In between his various camps and holidays, I've spent several days with younger grandson. His parents don't know it but often when we're at their house, things get rearranged. A blanket gets hung over the dining table to make animal lairs or monster's dens. Sometimes the whole living room gets a makeover.
This is an example...the obstacle course which we have been doing since he could walk. It has evolved from simple steps on pillows on the floor to this with him being an Olympic athlete taking bows with points awarded for perfect steps.
Oh and Nana has to do it too. In fact, I'm the official tester as to whether the course is challenging enough (i.e. not too dangerous). And I'm also his spotter when he is taking his turn.
I'm much more cautious, of course, stepping around on chairs than he is with his almost six year old legs. And I'm also careful about the dismounting where you have to fling yourself into a pile of pillows on the floor.
So happy no one can see me! I realized recently that I laugh out loud more with him than I do with anyone else in my life.
I had several questions from you about my colourful flags blocks. I've sewn a few with red they are. Is it looking like something yet? :)
Yes it is a great way to use up scraps. You can adjust the sizes of the background block and the triangle to whatever you want. The colourful part can be tiny, just a little touch of colour if you'd like. I'm using these Marti Michelle templates I bought a few years back when I was stitching the Farmer's Wife blocks. The bigger square is almost 5 inches and the smaller one is almost 3 inches. (You can see why I have issues with accuracy using a mathematical term like "almost".) I am drawing the line from corner to corner and also pinning the two pieces because of my said problem with accuracy when machine stitching. Fun and easy blocks.
I should tell you that my original inspiration for this was a Prism quilt I saw at the Purl Soho site. They used Liberty fabrics which are so expensive and that is why they came up with this idea of using just little "bites" of fabric to great advantage. Here is the Purl Soho link to the free tutorial for making this quilt.

The garden is at its blooming height right now. Everywhere my eye falls there is something to love. And as Walt Whitman proclaimed- as gardeners we think they do it all for us. The blooming is our reward somehow. I certainly feel rewarded looking at these gorgeous pinks.
The tall Phlox, a wonderful perennial.
Sweet William I planted in honour of my grandmothers. This was a commonly planted flower in Newfoundland outport gardens.
And the coneflowers which are more popular every year according to the guy at the nursery. They are also popular with the bees.
Christmas Wishing
I love lights. I especially love any that could be used for Christmas. These are the Crushed Cranberry hand dipped light strand from The Unique Black Sheep website.

And here is me, rounder on the bottom and all, of their hand crafted mice who is called Summer Flower Garden Mouse. Miniature things always amuse me.

