christmas stitching mood is kind of gone. I want to embroider a word or two in that star/flower block lower left.. sometime.  

LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color's prompt this week has to do with whether or not we had an impactful event in 2023 and how we dealt with it. Yes, I had a crisis event that involved close family and I don't mind saying it was stressful and challenging for me. One thing I learned is there is a lot of help to be had if you advocate for it ...which I'm not shy at all about doing for someone else. Kudos to our healthcare system and the wonderful people who showed only care and kindness to us as we moved through the many appointments and meetings. It is a comfort to know the "system" works and is there for us all if needed. The resolution of this event took time- many months, but I'm relieved to say there is a happy ending (for now) to this story.
 Like most folks my age, we have faced down any number of crisis events of varying degrees so we know how strong we can be when we need to be. We know how to put one foot in front of the other and just keep going. And for family especially, we try our best to help. 

Now to the mundane...I have a couple of thrift finds to share next post. 

And a word about comments. First, thanks so much for taking the time to leave me comments whether it be encouragement about the stitching or suggestions/sharing or echoing my thoughts on topics, etc. It is also always a thrill to hear from someone who has been reading me for awhile and just now decides to introduce themselves. Because I do not know who reads this blog unless you comment. And your comments go straight to my gmail account for moderation so are completely private. It is up to me to publish them or not. So please don't hesitate to say hello if you have dropped by. 

Hope your weekend is wonderful!

Sharing this post with Kathy's QuiltsThe Inquiring Quilter and Small Quilts and Doll Quilts.


Nancy J said...

Your afghan is beautiful, and will be well loved and used. Cold for you, and SO hot for us, 32C or 34C in the verandah yesterday, so hot we didn't know where to find a cool spot, in the end, out on the lawn under the shade of a tree, and a very slight breeze.How the tennis players manage in Melbourne is beyond me.Stress affects us all in different ways, Flight or fight, I tend to fly, hoping it will not follow.!!!Others fight, hoping it will go the other way, for each of us we have to find a way to cope and live with the results. Hope all is well with you both. My silk scarf is in hibernation for the summer !!!

Gretchen Weaver said...

I love the afghan, it's so pretty and it looks warm also. The quiltmania blocks look very nice. This is going to be a nice addition to your decorations. Happy stitching!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

I love your Granny Stripe afghan, Jocelyn, and it looks perfect sitting under that tree and cabin wall-hanging. Such great colors! I'm with you on the mood for sewing with Christmas colors having gone, although those Quiltmania blocks are really fun. Maybe you'll want to pick them back up in the fall this year. That is my takeaway from experiencing medical crises with my mom these last few years - the people in the know are generally really kind and helpful!

Juliana said...

I'm sure I've commented before because I so enjoy your blog--you write about so many interessting and timely things. I live in Detroit, MI, so just across the river from Canada. I can't wait to see your newest thrift finds!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

what a large crochet blanket - I started one last year and then got tired of stripes and had been knitting the sweater to and one had to be put aside and now it seems they have both been put aside and I haven't touched either in ages. I really need to get back to one of them but the hexies seem to have control of my sitting down time for now. A nice cold walk outside is nice I think as long as we dress for it. I bet you have/and make use of a lot more winter clothes then I have.
I think last year was hard for a lot of us in one way or another that we don't always share on our blogs -for me it was problems from things both daughters were going through and a change in their life's which led to anxiety for me - I faced facts that I needed an anti-anxiety medication and although not all of their problems are over I feel better and handling things better for me mentally.

Jenny said...

Hi Jocelyn, dropping in to say hello and to add that while you are snow bound, we are sweltering in particularly high temperatures! And then, some parts in the west of the South Island have storms and flooding, while across the Southern Alps on the east, there are fires! Talk about crazy weather.
We are away in the caravan for the weekend, taking it easy. It's much to hot to work on the knitting I've taken away with me.

Jackie said...

Slowly warming up here, if you can call a feels like temperature of -30C warming up. Still I didn't freeze as much this time I took a short walk.

