Here is one of the culprits looking tired because I think he is tired. Poor old boy.
Hubby researched and is now making the trek to a specialty store to buy him special food. He is loved!
Yes I'm guilty of this, but I don't know how to be otherwise. If you are a thinking person with some empathy, the ridiculous antics going on in this world have just got to get you down sometimes. The challenge is to not get weighed down by it.

While I ponder all that, here are the best things so far this week.
I was finally rewarded after two summers of trying to photograph the turtles in the pond. The algae makes for great cover for them. Here is the big one who just happened to be lounging near the edge one morning. No time to set up a photo as it is moving away as I caught this shot. There is a middle sized one and a baby there as well. Yes our own three bears.
It was my birthday recently and I had a round of continuous small treats, the secret to happiness according to Iris Murdoch. Here are two of them. This beautiful bouquet of different kinds of sunflowers from SIL was so special. And also special was the cake, a Reine de Saba, Queen of Sheba, made by my younger daughter who is a queen of cake making herself.
She gave me this paper with it. I've never heard of it so was intrigued and couldn't wait to try a piece. Very dense, very rich and delicious. One of those cakes you only need a small piece of.
I am now an even number of years and why that should even cross my brain, I have no idea.
LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color was inspired by the flower photos I posted and drew a lovely interpretation of them. You can see it in this post at her blog. She is a talented soul and I particularly enjoy her Thursday writings from her poodle, Milo.
Carol at Beads and Birds mentioned she had bought about three dozen Japanese snails and put in her pond to help keep the algae in check. That's a great natural solution. I wonder where we could get some of them.
Libby in this post at Life on the Hill explained her success with growing vegetables in a VegTrug wooden raised garden box this summer. This may be just the ticket to satisfy my itch to have a vegetable garden. Available from Wayfair.

