Saturday, 28 December 2019

Various Slow Stitching Finishes, Surprising Top Five Blog Posts So Far

Facing down another year with 2020 a few days away.  It does give one pause doesn't it.
But before looking back at the whole year I have to give December its due.  It was a wonderful month with lots of good things, family time and celebrating certain events as well in it. 
I was also pleased with my stitching this month. Though I did poke a few holes in two of my right hand fingertips, it was worth it.  I did not finish 10 more of the Dresden blocks as was the monthly plan, but I did prep 5 more to hand stitch.
In its place, I finished a project that consumed almost all my time and became a special Christmas gift.  I followed a pattern found in this issue of Quiltmania Simply Vintage, Winter 2017,
called Frosty Night by Emmanuelle Specque-Lafouasse.
Here is my version which also sits as my Blogger Header photo these days.  I wanted it large enough to use as a throw.
 The little recipient loves nature and the various animals I included especially the turtle and the fox.  It was his wild turtle that went in our pond and helped the turtle population so I added a little sleeping turtle too.
I hand stitched blanket stitch around almost every item plus filled the sky with quilting stars but used the machine on the binding and did a double row just to hopefully hold it all tight.
Such a fun applique piece to work on and my reward was an enthusiastic reaction as the animals and owl got checked out.

This month I finished this pillow with an old cross stitched piece, Just Believe with a Santa Snowman.
I also stitched and gifted these two items, a table topper and Kantha style stitched redwork runner, which were well received and I was happy about that.
Now is a good time to look back at Canadian Needle Nana and which posts garnered the most attention this year. While none of these posts received my highest pageviews ever, they were the highest in 2019.  This is the only time I pay attention to pageviews; I'm much more interested in comments and the possibility of connecting with you that they bring.
Beginning with the most pageviews....
#1 Links, Woolworths Famous Cheesecake, Flowers at Last.  This post included the no bake recipe and my photos of my version.  This brought back a lot of memories for many of you and I received many wonderful comments.
                               Image result for woolworths famous cheesecake
#2 was Two Trends I've Noticed and I talked about how last January saw many stitchers anxious about finishing up old projects and also scrap busting. I was in the finish up camp which is right where I am this year! And I'm also, in my somewhat frugal heart, a happy scrappy quilter too.
#3 was titled Free Patterns, Stitching and Feeding the Birds
In this post I mentioned a link to free patterns by the wonderful designer Karen Kluba, my Cornwall Cottage piece and feeding the birds in a snowy February.
#4 Spinner Rings, Finishes, Domestic Minutiae
I was quite taken with a spinner ring Daughter gave me. I'm still on the library hold list waiting to read that book! It is immensely popular!
#5 Sensational September, Stitching, SAL, Squirrels
I included a photo of my Kathy Schmitz redworked squirrel. There are a lot of redwork fans out there!
Roseanne at Home Sewn By Us mentioned this link, Ranked Blogs, so I went to the site to give her a thumbs up vote and it was a total surprise to see Canadian Needle Nana was on the list. I don't know what the numbers represent but having said that, perhaps I should learn more about it just because learning is good for the brain. But numbers don't really interest me so I probably won't. :)

 But what really interests me is hearing from you, learning about you, being inspired by your skills and creativity.  Connecting in this big, wide world of ours.
Also happy for these link up parties- Meadow Mist DesignsThe Madd QuilterGone Stitchin',  Kathy's QuiltsSmall Quilts and Doll QuiltsLove Laugh QuiltConfessions of a Fabric AddictDevoted Quilter and Elm Street Quilts.


Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

it is nice getting on that list isn't it!! yes numbers are numbers in the end. I must look on line for that magazine and see if it is one I would want - Quiltmania is about the only magazine I get anymore. I have the recipe for the cheesecake saved on my pinterst but I haven't made it yet - I do remember eating that kind though and remember it being really good.

BillieBee (billiemick) said...

So many pretty Christmas things. They make me smile.

Shelina said...

