Neddy walked, fire made, coffee being sipped....everything tickety boo here at the wooden house this November Sunday morning.
It's been rainy and misty down at the little pond with icy edges lately. Last year's photo but ditto for this morning's walk.
And here is a UFO from last winter I've dragged out for some slow stitching finishing in December, which is just two weeks away. EEK. Please tell me time is moving fast for you all as well, not just me.
This is so pretty. Improv Pieces of My Heart by Australian designer, Wendy Williams.
Here is a link to the post where you can watch Wendy's video showing how she created this piece and you can too. I'm very tempted to give it a try.Wendy is the designer behind the recent BOM called Color My World. I have been following The Knitting Quilter, Rosemary's progress as she works her way through the monthly patterns. You can see her wonderfully precise skyscrapers here.
All the pretty things to stitch and dream about stitching. Sustaining! Also sustaining me, your wonderful and interesting comments. I appreciate hearing from you so much. So do share what you snack on while stitching. đ
Happy to share this post with Kathy's Quilts, Small Quilts and Doll Quilts, Love Laugh Quilt, The Inquiring Quilter and Quilting is More Fun Than Housework.
i too keep snacks on hand a jar of nuts,chocolate, and sometimes a pack of cookies or crackers
ice on the edge of the pond already - guess it is pretty chilly already
I might have some small candy bars in my sewing room, or maybe some M&Ms. I don't have any reason to hide things anymore though since I am the only one here. Love your snow people, great work!
I always enjoy the views from your walks - any time of year! Those blue snowmen are really fun. I love Kathy Schmitz, and have enjoyed stitching a bunch of her designs this year, too. Pieces of my Heart is really amazing - I'll have to go watch the video. Hope you're having a lovely Sunday, Jocelyn!
The problem is that unhealthy snacks tend to be messy - and that's not a good combination with fabric! Your snowmen are cute!
I cant be trusted to snack and sew at the same time, imagine the mess I would get in with chocolate and biscuit crumbs everywhere!
That mist actually looks very cool and so do those snow peoples!
No snacks in the sewing room for me.... No room right now, perhaps once things are completed.
Yes the days are moving much too quickly for me as well.
God bless.
That is a gorgeous improv piece. Such inspiraiton.
Everything does look "tickety boo" at your place. Love the misty photo. Those snowman are adorable and the heart is gorgeous; so whimsical and happy. Thank you for the link to it.
To be honest, I don't really snack much when I'm quilting. Now and then I'll bring some M&Ms or nuts down with me, but just a tiny bit. I do have a covered dish currently full of mints with a chocolate center in my sewing room, but I forget they are there, so I don't snack on them often either! Love that pretty photo of your morning walk, and those blocks are so pretty!
I usually have some bubbly flavoured water close at hand while I sew. If I get into the zone, I sometimes forget to drink it! Looks like lots of activity in your sewing room these days! That heart quilt looks like fun
Such pretty projects you are working on. Love the red log cabin blocks and those darling snowmen. Have a great week
You're getting ice around the pond already? I didn't think you had temps that cold yet. I love your embroidered snow people! Always have a tin of peppermint patties in my sewing room. Your quilt is coming along so well! Just love it!
Your snowpeople are so cute! I don't snack while sewing because I know it will end up on my fabric. I do try to take a mug of ice water down with me to the sewing room and I've been know to take a glass of wine (or two) but I've learned to be VERY careful where I put it.
I love your views. We used to have a pond close by in Oklahoma where I grew up and I can remember those crisp cold mornings with ice at the edges of it. Yes this morning as I recorded temperatures I noticed it is November 15, and I felt sad! This month always goes by so quickly. I have never had a snack in my sewing room, I guess the kitchen is so close I never think about it. Thanks for the link - I'm off to see how Wendy did that beautiful piece. Hope your Sunday was cozy and fun Jocelyn!
I had ice on the water that accumulated in my wagon the other day, it was about 1/2 an inch thick. Then yesterday it snowed all day, just damp and dreary. Love your snowmen. The improv heart is so pretty.
Loving the home stitching project. I was with oldest son's family for a lunch time meal, a delicious meal and a walk.
I try very hard not to snack while I'm stitching but who was I to resist a fresh-from-the-oven cookie delivered this afternoon by Resident Chef?
I know what you mean about stitching temptation....there are so many things I want to make and I doubt I'll live long enough to do even a fraction of them. There are so many photos of old buildings that I yearn to turn into fabric pieces but only so much space to store them.
The blue stitcheries are very sweet and I love that amazing heart!
How I love your fog photograph! It's beautiful. I love how the mist/fog mutes the colors and blends the edges.
Your log cabin blocks look great. It's always fun to see the fabrics other quilters use.
Sadly, I do have a stash in the room where I sew (and use the computer, scanner, etc.) and it's too close to the computer. A dull or indecisive moment invites a hand into the container for a piece of chocolate or some other little treat. I really should move them.
The heart is such fun. I'll be interested to see if you decide to make one.
you take the best photos
Our house is only 500 square feet, so I don't have a sewing room, I have a sewing corner of a kitchen table. I stopped snacking around sewing projects after dropping a bit of peanut butter off some toast onto an almost completed quilt and leaving a large, oily spot when I tried to carefully wipe it off. (Luckily it came out, but I was pretty stressed by it!)
Got to think of some healthy, non-staining, non-oily snacks that are easy to eat and still worth eating. Lol!
Thank you for mentioning me in your post! So nice of you!
Love those snowmen. I have a KS Snowman BOM and somewhere I have a pattern that I bought the blue thread to use! HUMM where or where is it! My snack is a cup of coffee and a few chips. Wish I could eat those Cashews again - Nuts are the healthiest snack! Hugs
Those snowmen are so beautiful! What a fun winter project they will make. Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.
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