Thursday 8 June 2017

I Could Live In Sweden Part 2

A while back I wrote this post called I Could Live in Sweden.  In it I told about just being to Ikea and  chatted about the influence Swedish designers have on everything.  Though I don't care for the sleek, bare modern look in a house, there are so many Swedish/Scandinavian kind of things that I do love.

The Scandinavian influence in fabrics and quilting turned up about a decade ago and shows no sign of fading.  Fabrics featuring nordic themes are still very popular. The nordic fox, and Dala horse come to mind.
                                         Image result for the swedish fox in designs

Are you familiar with Lynette Anderson's Scandinavian Christmas wall hanging?  It and a fabric line were inspired by her working holiday in Sweden.  Isn't it pretty?
 This is in my book mark file and is actually moving up the queue.  Homespun Hearth sells the kit and has substituted more greens for the greys which give it a brighter look if the neutral doesn't appeal to you.

Scandinavian quilt watermark

At the Nordic Nest which ships worldwide, they have everything from children's toys to jewelry to home decor if you want to see what Swedish dishes or rugs look like. They also have a wide ranging fabric selection that makes interesting looking.
Love the colour palette in this one.

                              Jakten fabric - brown - Almedahls

I really like this snowy houses panel.

                      Lyckeby fabric - multi - Arvidssons Textil

A few years back a friend gave me this book for my birthday. She knew of my love of cross stitch and also that the traditional Swedish style in particular appealed to me. (It is interesting to me that by visiting your blogs I have broadened my interest to include more primitive styles now.)  But I just love that beautiful red basket right there on the cover.

The Danes gave us Hygge, the concept of warmth, home and family and what's not to love about that. It's a concept we Canadians, in particular, with our long cold winters certainly embrace. Even though it is just a trend, I hope the feeling it implies will linger.  I love coziness and all that means- woolly sweaters, wood fires, pretty lighting. But it's not just that winter is the most hygge time of the year, the idea also means consolation, gratitude and finding pleasure in small things.  Which are all big things really.

I'd finished this post when coincidentally I spied this book on the Bargain shelf at Chapter's and couldn't resist buying it.  The pages would make wonderful templates for applique or designs for embroidery.

I had to share this very Scandinavian design with you. Below is a link to this free cross stitch pattern in pdf form by Jan Eaton for Tom Pudding designs.

The Scandinavian Red and White

Image result for scandinavian red and

I like how modest this nation is even though they have so much to be proud of.  #1 in the world for its sustainability and also ranked #1 in the world by the UN for its care of the elderly. Canada ranks 5th and I would have to say that our care of the elderly is somewhat fragmented as well.

Thanks for staying with me to the much to like and be inspired by.

I will be linking up with all the likes and thankfulness to be found at Not Afraid of Color and It's a Small Town Life.

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