That is a beautiful throw and a wonderful way to finish out the year.

Jenny said...

I love the beautifulthrow with the se I am animals, so cute!

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Sorry about the finger holes - I know all about those! Your quilt is very cute and I know will be loved for years to come. Interesting round up of your top posts (hmmm - wonder how to figure that out for my blog too) and went and had a peek at the Ranked Blogs. Gave a fleeting thought to exploring them all and decided I would get sucked in for hours!!

Brian's Home Blog said...

All of your things are so pretty but I really like the Frosty Night!

Verna G said...

Your needle work is lovely especially the winter scene you just finished.How do you rank your views? I never miss one of yours. Look forward to them.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Frosty Night is so fun and special, Jocelyn! I love how you personalized it for your little recipient! I imagine it will be a very special keepsake. So interesting to see your top posts - your blog is always full of neat projects and information, so I enjoy every post!

Yvonne said...

You have made some pretty things to end the year with. Love the Frosty throw and beautiful gifts. Good idea to make a pillow out of a cross stitched piece.

Jenn Jilks said...

You do such fun work! I ought to find a project for the new year.

Linda said...

Your Frosty throw is just adorable! The Kantha-style table runner is really spectacular. I always enjoy your posts/peeks into your life. :)

Patty said...

Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and congrats on your finish!

Karrin Hurd said...

What a cute quilt. I really love the redwork. I haven't done that block of Kathy's yet. Still on my to be stitched list!

MissPat said...

You've finished up some wonderful projects this month. The Frosty quilt will be treasured. I don't have a blog, but it's been fun to connect with a number of bloggers through the comments and become online friends with them. And they are from all over the world which is amazing. I count you as one of them and thoroughly enjoy your posts.

Deb said...

I just love Frosty Night and your Snowman Santa is adorable. You really have done some wonderful project this year I look forward to seeing what you do in 2020.

Jennie in GA said...

So nice to see someone else still blogging. I so enjoyed your post and look forward to perusing more of your posts as time allows. Appears that we enjoy many of the same things. Have a Happy New Year!

Danice G said...

All beautiful works you have done. I love the Frosty Night throw quilt.

CathieJ said...

You have completed so many pretty items. I really like that Santa snowman pillow.

Alcea Rosea 31 said...

I love your frosty quilt from the vintage magazine. So cute.

Little Penpen said...

Ok I went through your old posts and found myself fascinated with spinner rings, too. Your frosty quilt is adorable.

Elvira said...

Hola Jocelyn.
Me ha encantado pasearme por tu blog, tienes cosas bonitas y hechas con amor
Que empiece el nuevo año lleno de proyectos

Michele McLaughlin said...

I love your frosty nights quilt! It is lovely and so is your pillow! So much fun reading which posts are the most popular! We quilters love our sweets so it made me giggle that the Woolworth cheesecake post was number 1. I loved Woolworth's as a kid; walked to that store to get all my sewing supplies when I was young. Have a wonderful New Year Jocelyn! Hugs!

Cheryl said...

Very cute frosty quilt and other finishes! Thanks for linking up!

loulee said...

Your finished are amazing. I'm loving the frosty night quilt and the redwork runner. Happy new year to you.

Angie said...

Jocelyn - congratulations to you on your finishes. I am not the least bit surprised that the gifts were well received by the recipients - who wouldn't adore such stunning work? I am ready for the New Year, but I must admit that the move into a new decade has caught me a bit off guard - since everyone is talking about it, it seems quite momentous! Now that things have calmed down a bit here, I may actually have some time to reflect on it … Happy New Year to you!

PaintedThread said...

I can see why your animals got a great reaction. Frosty Night is cute!

K Reeves said...

I love Frosty Night, and some how missed the Woolworth's cheesecake! I so remember this from when I was just a little kid!

Leanne Parsons said...

Oh, my goodness! Your little applique animals are so adorable! What a sweet gift. You were certainly busy and accomplished a lot in December :) Thanks for linking to TGIFF this week!