Here just outside Ottawa, Ontario, Canada it is presently pouring down rain. Cleanup from the tornadoes that occurred last week continues. Missed us completely but the seeming randomness of how they touch down is so scary and now I can add tornado to my middle of the night things to fret about. Thankfully, no one was killed despite all the damage.
Chores To be Done
I guess it's time to mop the floors. Hubby says they are sticky in places. His slippers are not gliding like they should, LOL.
The floor situation is not helped by these two...puzzled why I'm there but not immediately opening the door. I'm at their beck and call when it comes to the ins and outs.
A Chore I Ignore
Ironing...I usually postpone ironing a ridiculously long time. Also don't like mending which is confounding for someone who loves needle and thread.
On My TV
We're finishing up Ozark and Homeland on Netflix. I've been watching Murdoch Mysteries while stitching. But just to confound you, I'm looking forward to the new season of Walking Dead too.
Reading and Listening
I've been listening to the CBC podcast Somebody Knows Something and also the podcasts of Serial. The last book I read was this one below.... I enjoyed it. There is something about books written from the perspective of minister's wives that appeal to me. I liked Linda, the wife of a Mormon bishop, very much.

What I'm Eating
I just bought an Air Fryer on sale at Canadian Tire; it has been on my "to buy" list for about a year. I made chicken and vegetables last night in it and we both enjoyed the meal. I liked the convenience of putting fresh food in the tray, setting a timer and 20 minutes later, having a meal. It's kind of like a mini oven.
I also made us a batch of blueberry seed muffins (not in the Air Fryer!). Dairy Goodness has the recipe which I changed up slightly...used all whole wheat flour and cut the milk with water. They are filling and freeze well.
My Stitching
I have Grasshopper, my Sarah Fielke BOM, out of the sewing room and into the main area to give me more room to maneuver it. Applique is enjoyable but not if you can't get at it. Love that Ott light and how the blue of the birds is standing out.
Also love having finished this project, the Sew Love Laugh embroidery and hand quilting. This was my OMG for a September Finish at Elm Street Quilts. Now this is typical of me... I'd picked out the buttons for the finishing touches, then lost said buttons; searched, searched several more times, no luck. Then opened a drawer one day and there they were. I really don't know how I do that! Confounding some more but I guess the lesson learned is not to sweat the small stuff.
This will look nice in the sewing room and I'm sorry about the rather dull photos today.
Looking Forward To
I'm looking forward to some Nana time with the grandsons this week and getting out the Autumn hangings. Meanwhile I'm contemplating moving my sewing room to a larger bedroom. Maybe I shouldn't do that as my sewing stash, etc. seems to expand to fill whatever space I have.
Hope you all have a calm and enjoyable week.
Also enjoy joining these link parties Diary of a Stay At Home Mom, Sugarlane Designs, What a Hoot Quilts, Love Laugh Quilt, Cooking Up Quilts, Sew Fresh Quilts and Free Motion By the River.
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