On that whimsical note, I'll leave you today. Hope there is something you can laugh out loud at today!
And as always linking with these amazing parties:- Not Afraid of Color, It's a Small Town Life,
Needle and Thread Network, For the Love of Geese, Floral Friday Foto, Creations-Quilts, Art, Whatever, Alycia Quilts and Esther's Quilt Design Blog.
I don't use those infusers as I am allergic to a lot of fragrances and sometimes something like that would be too much for me. It looks to me like you and your grandson have a terrific play time - isn't is fun to be a kid at times!!
Hello, I seem to have a reaction to various scents. I like lavender but not too much. Your grandson looks like he is having fun. I love the hanging quilt and the beautiful flowers . The lights are pretty, they create a whimsical scene. Wishing you a happy day!
Isn't life with grandchildren wonderful? :-)
Your quilts always make us smile and that chair walker is pretty impressive!
Hi Jocelyn! Oh my, your flowers are gorgeous and inspiring. The beauty to behold is just amazing at this time of year. What fun it is that you are having with your grandson. That time together is priceless, and the laughs out loud even more so. You are increasing your life length with each laugh. Your quilt is really coming together nicely. I totally see the inspiration quilt, and what a nice way to use up some scraps of your favorite treasured fabrics. ~smile~ Roseanne
Scented candles might be lovely but too strong for me. The mouse, he is so lovely. Sleep, elusive for me too, specially if I wake at 4 a.m. The day starts way too early sometimes.
Your flag quilt is looking good. And Im a pinner and line drawer too! A lot if us have trouble sleeping through the night, sadly.
little garden mouse... adorable. I loved to climb and create hidey holes as a young one too, you're the greatest gran to provide it for him. I am not a fan of strong scent and burning oils can be too much. I did like buying a little bottle of oils to open now and then and sniff, I got the one for depression and it does lift my spirits to sniff but only now and then, and only a few sniffs. Maybe a medical grade pure oil in a bottle, sniffed before bed. My husband read that cherry juice helps with sleep, as does bananas eaten before bed time. I wake every night now, an hour after falling asleep. Then fall back but why waking at all? Oy! Sleep is restorative!
Now I have to get out my drawing stuff and try to draw those flowers! LeeAnna
PS, me again. I think I will "borrow" your flag idea, I was lucky to receive several bags of donated scraps with lots of squares already cut out. Must sort them out by size and value and this block would make a great leader and ender project.
I'd wake up sneezing for sure if I tried lavender anywhere in my house. I love the scent but it's a killer on my allergies. Can't have scented anything because DH is allergic to most of them. And your grandson - those are the things memories are made of, for both of you. Loved seeing the sweet william - my mother loved it.
What fun with your little grandson, Jocelyn! I bet he loves that time with you, too. Those flag blocks of yours are really calling to me - I loved seeing the inspiration for them - I like the different sizes in the inspiration quilt. Looks like the flowers in your yard are happy and healthy!
What a little cutie! Quality time and creativity practice. I can just imagine the giggles from you two.
I love that little mouse! I've made some in the past and now I wonder if I could make some more! They are so much fun and every one has it's own little personality! Love your pretty flowers! Be safe while playing with kids! heehee! Hugs!
I so admire your work as a grandma and I hope to do the same someday. "Rearranging" things and promoting imagination are THE BEST! Thanks for linking up today!!!!
Cute mouse! Love the Christmas lights. Pretty flowers! The obstacle course is terrific. :-) Great scrappy quilt!
Great times with your grandson, treasured moment for both of you! Your flags are inspired, and the mouse is adorable.
Such a pretty little quilt.
I love your garden photos! If you have finches where you live, you can see them land on your coneflowers and pick at the seeds--it's adorable! I love the flag quilt. I think it is really coming along quickly!!! Have a great week!
I love it. Given my new found love of hst's and small scraps I have been saving I may have to keep this quilt in mind. Aah, the days of building forts and tent cities. If I could only go back to being that young and creative. Dh laughed when I told him my quilt frame would make an awesome tent. Perhaps someday... Thank you for linking up with Put your foot down. You made me smile this morning.
Ha ha ha ! The thought of you walking along those chairs....doing a triple somersault and taking a bow ...yay ! :) Brilliant fun ! Love your quilt ! Beautiful ! Have a great weekend :) x
Hi CNN, Love your Colorful Flags quilt. I made a similar quilt earlier this year for H2H (a challenge from Sarah at Confessions of a Fabric Addict). Your quilt is much nicer than my wonky version. Here's the address if you'd like to see a picture.
Oh what fun you are having!! Laughing is good for the soul - so you better keep on playing with that one!!
Your grandson is going to have the best memories of his times with his grandma. I can hear all the giggles and laughs all the way down here. Your colourful flags are looking lovely. Oh how pretty all your flowers look, smiling at all who gaze at them. I am dreaming of spring and all the pretty flowers it brings with it.
As you know by now, I too "play" with my grandson-music on, very physical, laughing and silly. I use my lavender diffuser 10 minutes before going to bed, not all night. Maybe you could try that. I'm thinking of using a box of neutral fat quarters and a box of left over mini charms to make a similar "flag" quilt. Soon (heehee)
You have such a nice array of interests!
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