Tuesday 1 March 2022

Completely Done Year, A Finish, Stitchy Purchase, Free Patterns

I declare every Sunday Pyjama Day here at the Wooden House. It is also my very slow stitching day (cross stitching) and also photo day, time to go through more of my bank of photographs and delete or save. I'm finding the older the photos, the greater my willingness to axe them. 

Speaking of cross stitching, my stitchy purchase last month was a pattern called The Jack Rabbit from Cottage Garden Samplings. That link will take you to their A Year in the Woods series, a group of 12 designs featuring mostly woodland creatures.  And if Rabbit goes well, I will definitely want to stitch the fox.  Since I encounter lots of rabbits (and foxes are around too) here on the trails... I thought it would be fun to be stitching a memento and a change from the sampler style I'm currently stitching as well. It's all about those ears with this one!


 I'm happy to say that Courthouse Steps Quilt is a finish, at long last.   It is a little more square than I wanted but it is single bed size or a very ample lap quilt. This will be a gift next Christmas.  Machine foundation paper pieced and very enjoyably hand quilted. It was my OMG for February and my Acer has been acting up which is my reason for not posting in time. 

Down in the sewing room, when I've warmed it up enough to manage, I've good news. I've finally worked out how to stitch my Summer Wildflowers   embroideries into a sampler. I unstitched all the fabrics I had them in ( a night's work that) and chose a completely different palette. One with soft colours and tiny prints. Many of you recommended this approach so thank you very much!
This way the embroidered bits can really shine.  I can see that now; why I didn't see it before is a mystery. So I've been measuring and cutting- keeping it all very simple. I like how it's working out so far. I'm putting each one into its own pretty "frame".  I'm going to set this as my Elm Street Quilts OMG for March and hopefully that will keep me on track. TO DO this week will be getting these blocks all framed. Then I will enter into discussions with myself on how to quilt it. 

I do enjoy being up close with the fabrics. Perhaps it is really all about the fabrics for me. I love looking at the motifs and the feel of the material in my hands.  It is enjoyable then to ply a needle stitching through it. You too?

I also love getting another UFO to the finish line! 2022 is a completely done year for me, in more ways than one. 

Thank you all for sharing your memories of Woolworth's Shopping and the Lunch Counter in response to my last post.  For the record, I remember having Coke Floats and fries at the Corner Brook, Newfoundland Woolworth's as a very special treat, usually on Report Card day. 

Hope you are finding enjoyment in the stitching journey this week too!

Linking with The Texas Quilt GalQuilt FabricationMy Quilt InfatuationLife in the ScrapatchPowered By Quilting and The Inquiring Quilter


Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

Love your Courthouse Steps quilt. I can't stay in PJ's all day for some reason I get cold just in them and have to have a robe on too - I'd rather be dressed for the day or wear sweats

Linda said...

I like the new header! Your Courthouse Steps is just beautiful and reflects the enjoyment you had in stitching it. I love the tiny prints framing those pretty embroideries. I do think it's all about the fabrics for me. It has been that way since I was in high school - sixty years!
Thanks for linking up with To Do Tuesday!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Those woodland stitcheries are perfect for you, Jocelyn! Congratulations on your Courthouse Steps finish, too. I love that pretty red! Glad you are finding your way for the wildflower embroideries. Patchwork and embroidery is such a pretty combination!

loulee said...

Courthouse steps looks fantastic. You must be so pleased with it.
Your embroideries look so pretty, how have I not seen them before. I like the fabrics you are using to fame them.

Jenny said...

That's certainly some rabbit! I'm sure you will have fun stitching him. Your embroidered blocks are so pretty. And a great finish with your Courthouse Steps quilt, you have been busy.

Shelley said...

❤love your courthouse steps! ❤all the red...My favourite colour! Great job!

Jeanna said...

JackRabbit is a beautiful chart and I hope you enjoy stitching it. I have my first Cottage Garden Samplings chart, in the process of kitting it up. Its The Songbird's Garden Series #10, Joy. I have way too many projects ahead of it to start so it will be a while...I think.
Love your courthouse steps quilt. Congratulations on the finish!

grammajudyb said...

On my gosh! That Jack Rabbit! He’s fabulous! I’m sure you are glad to have Courthouse Steps done! It’s really really nice! Framing stitchery is a struggle for me. But it’s good for the stitching to take center stage!
ps: I love your new header too! I need to redo mine! I’m so over winter!

Brian's Home Blog said...

That Jack Rabbit is so cute and your Courthouse Steps quilt is beautiful!

PaintedThread said...

Your courthouse steps looks terrific! Yay for a finish.

Karen's Korner said...

Love the red background on Courthouse steps. Gorgeous embroidered blocks.

Siouxzq64@gmail.com said...

Courthouse steps turned out gorgeous. Awesome finish. Oh that rabbit! I agree it is all about the ears.

audrey said...

Oooh, I adore your Log Cabin quilt. Looks wonderful!:)

Jackie said...

The courthouse steps quilt is beautiful. It really turned out nicely.

God bless.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

That bunny is gorgeous! Those ears are amazing.
Your quilt is a great finish too - obviously was a labour of love.

Janice said...

I can see why you want to stitch the Jackrabbit. He is stunning. I’ll have to check out the others in the series. You should be very pleased with Courthouse Steps. It looks so nice and warm with the red. Have fun with your embroidery blocks.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

The embroidery really catches my eye! What works of art each one is! WOW! These will be gorgeous stitched together but wouldn't they make pretty pillow covers!

QuiltGranma said...

Love your red Courthouse Steps quilt! That is one I need to do a swell. Beautiful embroidery, delightful choice for framing them.

Chopin - A Passionate Quilter said...

Cute Rabbit, love the courthouse steps quilt, and the embroidery is beautiful! Have a great week - what remains. Hugs

Angie said...

Jocelyn - what a fabulous cross-stitch series - I went to the web-site, and I can see why you would like to do the fox. Stunning! Congratulations on your quilt finish, and a special shout-out to your quilt "hanger"! I am working on a cross-stitch stocking for our daughter.

Jennifer Fulton Inquiring Quilter said...

Love your Courthouse Steps! Congratulations on a beautiful finish. Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.

Sharon said...

Your Courthouse Steps quilt is so eye-catching and stunning. And, I love to paper-piece a lot. Any chance we can order the pattern soon? The sooner, the better. Love your blog.
Sharon Adams, Florida