Sunday 27 May 2018

Marshmallow Chocolate Cherry Cake, Indigo Snowballs, Slow Stitching Cornwall Cottage Sampler

I just have to tell you about a free and very sweet little stitch along occurring on Facebook called Enjoy the Little Things.  Serena Boffa Soda, the administrator, combines embroidery with patchwork beautifully and is actually providing video tutorials for each of the stitches in this project.  Many embroidery novices have signed up too and I'm so happy to see that.
Serena's fabric and colour choices for her projects are sublime and remind me of a more colourful Yuko Saito if that makes any sense.

Much happiness for Serena as her first book was published this year - Small Wonders,available Aug.1st Here.

Busy sewing piano keys which is a little boring. This project feels like it is going on forever now. I'm at the "wish I could snap my fingers and it be done" stage.
I decided on a deep blue border to go first.

I'm really hoping the piano keys will look okay next.  I'm finishing it with a cream fabric that has a deep blue filigree kind of pattern in it.  I had liked it so much I bought a lot of it a few years ago and its time has come!

Now that the summer light is here and so much rejoicing about that...
I've gotten out my cross stitch project I tucked away last fall.  My Cornwall Cottage Sampler and launched in again.  It goes without saying this will provide lots of slow stitching for the summer.  Wouldn't it be nice if I could have it finished then! I love this piece but a lot of stitches required...
Here was the start in 2017.
Murphy is bored with it she told me (and she is enough of a diva to speak her mind just like that).  The only thing she likes about it she said is it means veranda stitching again which means happy snoozing time for her.

My baking this week included a very unlikely product.  I love marshmallow anything and Older Daughter had given me two bags of toasted coconut marshmallows as part of my Mother's Day gift.
Image result for toasted coconut marshmallows
I ate one bag(!!) and thought, oh lordy, I need to get this other bag out of my sight somehow.  I decided to google what (if any) desserts you can make with these marshmallows.  Lo and behold, there are many.  Who knew?! (My mouth is actually watering as I write this!)

 Since I didn't have Rice Krispies which would have made the most wonderful squares I think, I chose to make the chocolate cherry cake. Yes, a cake with marshmallows!
 In a nutshell, here is what you do:- Into a 9 x 13 inch pan, sprinkle the whole bag of marshmallows. Mix a chocolate cake mix and pour over, then spread a can of cherry pie filling over that.  All of which I did.  The marshmallows rose to the top somehow and gave the baked cake a bit of a glaze.  Hubby has been valiantly eating it all week and it goes without saying, he loved it...chemicals and all. LOL
 I prefer to eat my marshmallows one by a snack, but that sounds so awful to say you eat marshmallows as a snack. And there's no stopping at one!

Here is one link to an easy chocolate and marshmallow cake just in case the mood should ever hit you for such an easy dessert.

I'm hoping your Sunday is sweet but definitely not glucose laden!
As usual linking with fellow stitchers at Kathy's Quilts as well as Small Quilts and Doll QuiltsCooking Up QuiltsSlow Motion by the RiverEsther's Quilt BlogSew Fresh Quilts and  Busy Hands Quilts.

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