Monday, 7 March 2022

Strategies, Sunflowers, Monkey Brain, Irish Soda Bread

Several of you have shown your pretty Sunflower projects while our thoughts are with the incredibly sad plight of the Ukrainians. Hubby has upped his donation to Doctors Without Borders who have medical teams there assisting. Holding our breath as this all unfolds.  I got out the well used Sunflowers tabletopper I'd made  many years ago.  Its' blue and yellow sunniness will take on a whole new meaning for me now.
I made Irish Soda Bread last week.  Hubby loves bread and while I love it too, I try not to eat too much of it.  I found the recipe in the Costco Connections March magazine. The link will take you to the online version.
 Soda Breads are generally coarser and because it has a little brown sugar in it, this one had a very slight sweet taste. It made a very large tasty loaf.
One of my face book quilting friends issued this challenge to us ... get your pin cushions and find the embedded needles in them. She had found an incredible 32 in one of her larger ones! I got my two that I use a lot and was surprised as well. I actually thought there would be none.  14 in one and 8 in the other! Including several of my "good" cross stitching needles which I was so happy to have.
From Quilter Karen comes this awesome video, Make More Quilts... 8 Strategies to Finish More Quilts. Karen puts a lot into her videos and this one is wonderful. So many great ideas.  I really liked Eat The Frog First and Habit Stacking.
Karen mentions having Monkey Brain at night which I have a problem with from time to time as well. I've done a bunch of research on this issue and I did find one article that had good ideas about how to quell Monkey Brain. Perhaps you will find it helpful too. 8 Science Based Tricks for Quieting the Monkey Brain  by Alice G. Walton.
 I have to say that Lady Tulip, the latest pieced quilt and fabric line from Laundry Basket Quilts is quite beautiful. Those colours are really appealing to me.  Do they appeal to you too? Again speaking to me of summer and warmer days I think. Edyta's fabrics are excellent quality. 
A smile today in this very brief clip...14 month old Rory in Clarenville, Newfoundland went out to help his dad shovel snow. I love the way he falls down, gets up and keeps on going. Life lesson there. 
Here is the link in case that fails...14 Month Old Shovels Snow. I've mentioned my Acer is having glitches and that includes my uploads and photos too. Sigh  
Typical March heavy rain has flattened our snow piles here but a few flakes are falling as I write this. 


Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I have never had luck making Irish Soda bread, mine turned out dry the few times I tried it -- good for toast but not much else. yes the plight of the Ukraine's is horrible - I feel so much for those people and the other countries near them that might be wondering if they are next in line for Putin to try to take their countries too I read that Moldavia is very worried
Your sunflower cloth is wonderful

Jenny said...

Soda bread, not sure if I've ever tried it, but yours certainly looks tasty. Your sunflower topper looks lively, certainly very poignant during this time of trouble and conflict. I'm sure I've got some blue and yellow blocks tucked away somewhere, must hunt them out.

loulee said...

Your sunflowers look beautiful. Thank you for sharing the soda bread recipe, I love soda bread and will give this one a go.

Radka said...

I love making bread, but somehow never got around to making soda one; now is the time!

Shelley said...

I made Irish soda bread..once. I don't know what I did wrong but it was so hard we could have used it as a curling stone lol! And,I was a very experienced breadmaker so it was kind of a bit to my ego that this simple soda bread didn't turn and learnđŸ€— Yours looks just lovely. I agree, the new fabric is gorgeous and so is the quilt😍.snow ❄❄❄here today in NB too. Need spring badly😕

Jackie said...

What a cute video. We can all learn something from him.

Never made soda bread before, but now I think I might give it a try at some point over the next couple of months.

God bless.

PaintedThread said...

I need to make a loaf of soda bread. Thanks for reminding me. I hunt for buried needles every so often. There's always one or two I don't expect.

Linda said...

What a precious video clip! I've made many breads but never soda bread - your photo of your is mouthwatering. Your Sunflowers tabletopper is just beautiful! I feel such an ache for Ukraine and it makes my heart happy to see everyone pulling for them, praying for them, contributing, starting fund raisers, etc. Good idea about the pin cushions!

Ivani said...

