But is it just me or do you have loads of threads that must be tucked in after the whole piece is finished. It took me a number of evenings hand stitching in loose threads on those three hangings and just when I'd think I was done, there would be another one!
Here is another little wall hanging I've pinned up in a corner of the sewing room.
I recently quilted it with the walking foot attachment. I'd had this piece as a flimsy for about three years. It was called " Liberty Coins" in the book I got the pattern from and I think this pattern goes by a number of names. I had to wash it because it was packed away in boxes in the old basement for some time and I was afraid the mice might have been snuggling up to it. Anyway, the washing didn't hurt it; in fact, it softened the fabrics, the quilting held up and took on a nice older look and the hanging now has a marvelous soft feel to it.
We were at Home Depot recently and I remembered to pick up the paint swatch cards I'd been thinking of doing for ages. I read on someone's blog they make good use of these when choosing colours for a project. The shades of each colour are so beautifully coordinated, I can see it could remove some of the guesswork.
I love keeping a few of the Christmas cards around for a while after the season, especially pretty ones like this. I don't throw any of them out.
I am not political at all and if possible even less so as an older woman.
But so much has been happening in the world, I feel like I have to make mention of some of it in my blog even just as a record. The January 22nd Women's March brought out a lot of people around the world. It was a quite a show of female solidarity. At the Toronto, Canada march, here is our former Governor General, Adrienne Clarkson on the left and author, Margaret Atwood on the right.

I don't think we should be cursed for living in interesting times. There is no doubt our times have just gotten much more interesting though a lot of people would use other words to describe it.
Interesting can be good.
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