I really like that Christmas quilt. Putting a few words in that block will really set the whole thing off.

God bless.

Pili said...

Esa manta es preciosa y el quilt se ve muy alegre. BESICOS.

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Good to know you got through the crisis well.
Beautiful afghan, cheery colors. Mind boggling to me it is so large!

Julierose said...

Oooh your Granny stripe Afghan is so pretty--I am still working on mine--i figure it is about 3/4ths done...nice to work on it when it's so cold...
Lovely Q blocks you've finished too...hugs, Julierose

Kate said...

Lovely Afghan! Of course, if it is purple I'll think it is special. I never crocheted but I enjoy seeing others crochet pieces.

Anonymous said...

Jocelyn,Ihaveenjoyedyourblogforalongwhile.beingCanadian(actuallydual,butIdon’tadvertiseit)i,too,havenothingbutpositivethingstosayaboutourhealthcaresystem.if you edit,it’s there immediately,andyoudon’twait.spentatotalof79daysinhospitalthisspring/summer/fall,caring staff,fromnursingaidestodoctorsandspecialists.the best thing…notasinglebill!!
Don’tlnowwhythisisarunonsentence,sorry.Jill in Calgary

Daisy Debs said...

I'm loving your Christmas Quilt ! I think with the weather outside right now it is still a good time do do some more of it ...or at least one or two more of the blocks , then roll it up and you can look forward to unrolling it next Autumn and feel more excited about it then with Christmas ahead of you . It's not so cold here in Cornwall u.k. but we have Storm Isha heading our way. I think it's going to be a windy rainy ol'night . Take care and keep yourself in the warm .x

Ute naeht und strickt said...

Hallo Joicelin
Ich lebe im Norden Deutschlands und lese immer Deinen wunderbaren Blog. Ich freue mich immer von dir zu hören.
In dieser traurigen Weltlage freue ich mich über Deine Postings. Ich bin fast 80Jahre alt und das will ich nicht glauben obwohl der Körper mich daran erinnert. Mir macht Naehe, haekeln und stricken Spaß und bewundere Deine Arbeiten. Also bleib gesund und munter und lass Dich wieder hören
Liebe Grüße Ute

Hubblebird said...

Hi. I've been following your blog for a few years now, and I have linked to your blog on my blog for quite a while so that I can spread the good word. I always enjoy your posts even though I don't often comment on them. I like to read about your sewing and living in the woods! Looking forward to your next Bramble Blooms update to see where you are up to, and to discover learn more about your creative process.

Linda said...

Your scrappy afghan is just beautiful, especially in front of that lovely picture on the wall. Is the scalloped edge just a series of single/double crochet, or what?
Yes we do just keep putting one foot in front of the other. Sometimes we stop and look back, but for the most part we keep moving forward. One time when my sweet Mom had fallen, I took her to her doctor, who was an amazing man from India. He asked her how it happened, and she said she was trying to move backward and her feet got tangled. He said, in his delightful accent, "Always move forward, never backward", and I hear him saying that in my head quite often.
I can't wait to see your thrift finds!

Michele McLaughlin said...

I'm sorry you had a tough year Jocelyn and that for now, this are resolved for the best. I love your afghan! The colors are fantastic and cheerful! So much work in the quiltmania blocks but like you, I'm done with Christmas right now. Maybe you will get in the mood again in July when it is hot and humid? That's when I loved working on holiday projects :D It might help to concentrate on something wintery then. Sending you hugs and keep warm! Those temps are sooooo cold!

Pamela Dempsey in Northeast Texas said...

What a pretty striped afghan! Yes, it’s hard to work on Christmas crafts now. Be careful on your walks.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Your afghan looks so cozy and warm - love the colours together and how well it ties in with the wall hanging above.
I can see why you might set asit your Christmas blocks. It seems once the day is over we are done with wanting to see anything Christmasy.
As for comments - I know I have about 270 blog followers but only a very few leave comments. Those that do are quite faithful though. Occasionally someone who has been silent is moved to comment and, like you say, it's a thrill.