Love your sunflowe quilt, Jocelyn. Ukraine's piglet is terrific. It is impossivle not to cry when following the news daily. It is unbelievable what is happening. Doctors without border is a great cause to support.
The soda bread looks tasty. I will watch Karen's video. Thanks.

piecefulwendy said...

I think many of us will think of sunflowers differently now in light of what's happening in Ukraine. It's heartbreaking to see the news reports. I made soda bread years ago, and now I'm thinking I should try it again. Yours looks tasty!

Carol in Texas said...

Jocelyn, I always learn new things or go seek new ideas from your blog! It’s only one reason I look forward to it. I love your new photo atop your blog page! I need to stitch a ‘Pray Without Ceasing’ piece. It was the watchword of a beautiful lady who led Bible studies for years that I enjoyed immensely
..Madge Shaw. She’s gone to Heaven now but her example and her lovely words live on in the minds and hearts of her students. And thanks for the video by Quilter Karen
.I enjoyed it very much and I will leek at others of hers. The sunflower topper is lovely! I recently bought inexpensive sunflower placemats for our breakfast table and I need to get them out and use them now!!!! Pray for the Ukrainians
..I know we all are. Time to move along with the day, but I have enjoyed my time with your blog. Take care. Keep blogging!!!!

MissPat said...

Wonderful post with so much to savor. Loved the toddler in the snow. Haven't made Irish soda bread in years. As I recall it often came out fairly dry. Monkey brain definitely affects me, too. I've been meditating with the 10% Happier app and I think it's beginning to help. Snow again here after 73 degrees F on Sunday.

The Cozy Quilter said...

That little snow shoveler is so cute! He could teach all of us a thing or two!
Your sunflower quilt is very apropos right now.
I will need to check my pin cushions for needles too. I would not be surprised to find several needles in them

Jenn Jilks said...

Yep, monkey mind!
Your quilts and your needlework is amazing!

Pat at Bell Creek Quilts said...

your sunflowers are so bright and cheerful...thanks for sharing! I made soda bread a long time ago but I math only one who eats it here!!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

I love your sunflower topper, Jocelyn! I agree - sunflowers have taken on a new meaning in these times. Your soda bread looks yummy, too. Trying to get the missing needles out of the pincushions is a great idea. I'm sure I have many! Is there a special technique for doing that? Loved the video of the little shoveler - made me laugh out loud!

Angie said...

Jocelyn - the pin cushion challenge is actually one I think I could do!!! Lovely sunflower table topper! And I will have to try that soda bread recipe.

Miaismine said...

Isn’t your header so pretty and a great description of you? 😊Oh, your bread looks delicious! I will have to find a bread machine version of soda bread! What a great challenge – to find all the needles in your pin cushions! How do you get them to peek out at you? Thank you so much for sharing the article on monkey brain!

Miaismine said...

Isn’t your header so pretty and a great description of you? 😊Oh, your bread looks delicious! I will have to find a bread machine version of soda bread! What a great challenge – to find all the needles in your pin cushions! How do you get them to peek out at you? Thank you so much for sharing the article on monkey brain!

Susan said...

Time to finish that sunflower topper - it's much to pretty! And thanks for the soda bread recipe!

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Thank you for the reminder that I need to do a needle dive in my favourite pincushion too. I'm sure I will discover all sorts of goodies in the depths.
And now you have me wanting some soda bread - haven't had it in several years.

Kathy S. said...

Love your sunflower quilt. It's very bright and cheery. I've made soda bread a long time ago. I remember it was good for dipping into soup.

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Lovely sunflower tabletopper. We will never see these flowers with the same eye now. You made me examine my pincushions, and nope, no needles in there ;)
Thank you for sharing and linking up!

Joyce said...

The table topper is pretty and both joyful and sad. How appropriate to have it out.

Scrapatches said...

Mmmmmmm ... Irish Soda Bread ... ymmmy! I need to make this for tomorrow. I am going to ttry this recipe, thank you. Thank you also for the beautiful sunflower quilt. We all need to look for bright happy things during this time of global distress. I do like the look and colors of Lady Tulips. I love the look of her quilts and fabrics. Thank you for sharing ... :) Pat