And in the garden, the different kinds of sedum are showing their true fall colours...
Have you seen the lovely new quilt pattern called 101 Maple Street offered by Anne Sutton at Bunny Hill Designs. I think if I lived on a Maple Street I would definitely have to make this and fit the number to suit. So pretty. Or you could put any street name for that matter, duh.
Our Quilts By Cheri Friendship Group on Facebook keeps adding wonderful and free primitive style patterns and there is a pack of pumpkins being sewn up right now. Since Cheri's sad passing, the leader is Irma Vergara Sefers who is doing a marvelous job of updating the files and keeping alive the memory and quilting legacy of Cheri Payne.

Lynette Anderson has released a beautiful new line of fabric called Peacock Manor and these sweet blocks called Woodland Secrets made with it. Check out her site at Lynette Anderson Designs. Lynette favours the understated in her fabric designs and colours.
I love her stitcheries and have done two BOM's by Lynette, In Full Bloom and Scandinavian Christmas. This is one of a set for Christmas ornaments which is also very cute.

Meanwhile, I've been busy prepping some applique.
This project represents a huge departure for me. I've never worked with fabric like this. Yes it is the famous Kaffe fabrics provided in this kit, Kim McLean's Flower Pot, Hubby bought me a couple of years ago.

A site that celebrates her patterns is Glorious Applique and you can find tutorials and a list of amazing stitchers there.
The fabrics and patterns are rather wild and so bright and I don't really know what to make of them. Sometimes I love them and then other times they seem just crazy...what we called psychedelic in the late sixties. Perhaps if I was using a pattern that was more 'contained' I would enjoy them more. I'm thinking of Kaffe's own pattern Hat Box which I like.

What do you think? I know Kaffe's work is astonishingly popular but yet not everyone's cup of tea. I've been watching videos on YouTube of him speaking about his journey with knitting and needlepoint and the discovery of colours which is interesting.
On the sleeping issue, I've been practicing a military breathing technique that is working for me for now. I'm in about week 2 of sleeping through the night...just like a baby. :)
This Ted talk was helpful-
I'm seeing my GP soon for my annual checkup and I don't know whether to mention the insomnia or not.
Meanwhile so many things to love, create,watch, eat, enjoy whatever the season where you are!
Love to link up and this time with Not Afraid of Color, Esther's Quilt Blog, Free Motion By the River, and Sew Fresh Quilts.
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