Jannette said...

I'm a fairly new reader - and enjoy seeing your different projects. Our part of Ontario is rather snowy right now - thankful though that the temps are moving up from the -18 C range!

CarolE said...

I'm not sure if I have commented before but I have been following your blog for a little while now and I very much enjoy it. I live in Southern California, and we never experience the freezing cold that you have been having as well as much of the United States. I hope all of you are staying safe and warm. We are getting rain today which I love, and we always need.

MissPat said...

I'm somewhat sporadic at leaving comments, but I do so enjoy reading your blog (among many others). Many people have stopped blogging in favor of Facebook (which I don't do) and Instagram (which I do occasionally), but I think there are a lot of blog followers out there who read, but don't comment.
If you decide to put the Christmas quilt away, make sure you leave yourself a note on what you plan to do with it in terms of the embroidery. I don't know how many times I've set aside a project and then can't remember where I left off or what I intended to do to finish it. Old age makes one forgetful, I think.

Robin said...

Your little Christmas quilt is so darling. I always like to have something on hand to sew each season when I'm in the mood. This looks like a perfect project to save for next Nov/Dec. It just so cute.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you have the resources to weather a crisis. Wish the U.S. would follow suit and strengthen our social services networks. Unfortunately, Republicans are dead set against doing any good for us commoners and spend their time advocating for their wealthy donors. It's a mess down here. Anyway, I know what you mean about seeing aside Christmas projects in the new year. It feels like too much looking back when we should be looking forward!

The Cozy Quilter said...

Beautiful afghan! Those lovely Christmas blocks will be happy to come out next fall during the lead up to the holiday season. I love it when people comment on my blog. I’ve made friends with people I have never met all over the world. As far as family crises go, I find comfort in the fact that many others have weathered these storms in life. I can do it too, with support from friends and family.

PaintedThread said...

Pretty afghan. I love the colors. Your Christmas blocks are cute!

Ah - if we could only not have to go through a crisis to know it's doable. I'm glad you have support - that's so important!

grammajudyb said...

Such pretty colors in your afghan! It will be good to add to the bed, when needed. .it is good to remember that in most instances, there is help. Mr Roger’s always said, “ look for the helpers”. My daughter says she always asks, “ what else is possible?”

loulee said...

Your crochet blanket looks great. I love to add a scallop edge too, especially to stripes.

Beth French said...

Jocelyn, I have been reading your blog for a long time and occasionally comment. I was born and live in Maine. I lived in Halifax for 10 years and went to Nfld once, what a thrill that was! I'm often inspired by your thoughtful posts. Right now I am working on a "teacup" Christmas quilt, some wool embroidery, and a patchwork + applique quilt. My goal is to stay focused on these three projects this year. Oh, and there is that doll I made that needs dressing. Trying not to get distracted!

K Reeves said...

I love the colors in that afghan! They are such a comfort when it is very cold. We too, had to bundle up last week, the lowest we had during the day was -27C, and yesterday it was 50 F so quite a change. I would be tempted to go ahead and put those blocks together, or at least pick out and cut the sashing if you are going to use any. That way when you want to go back to it, it is ready to start immediately. (That’s just me!)

Susie H said...

I love your Quiltmania blocks. They look so delicate. Was wondering what size are they. That's a beautiful blanket you crocheted also. Beautiful colors

dq said...

You are pretty popular in the comment department, Jocelyn. Yes, I am here and reading your blog. I enjoy it.

Those blocks on your ironing board are lovely and very small. Yes, you must finish it at some point - before next Christmas, perhaps.

The afghan is beautiful! I like the idea of an edge on it to make it sronger.

Jennifer Fulton Inquiring Quilter said...

Love that pretty afghan. My mother made so many of those and I'm lucky to have a pretty one to pass on to my daughter. The Quiltmania Christmas blocks are so lovely! Each one captures my interest. I hope you finish at least the embroidery you want to make on that one block before putting these away for next year. What a lovely quilt this will make! Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.