We are rewatching two old favourites, Keeping Up Appearances

So I'm heading off to bed with pleasant thoughts. And while watching I've been removing the freezer papers from my basket blocks. Two nights and about half way through. More time consuming than one would think!
Enough of my meandering on a Thursday. Hubby has a day of medical appointments so we will be on the go all day.
Sincerely hope you are well rested and coping well with whatever life is handing you today.
Linking with Thursday Likes at Not Afraid of Color, It's A Small Town Life, Viewing Nature With Eileen, Alycia Quilts and Brian's Home Blog.
I was thinking I need to check out that vegetable box as well - I think it would fit perfect on one side of the deck where I have pots anyhow so it wouldn't really be taking up any needed space. I too have trouble sleeping at times and if I wake at 4 chances are I won't fall back to sleep but then I surprise myself at times and find that I did - that cake looks wonderful hope you had a happy birthday
Belated happy birthday, Jocelyn! You are so lucky to have a nearby pond with turtles! Dear old Rex! Speaking of sleep -- I finally got a full nights sleep --- but unfortunately filled with very stressful dreams involving elephants rampaging through the house. Argh!!!
Happy Birthday, gorgeous flowers, and the cake looks yummy. Love the pic of the turtle. Great now I want a Veg trug. LOL
Happy Birthday! That cake looks delicious, and the flowers are lovely. Keeping Up Appearances is one of our favorites - so funny!
Happy Birthday;))) {heart}-felt wishes...;)))
That cherry bundt cake on your sidebar looks luscious...yum
hugs, Julierose
Happy Birthday from all of us, I'm glad it was a good one!
thank you for the quote... I admit to being depressed last week about the state of the union, it did interrupt what could have been good experiences. I'm using a raised bed from Home Depot for vege, works great. as to cake, one may only "need" a small bit but one might "want" more! I would. Like lots of little reminders of birthdays throughout the month too. I wonder if Rex is uncomfortable and can't sleep. Does he pant? My labradaughter Chelsea had to eat just before bed when she got older, so her stomach acid didn't wake her up. I can't sleep when my joints hurt too. Or like this week, waking worrying over actions of certain people in control. Here's to a night of peaceful sleep.
Wonderful likes Jocelyn! I love turtles. :-) Happy birthday, and that is a very wise quote. And now you've made me want cake... Also those two shows! Mum loved them both (I love Judi Dench) and we watched several episodes together. Have you ever watched 'Are You Being Served?'?
I find listening to an audio book on my Kindle helps me fall asleep even when I wake up at 4 or 5 AM. Not music, not a tv program which has rising and falling tones. I think the single voice is calming and following a story "turns off" my mind from whatever thoughts are churning in my mind. You probably read bedtime stories to you children to settle them down...why not for yourself?
Happy Birthday!
Hi Jocelyn! Aww, your pup is a pretty guy. It's nice that DH is willing (and able) to go buy him special food. It's nice to be loved, and I'm sure it is reciprocated. Deeply. It's a fine line between being aware and getting down about what's happening and being totally unaware. I'd like to know where that line is myself, but then if I don't get down and stay aware they win. That's what they're hoping for! I've never heard of that cake but it surely looks delicious! ~smile~ Roseanne
Happy Birthday, Jocelyn! Your daughter, the cake baker, did well - that looks and sounds yummy! Like one of your other commenters, I also listen to audiobooks at night and they help me go to sleep. Maybe that would help you, too. (For me, they have to be books I've already read so I don't worry about missing the story.)
Thanks for the shoutout! I should ask VegTrug for a commission on all the raised troughs I've "sold" this year. I love "As Time Goes By" as well, but it hasn't been on our local PBS is years.
Those flowers are pretty cool! And that cake looks good. Happy birthday! I had no idea snails could keep algae in check. That VegTrug is intriguing. I'll have to check it out. :-)
Wow, so many things to comment on (and I know I won't get them all in order). Sleep, yes we're told 8 hours of sleep are essential, but that rarely happens. I know it's a factor of age, but it's so annoying to awaken in the middle of the night and not be able to go back to sleep. Yes, the state of the world is disturbing, but at least he's not your President. And every time you think it can't get worse, it does. And now I have to worry about this hurricane with many friends and family in harms way. Argh. On a more upbeat note, Happy Birthday. Your flowers and cake look delightful.
Happy, albeit belated now, birth day wishes! That cake looks almost too good to eat (note, I said 'almost'!). Regarding sleep (or lack thereof) I used to toss and turn and get beyond frustrated and now I just get up and play solitaire on my tablet until I get sleepy. At least it keeps the frustration level down.
Belated Happy Birthday! Your cake looks fantastic! I have a similar problem with sleeplessness, especially if I have the news on before bedtime (I've learned). I love your turtles! Keep well my friend! Hugs!
I sleep very well at night almost all the time. Harley is on a 2 AM poop schedule and usually wakes Terry to go out. Mostly I sleep through it but if not I usually get up and read on the desktop until I get tired. Corey is out in California which is 3 hours behind us so usually we have great computer chats at that time. Terry says he can't get back to sleep. (I suspect he does because he is always sleeping when I look at him). Anyway he mentioned it to his our doctor who suggested he might want to try an OTC drug to help.
Your turtle looks BIG. I would not want turtles as I know they eat fish!! But I have about a dozen frogs now. Count me happy!
Happy belated birthday. I can almost taste that cake!! I must comment on your pooch. Such an old friend. It's pretty hard to see them age.
xx, Carol
A belated, warm hearted birthday wish from Germany to you, dearest Nana.
Belated Happy Birthday! I feel your pain on the current way of the world and my government is the worst. SMH It doesn't care about human beings. But, I like your quote. What a beautiful turtle. Love that birthday cake -mmmmm. I don't watch the news before bed. just sayin.
Beautiful flowers and the cake looks delicious. Happy Birthday. xx
Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop, we're glad you hopped in.
Happy Birthday sweet lady! I'm glad you had some nice treats to help you celebrate and I hope the appts went well. Enjoy your weekend! Hugs!
Hello and happy belated birthday! I love your sweet furbaby! The flowers and cake look wonderful. That does look like a big turtle, it must like your pond and yard. Thanks for sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend. PS, thank you for the visit and comment.
I think maybe a few more shows and youll have all your blocks ready!
Happy belated birthday, Jocelyn! That French looks to be a wow!
That's a lovely quote. True that we need to turn off the news after we get the basics!
I hear you about insomnia. I have given myself permission to be awake! I am retired, and I can sleep in!
I usually listen to podcasts when that happens. It lulls me into sleep.
All the best.
After your comment on my blog post, I came over to read a few of yours, and what a lovely blog you have. Oh my gosh, my Mom who lived with us the last 8 years of her life, laughed out loud watching Keeping Up Appearances and what great memories I have of that. Looks like you had a nice birthday, and that cake!
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