Hubby with a visual display of how large our pretty hydrangea blooms are this year...bigger than his head! And yes this is his amused face. :)
Pleased with how my new tough little point and shoot camera is working out. Loads of pretty colours in the garden.

A Little Golden Book...The Golden Book of Birds available here at Amazon with its pretty pink cover.

All things April Cornell including the table linens...I always had a few of their skirts and jumpers but I've weaned myself away from them. Check out the pretty things here.

Antique jeweled thimbles from Germany.
Christmas Wishing
A bank of free patterns is available here including this lovely Christmas cardinal.

I worked on the tiny quilt on my Summer Storm piece and had a struggle during which I doubted my fingers' ability to stitch. I just couldn't get the white threads to lay right. I moved over to the pretty little house and the stitching seems to be working out okay (but not what I want it to be) and my confidence is improving.
It is our monthly SAL meet up time over at Avis's Sewing Beside the Sea. Lots of pretty stitches to see at our participant's sites, that's for sure.
Avis, Claire, Gun, Carole, Sue, Constanze, Christina, Kathy, Margaret, Cindy, Helen, Linda, Heidi, Jackie, Sunny, Hayley,Megan, Deborah, Clare, Mary Margaret, Renee, Jenny, Carmela, Jocelyn, Sharon
My mother accumulated lots of pretty things in her life time and one of her few regrets in life is that she did not use them enough thinking they were too "good" to use.
|Hope your Sunday involves all that you enjoy.
Linking up with Kathy's Quilts.
I agree, colour & pretty things in our lives help to cheer us up and bring a smile to our face.
I love the table setting!
wow a large hydrangea!!
I try not to have anything that is too good to use. I love your flowers. What a large hydrangea! I love the table setting and the pretty thimbles.
Your hyrdrangea is HUGE!! Cross-stitch cottage is looking very cute too.
Love your pics of the your beautiful garden flowers! I finally got out my MiL's pretty china and used it to serve treats for my quilt group the other day. It felt good to use it and share it with friends! Your cross stitching looks lovely to me, Jocelyn!
The Golden Books, down here they might well be a collector's dream.
Those flowers are totally, totally beautiful!
Gorgeous flowers in your garden, but Oh. My. Goodness. That hydrangea is mammoth!
Beautiful flowers and I love the thimbles!
So many pretty things! I love hydrangeas too. Mine are all pink and they're really big this year for some reason. Sadly, one of them became so heavy with all the rain that it's keeled over. I'm hoping it'll bounce back when it dries.
Yes, surrounding ourselves with things we love does elevate your mood. Love your outdoor flowers. My Spider-wort make me happy outside. I also have collected some plant from alongside the road that LOOK like Spider-wort but a a little different. Both varieties have tons of blooms right now.
xx, Carol
I love pretty too.... and we all have a different sense of pretty. We truly should surround ourselves with happy and pretty things. I love the "pretty girls read books" sign!!
It's amazing how big some flower heads can get. Almost unnatural even! I might have to look for that Little Golden Book of Birds. Might be good for inspiration. Keep on stitching, you'll get better the more you do. :-)
Oddly enough, I was just reading a book that talked about how our nature is not to use our pretty things and keep them for 'good'. Your flowers (and your cheerful model!) look great. As for getting your threads to lay right - sometimes if you change the direction they're feeding through the needle it will help.
Nice hand work - Love the Cardinal! Flowers are beautiful!
I loved those little golden books!
A pretty nice post!
Jocelyn - you are right that we should enjoy/use our possessions! Sometimes I feel protective about candles - but what is the point of a candle if it never burns? Your model (hubby) is almost as pretty as the hydrangea he is modeling - LOL! Enjoy the rest of your week!
Oh yes... use up all the pretty things all the time as much as possible!
Your posts are always so full of color and pretty things -- so lovely! And, wow, your flowers are gorgeous! Thanks for the reminder to USE the pretty things and not "keep them for best", too.
Beautiful flowers! And your stitching looks fantastic.
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